March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Interesting reddit thread.....

So far, Billy Kidman still stands out to me in recent times. Always loved the dude growing up, but when I met him and he was so thankful to hear me say the things I said to him, that **** hit me.

EDIT: KO was cool too, when I met him and he took time to come say hi to my buddy who was too shy to bug him in the Sbux line in O'Hare. I respect the Cheerio.
Different situations, but as far as wrestlers go, the nicest I've ever dealt with are Rock, Owen,. Steph, Steen, Dana, Bayley, Nia, Heenan, and RnR Express. Honorable mention to Omega and The Bucks, though.
I do find it funny when people take a bad encounter to heart though.

They really don't owe us anything so it is appreciated when some do decide to be nice.

If they aren't then oh well lol

Different situations, but as far as wrestlers go, the nicest I've ever dealt with are Rock, Owen,. Steph, Steen, Dana, Bayley, Nia, Heenan, and RnR Express. Honorable mention to Omega and The Bucks, though.

Who were the not so nice ones you've encountered?
Is Sasha really a b*tch though? She just said she doesn't like to be stalked at airports. I've never read any bad interactions with her. The only thing I've read that sort of supports it was when they were in attendance at a TakeOver and someone in attendance said Sasha was ignoring everyone but Becky Lynch was smiling and saying hi to people
Never had any bad interactions with wrestlers but not gonna bother them if they’re eating. Just a, yo, what’s up? Met Shane Douglas, Tammy Fytch, Francine, Bubba Ray, and New Jack, who were all cool. Shane had the *** bag, it was just after he had his elbow surgery, prob summer 98.

Saw Christopher Daniels and Shawn Daivair at IHOP late at night and they told me they just got done wrestling at a show. Told them cool and enjoy their meal.

Met Antonio Inoki in Vegas, 5 mins later saw Ron Jeremy, weekend of the AVNs 2002.
Not much man. Shot some shots earlier with some bird I used to mess with. Now at work working on the schedule.

I love all peoples of Asia. I am not picky unless it is for a visa, Japan is the preferred choice haha.

I have been in contact with some really beautiful Indonesian women and Filipina's. Only issue with the Indonesian women I have met they are usually pretty devout Muslim's and they aren't about me being more feminine than they are.

Love Filipino food so I would lock one down with the quickness based off that alone. They also usually are pretty thick, at least the ones I see around my way.

At the end of the day, I am not that bias.

Older Filipinas :evil:
Older Filipinas :evil:

Bret Hart was the worst I've ever met..Shane, Francine, and Bam Bam were bye far the nicest..Flair and Hall were super drunk when I met them but they were pretty cool..Ron Mystery probably still hates me for telling everyone who he was when he didn't have his mask on..
Bret Hart was the worst I've ever met..Shane, Francine, and Bam Bam were bye far the nicest..Flair and Hall were super drunk when I met them but they were pretty cool..Ron Mystery probably still hates me for telling everyone who he was when he didn't have his mask on..

Breaking the Kayfabe for the guy. Damn man, what a joykill.
Is Sasha really a b*tch though? She just said she doesn't like to be stalked at airports. I've never read any bad interactions with her. The only thing I've read that sort of supports it was when they were in attendance at a TakeOver and someone in attendance said Sasha was ignoring everyone but Becky Lynch was smiling and saying hi to people

I think it's mostly cause she's been bombarded at hotels at like 3am. Nobody wants to deal with that garbage
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