Married Niketalkers, How much did your wedding cost you?

You do what you are comfortable with and what you can afford. Everyone has a different scenario, different wants and needs. If i only had x$ to my name i wouldnt spend it all on a wedding, but some people may and some wont, and thats their call to make tbh.
Man if that day comes. We going to city hall than a reception at nice place no more than 5k total. Rack up the gifts. And spend 10k on an unforgettable honeymoon.
Hold on, excuse my ignorance. But people TAKE loans out for weddings?


and here i am over here complaining about 5-10k on a wedding me and my wife never had we just went to the courthouse.

But 40k on a one day event is hard for me to justify

and here i am over here complaining about 5-10k on a wedding me and my wife never had we just went to the courthouse.

But 40k on a one day event is hard for me to justify
Yea, it isn't for me but who am I to tell someone they shouldn't.

But like you said, SHEESH. That is a lot to drop on ONE momentary experience. (To me)

People take loans out to buy a ****ing sneaker (and pretty much anything you can imagine), you dont think some folks would do the same for a wedding??
:smh: @ If true.

I guess I never really thought about it honestly. Yea, to go in the hole for that, wild move. But again, whatever works for you.
Me and the wife dropped 10k on a garden wedding. Which included reception and a horse and carriage entrance. It was dope to see her face. I didnt even wanna spend that much, but im glad it turned out perfect.
$80 :pimp:

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There’s a lot of dudes out there with women that have no resale value though.

i definitely still think it's dumb to spend a ton of money if you don't have it.

if you're wealthy though, why the heck not splurge? if i made over 250k annually, our wedding would have probably been a little different but that would mostly be including a few more people (we got married on maui and i would have flown in more people and put them up in the beautiful hotel we were at) and my wife's engagement ring would be a little bit bigger - that's about it. i'd keep the same location and reception because it was great.
We dropped $30k on our wedding and honeymoon. We were fortunate to not be in debt afterwards.
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