March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

  • Most of John Cena’s post-Royal Rumble bookings are on Raw and involve working against Samoa Joe in tag and multi-man matches.
  • Still, a program with Joe is seen as filler to get to bigger plans for him at WrestleMania. Observer Radio speculated his match against Undertaker there could be set-up at Raw 25 in two weeks.
  • It’s believed the Chris Jericho vs. Tetsuya Naito match set-up at New Year’s Dash!! will take place when New Japan returns to California on Mar. 25 for Strong Style Evolved.
  • Serena Deeb was seen in Pittsburgh Monday, according to PWInsider. WWE does pre-signing medical testing there, and this coincides with sources telling the site the company was interested in bringing her back after the Mae Young Classic.
Roll TIDE!!!!!
John Cena on the time he pooped himself in a match:

It was in Winnipeg, and I was wrestling Scott Steiner, with Bull Buchanan as my lackey,” Cena said in response to a question asking him about the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to him in or out of the ring. “I got food poisoning and thought I wouldn’t be able to wrestle, but went out there anyway. I took a DDT, rolled out and the time-keeper was there. I looked him in the eye and said, “Where do I puke?” And he said, “Under the ring.” So I went under the ring and puked and everyone knew it. But as I was puking I crapped my pants. Luckily, it was at the end of the match, but nothing has ever topped that since.
:lol: I need to find me a group ?? I think its time to bring back L.W.O @James Ellsworth DA GAWD @elcubanodel510 ???? or " LOS FLYS" ??? D Fly D Fly

Los Flys 4 life :pimp:

When I throw out at least 2 Shield members, I’m drowning them in A1 sauce afterwards.

They'd prolly like that.

@3dgarfly23 Peep Game Peep Game D Fly D Fly any of y’all remember who all the current NTWT Champs are?..

I was gonna go look real quick but Hustle got it all covered. IC is vacant tho.

I’m dreading to see who I get..Probably gonna be a Singh brother or Karl Anderson..

You gonna draw Shinsuke and win just because you said this :lol:

You want your p**** drowned in A1? Pretty sure you’ll get another yeast infection that way.


Exhibit #4

As soon as I read Gene post I knew this would be soon after :lol:

You gonna get Cena.

Great way to kill the mood. I will show up to your house and throw you off your la-Z-Boy.


NT Shield thought they were getting Kirk Ankle in hustle but instead they getting whiny *** Jason Jordan instead :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



They thought they were getting Kurt Angle

But they got Eric Angle instead

I'm gonna be :lol: when @4wrestling eliminates Los Ingobernables de NT & NT shield

The darkest timeline.

I’m disappointed in you....pick a side a stay on it. Just a month ago.....



Rhino knows what is up he was witness to all the slander he received from Shield and now look at him :lol:

A Rhino never forgets. His memory rivals the homie @bigego24

Have no idea, but I would’ve just vacated all the titles and booked a bunch of 5 ways


Good look biHust1e. IC vacant tho.

Has anyone in here NOT lost their mind yet?

DSK & bigpat the only sane ones left.

@22stylez a cool dude I kicked it with him he got that Okada rain maker swag and he drinks like a fish :lol:
Case Case really is a bitter old man in real life he is not playing a role that I can assure you.

I picture Case being a grumpy uncle version of Kevin Owens


John Cena on the time he pooped himself in a match:

It was in Winnipeg, and I was wrestling Scott Steiner, with Bull Buchanan as my lackey,” Cena said in response to a question asking him about the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to him in or out of the ring. “I got food poisoning and thought I wouldn’t be able to wrestle, but went out there anyway. I took a DDT, rolled out and the time-keeper was there. I looked him in the eye and said, “Where do I puke?” And he said, “Under the ring.” So I went under the ring and puked and everyone knew it. But as I was puking I crapped my pants. Luckily, it was at the end of the match, but nothing has ever topped that since.
As long as Austin, Rock & (I guess) Taker are at Barclay's for Raw 25 I'm good.
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