March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I get wanting to do something at Manhattan Center for nostalgia purposes, but what's the point of using 2 arenas for this?
I get wanting to do something at Manhattan Center for nostalgia purposes, but what's the point of using 2 arenas for this?

Manhattan Center show is gonna have the old school feel while the Barclays will probably advance new storylines with the current roster.
Manhattan Center show is gonna have the old school feel while the Barclays will probably advance new storylines with the current roster.
So is there going to be matches at Manhattan Center? My assumption is that Stone Cold and Taker will both be at Barclays. People just gonna go to Manhattan Center to see APA and NAO?
So is there going to be matches at Manhattan Center? My assumption is that Stone Cold and Taker will both be at Barclays. People just gonna go to Manhattan Center to see APA and NAO?

Came in to ask about them two :lol: . I'll be at Barclay's. Trying to see Austin badly. Really hope he's not at MC.
Rumble match gonna be wack if there's no AJ/KO/Zayn/Rollins/Cesaro/Braun. Hopefully some of these dudes can do double duty.
So they've mentioned Tama and Fale, showed pictures of them in NJPW, and talked the IWGP titles...
For a company that doesn't ever acknowledge it's competitors, they've definitely referred to some NJPW stuff tonight.
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