March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Steve Austin comes to mind...easily
I would say Goldberg is in a class of his own. Sullivan said he modeled alot of what they did with Goldberg from Tyson. Black trunks, preMatch walkout.

After that, I think of Brock and Vader. Brock shows good intensity, Vaders Wcw theme brought an element of fear to the opponent, added with cockiness.

Austin Glass Break and his walk comes to mind.

Can't think of anyone else. Younger dudes, Alister Black.

In NJPW, Kitamura
Top 5 Rumbles?

Shows or matches? I’m going with matches.

1. 95 (the reason why I’m in wrestling)
2. 2007 (Taker vs. Michaels)
3. 2003 (Quality Match)
4. 1994 (Very Underrated Rumble Match)
5. 2011 (First one I watched live)

How can we transfer this convo into something wrestling related?

Are there any wrestlers that come to mind that "defeat" thier opponents before the fight starts?

@cosmiccoffee9 datboi81 datboi81


Okada is getting to that level now after winning this Wrestle Kingdom. You can tell his character is getting cockier again.
Figured I’d have to:

Cena and Tanahashi are more their presence. Think about it, we don’t even give people a shot to win against them for the most part and it’s still a surprise when someone goes over them.

For Cena: I think of the AJ, DB, and KO matches. While Cena lost those(first one to KO), it was them against the stigma and image of “Big Match John” where they didn’t “belong in the ring with him.” Then you look at the other feuds like Bray and Rusev too. Same thing, but instead he did completely crush them. Even his ladder match against Dolph and his matches against Punk. They were still the underdogs and for it not be for outside factors, they wouldn’t have won.

Tanahashi: basically the same thing. Obviously he’s passed the torch on a little quicker than Cena has, but Okada couldn’t get passed that hump of Tana at WK, Naito could beat him, but couldn’t take him out as the ACE until last year. Tanahashi is better at making stars out of people taking the pin, but he still had that big match aura for a long time that creates doubt in his opponents minds as if they can beat him.
Didn’t know the WWE had anything to do with that movie Sleight. It’s pretty good and looks too legit to have WWE involvement :lol
This is another example of something I put in my YouTube Watch Later (over a year ago) and never watched.

Watch a couple of Docs on Freaknik after Cartoon Network made the animated movie about it lol.

As someone who grew up in Daytona Beach and saw "Freaknik Lite" during Springbreak, **** was mad interesting to me. I truly think my aversion to skinny white women is because of 90s hip hop videos lmao.
Colorado Stingrays
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