March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Here’s the area they’ll be in. Not a bad seat in that place imo

Oooooooooooooooooo the old Long Beach NBA Summer League spot.

I have always wanted to go to that venue

Asuka should have choked the **** out of her.

I used to really like Honda, but she knows her ceiling fell after her losses and now is gonna do what others have tried and utilize Vince to get into films. I can't knock the hustle but this is gonna be real awful lol

another one I swear had a **** at some point.

This dude Velveteen Dream is epic. I thought I would hate the character but he OWNS it.

He really makes me question how authentic he is, and that is testament to his character acting
NXT roster is looking really deep right now. I feel like they either have to make the show longer, or move some guys up.

still got drew, who is going to be back in a few months
to think gargano was a "enhancement" talent on nxt to begin with :lol:
if anything that cwc got those guys signed. wonder if some of the talent would be better off staying at nxt to develop
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