March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Couple y’all acting like it’s so easy to learn a new language..It’s not like her or Nak are in college and having a few years to learn it. They’re training, traveling, doing meet and greets, wrestling, and the 20 other things a day/week that life demands..Throwing learn a new language into the mix isn’t exactly a piece of cake..

what up LIJ/NTWT fam. Hope y'all staying blessed out chea this weekend.

As far as the #AsianExcellence detractors are concerned. As someone who studies Japanese, English is actually statistically the most difficult language for anyone not native to learn. Most Linguistics expert will confirm this to be the case.

Learning Japanese has been challenging sure, but once you get particles down, it's really quite simple.

Our sentence structure, double meanings, and slang are all difficult for non natives to master.
Won't be around for Fastlane. Even if i was, I probably wasn't watching :lol: .

Taker byke tn?
Y'all really think they'd do Rusev vs Styles as one of the main events of Wrestlemania? :lol: Rusev got over without them planning on it, so they have to squash his momentum.

Corbin already faced Nakamura
Ziggler already faced Nakamura
KO already faced Nakamura
Zayn vs Nakamura one on one would be really good again, but that's not happening
Cena is probably facing Taker and there were reports he has a "much bigger match" than styles
Now your a linguistics major
Now your an linguistics major

Never said that.

Putting words in my mouth like you put **** in yours.

My Japanese professor, Taiwanese born film professor, and pretty much every non native friend I know has confirmed this to be the case.

If you wish, I will go get scholarly articles.
Couple y’all acting like it’s so easy to learn a new language..It’s not like her or Nak are in college and having a few years to learn it. They’re training, traveling, doing meet and greets, wrestling, and the 20 other things a day/week that life demands..Throwing learn a new language into the mix isn’t exactly a piece of cake..
the nba guys do it pretty well
Remember when rusev threatened to leave SDL and go back to Bulgaria unless he talked to shane and Daniel the next week then it got dropped? That was supposed to be Rusev's wwe title push but it went to Jinder instead. What could've been...
Jinder was best for business. wwe stock sky rocketed thanks to the Maharaja
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