Marriage with an Expiration date, Debate Vol. To Renew or not...

Jan 8, 2009
So i've been on here for years, and can probably be considered to be lurking for the past 2-3 years with the occasional post from time to time. 
We all know there are always the wifey topics, marriage, family, divorce, cheating etc posts...
well i've been thinking, (apparently i'm  not the only one who has thought of this.) but what if a marriage license had an expiration date, like 5-7years later, and the couple may renew if both parties see fit. I mean we have to renew our car licenses, or a better example is when you buy a new car or home you think it will be with you forever, as time goes on you have a change of heart, become unhappy or wish to change your path in life.

I'd be personally for it as you may keep renewing and both parties would have to agree. A person in an unstable relationship may have a easier way to get out like this.

Just a thought, whats your take?
So i've been on here for years, and can probably be considered to be lurking for the past 2-3 years with the occasional post from time to time. 
We all know there are always the wifey topics, marriage, family, divorce, cheating etc posts...
well i've been thinking, (apparently i'm  not the only one who has thought of this.) but what if a marriage license had an expiration date, like 5-7years later, and the couple may renew if both parties see fit. I mean we have to renew our car licenses, or a better example is when you buy a new car or home you think it will be with you forever, as time goes on you have a change of heart, become unhappy or wish to change your path in life.

I'd be personally for it as you may keep renewing and both parties would have to agree. A person in an unstable relationship may have a easier way to get out like this.

Just a thought, whats your take?
Interesting approach. Never even thought about it. Marriage is one of the few contracts that we "sign" on forever.

1. Now let me ask. What would be the "termination fee" if someone decides to opt out during the add/drop period? If me and my wife decide to call it quits after the initial 5 years, would we face a penalty for deciding to call it quits?

2. Would we create a new section under status, because would it technically be considered divorce? I guess it could but it isn't divorce in a traditional sense.
Interesting approach. Never even thought about it. Marriage is one of the few contracts that we "sign" on forever.

1. Now let me ask. What would be the "termination fee" if someone decides to opt out during the add/drop period? If me and my wife decide to call it quits after the initial 5 years, would we face a penalty for deciding to call it quits?

2. Would we create a new section under status, because would it technically be considered divorce? I guess it could but it isn't divorce in a traditional sense.
i'd probably opt out after the 1st term!!!
 id be the type to give it my all during contract year.. & say $#%@^ once i get that new contract. 
there are incentives, right? 
 id be the type to give it my all during contract year.. & say $#%@^ once i get that new contract. 
there are incentives, right? 
Answer...cleverly constructed prenups....I agree with this movement for Civil Unions. Marriages are a church issue and, because we have that whole separation of church and state, should control the rules of marriage (yeah threw some opinion in there, what about it).
Answer...cleverly constructed prenups....I agree with this movement for Civil Unions. Marriages are a church issue and, because we have that whole separation of church and state, should control the rules of marriage (yeah threw some opinion in there, what about it).
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Interesting approach. Never even thought about it. Marriage is one of the few contracts that we "sign" on forever.

1. Now let me ask. What would be the "termination fee" if someone decides to opt out during the add/drop period? If me and my wife decide to call it quits after the initial 5 years, would we face a penalty for deciding to call it quits?

2. Would we create a new section under status, because would it technically be considered divorce? I guess it could but it isn't divorce in a traditional sense.

This is all just opinion but i'm sure there would difference between this and reg. marriage, if anything like this ever took off. I would assume there would be no fee for just letting it expire, it would just expire. That would possibly lead to some modifications on taxes to include this in there, and of course other clauses would be added for death and hospital visitations... all that can be speculated if we ever move closer to something like this. Really i just thought about it as i noticed that it is one of the few if not only things that we sign "forever" and more than often as people get olderer their views/idea's/train of thought changes with time.
i would figure under status you would be considered single if not renewed past 1 "term" just a opinion any idea's would be welcomed but i think the overall thought of this would help out lots of marriages as they may not take for granted what they have or as they actually can see a end to the "madness" they call marriage, plus possible get rid of that notion that "things change once you get married", because the individual would have an out.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Interesting approach. Never even thought about it. Marriage is one of the few contracts that we "sign" on forever.

1. Now let me ask. What would be the "termination fee" if someone decides to opt out during the add/drop period? If me and my wife decide to call it quits after the initial 5 years, would we face a penalty for deciding to call it quits?

2. Would we create a new section under status, because would it technically be considered divorce? I guess it could but it isn't divorce in a traditional sense.

This is all just opinion but i'm sure there would difference between this and reg. marriage, if anything like this ever took off. I would assume there would be no fee for just letting it expire, it would just expire. That would possibly lead to some modifications on taxes to include this in there, and of course other clauses would be added for death and hospital visitations... all that can be speculated if we ever move closer to something like this. Really i just thought about it as i noticed that it is one of the few if not only things that we sign "forever" and more than often as people get olderer their views/idea's/train of thought changes with time.
i would figure under status you would be considered single if not renewed past 1 "term" just a opinion any idea's would be welcomed but i think the overall thought of this would help out lots of marriages as they may not take for granted what they have or as they actually can see a end to the "madness" they call marriage, plus possible get rid of that notion that "things change once you get married", because the individual would have an out.
Ok another question.

Would each term be a 5-7 year contract? Say I get past the first term (7 years), would my next term be another 7 years? What would you propose?

I think there should be some unity when it comes to contract length if this were to ever be a new system.
Ok another question.

Would each term be a 5-7 year contract? Say I get past the first term (7 years), would my next term be another 7 years? What would you propose?

I think there should be some unity when it comes to contract length if this were to ever be a new system.
Man this is a really really good system. Divorces are ugly, this lessens the blow f you have to get one, and with an incentive plan, idk what that would be but there would have to be one maybe some state tax breaks to encourage people staying together at each renewal I could see people sticking it out haha and it would create a new culture towards marriage because it's clear the same rules don't apply today as did 50 years ago.
Man this is a really really good system. Divorces are ugly, this lessens the blow f you have to get one, and with an incentive plan, idk what that would be but there would have to be one maybe some state tax breaks to encourage people staying together at each renewal I could see people sticking it out haha and it would create a new culture towards marriage because it's clear the same rules don't apply today as did 50 years ago.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Ok another question.

Would each term be a 5-7 year contract? Say I get past the first term (7 years), would my next term be another 7 years? What would you propose?

I think there should be some unity when it comes to contract length if this were to ever be a new system.
I would say there could be a set period of 5 or 7 years. supposedly i googled this right before i posted and someone in a no name website stated the average marriage is 7 years, and they had the idea of the 5-7 years. i just through that out there to have something to go on, nothing is set in stone but if some movement like this gets started just imagine the possibilities. 
[quote]Then what if you have kids with that person, whole new ball game right?[/quote]

possibly the same as marriage now or kids out of wedlock. which ever is more beneficiary to the kids imo
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Ok another question.

Would each term be a 5-7 year contract? Say I get past the first term (7 years), would my next term be another 7 years? What would you propose?

I think there should be some unity when it comes to contract length if this were to ever be a new system.
I would say there could be a set period of 5 or 7 years. supposedly i googled this right before i posted and someone in a no name website stated the average marriage is 7 years, and they had the idea of the 5-7 years. i just through that out there to have something to go on, nothing is set in stone but if some movement like this gets started just imagine the possibilities. 
[quote]Then what if you have kids with that person, whole new ball game right?[/quote]

possibly the same as marriage now or kids out of wedlock. which ever is more beneficiary to the kids imo
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