March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Sup brudda

Not much man. Shot some shots earlier with some bird I used to mess with. Now at work working on the schedule.

drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 does your yellow fever only apply to Japanese women or are you down with all Asian women (Korean, Chinese, Filipino, Thai etc.) ?

I love all peoples of Asia. I am not picky unless it is for a visa, Japan is the preferred choice haha.

I have been in contact with some really beautiful Indonesian women and Filipina's. Only issue with the Indonesian women I have met they are usually pretty devout Muslim's and they aren't about me being more feminine than they are.

Love Filipino food so I would lock one down with the quickness based off that alone. They also usually are pretty thick, at least the ones I see around my way.

At the end of the day, I am not that bias.
Having chilled with her without all that sht on her face, can confirm 100000%.
Not a ton to tell. Was backstage at Raw last fall and lucked into some 1 on 1 time with her. She was an absolute sweetheart. Talked to me about all kinds of stuff, including what I thought of her character at the time, and was super sincere about it. From that 45-ish minutes, she's got a fan for life in me.

That is cool man. I always consider myself lucky to have positive interactions thus far with all the performers I meet. That first bad one is probably gonna be a tough pill to swallow, but realistically, it is bound to happen. They are humans just like us.
That is cool man. I always consider myself lucky to have positive interactions thus far with all the performers I meet. That first bad one is probably gonna be a tough pill to swallow, but realistically, it is bound to happen. They are humans just like us.

Very true. Most of mine have been great. Only a few buttholes, and the good ones have FAR exceeded the bad.
To this day the only wrestling person I've met That wasn't at least polite is Nattie.
I’ve heard a lot of people say Sasha isn’t nice in person. Met her in Des Moines a few years ago very nice to me anyways. Maybe she was “nice” since it was a convention and she was paid to be there ? Nicest famous person I’ve met has got to be Lolo Jones ! Damn fine in person and polite ! Would've wifed Lolo right there!!!
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Nattie was a b****?

I remember I was going into work last year and I was walking into the mall where I worked at the time. I heard a real familiar voice and I turned and I saw Nattie. She was on the phone so I didn't bug her but I kind of waved and smiled at her like "Hey, your Nattie, that's cool". She waved back and kept it moving.

Later on I saw her in the food court and some dude bumped into her and she lowkey flipped her **** on the dude.
I met Norman Smiley at a Wal-Mart one time. I was with my friends and saw someone wearing a WWE jacket wondering if he was a really big fan or actually worked for them. We went over and asked and he told us he works for them. Had his name under the WWE logo (scratch logo at the time) Told us that he trained people in NXT. Really cool guy.
She didn't even bother to look up or speak :lol:

Kidd was really chill and friendly himself though he looked super out of it

That's crazy! My friend met her out & about and said she couldn't have been any nicer to him.
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