Marvel Capcom 3 roster leaked???

I was really hoping for Punisher / Jigsaw / Daredevil / Kingpin / Ghost Rider / Deathlok on the Marvel side....anyways if the list is legit or not...didn't they say they were going to keep adding characters up until the game was near release, so we have a full year for things to change don't we?
List is weak as $*@* fake or not.

hopefully cammy, venom, gambit, cable, ken, guile, and vega make it to the roster before its all said and done.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

In an interview, it was said that Marvel demanded that NO ONE from the Fantastic Four be in the game (Johnny, Sue, Ben or Reed) and low and behold this roster has Reed in it. FAKE
why? i don't understand that.
There goes my Storm, Cable & Sentinel team
 Hopefully there's secret characters or unlockables
Originally Posted by JN115

There goes my Storm, Cable & Sentinel team
 Hopefully there's secret characters or unlockables
Lol you say it as if that's some slick lineup that you crafted
Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

I was really hoping for Punisher / Jigsaw / Daredevil / Kingpin / Ghost Rider / Deathlok on the Marvel side....anyways if the list is legit or not...didn't they say they were going to keep adding characters up until the game was near release, so we have a full year for things to change don't we?
True that, those are some good picks.  Hopefully they continue to add characters like they said.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

In an interview, it was said that Marvel demanded that NO ONE from the Fantastic Four be in the game (Johnny, Sue, Ben or Reed) and low and behold this roster has Reed in it. FAKE
why? i don't understand that.

From the article:
AusGamers: So we can't talk about any characters that are in the game (beyond those already revealed), but can I ask what characters didn't make the cut from either the Capcom or Marvel side you really wanted in there?

Niitsuma: Oh, that's a really nice question. There's actually quite a list of characters who were on the table until mid-development who just couldn't make it into the game for various reasons, but I wanted to include a couple of the monster-type characters, you know, from Resident Evil such as Nemesis or Tyrant, but they were considered a little to grotesque and disgusting and for ratings reasons they just didn't make it. From the Marvel side there were a couple we were considering using, such as some of the Fantastic Four characters, but for various reasons we just couldn't implement them, or they weren't on the right table but Marvel came back and said "why not use this character instead", and we responded "oh, okay that's fine", but unfortunately we couldn't get any of the Fantastic Four into the game
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JN115

There goes my Storm, Cable & Sentinel team
 Hopefully there's secret characters or unlockables
Lol you say it as if that's some slick lineup that you crafted

That is a pretty damn good team, though...
I agree i think punisher, daredevil, and ghost rider would have been really nice. I would love to see Nemesis make it, too bad

But im just super glad dead pool made it. One of my fav marvel charaters of all time. Regardless of who makes it the game is gonna be fun.
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