March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I hope stone cold is in Brooklyn as I will be in attendance. If they split the roster with all the classic superstars at Manhattan center I will be beyond pissed.
I hope stone cold is in Brooklyn as I will be in attendance. If they split the roster with all the classic superstars at Manhattan center I will be beyond pissed.
Have a hard time believing that the really big names won't be at Barclays. They aren't wasting the pops those guys would get on a 3,000 seat venue.
@Bend_The_Knee ended up giving the Double J episode a listen..Actually was entertaining even though I hate JJ..Decided to go back to watch the episode of Raw Is War where he returns in 1997..It happens to be the episode with the NoD/Hart Foundation/DX racist promo stuff..Great show..
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