Marvel VS. Capcom 3 360 x PS3 Tournament Thread Vol. ULTIMATE MVC3 IN NOV!!!!

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Takes NO skill to cheese. Now if u want to straight combo and OTG
immobile characters to the point they can't even get a hit in, than
that's a diff story. Still tryna get that down.

that statement is completely false
sitting in a corner hitting A1 or A2 to call doom hidden missiles while you stand H, crouch H with sent doesn't take that much skill.

neither does lightning legs x n.

neither does spamming cold star.

neither does spamming em disruptor.

etc. etc.

but i'm not one to complain too much about it. find a way around it and annihilate spammers. it wouldn't even be a problem if ranked had a rematch option, IMO. its like i see new spam options i hadn't seen before each time i play ranked.
sitting in a corner hitting A1 or A2 to call doom hidden missiles while you stand H, crouch H with sent doesn't take that much skill.

neither does lightning legs x n.

neither does spamming cold star.

neither does spamming em disruptor.

etc. etc.

but i'm not one to complain too much about it. find a way around it and annihilate spammers. it wouldn't even be a problem if ranked had a rematch option, IMO. its like i see new spam options i hadn't seen before each time i play ranked.
for spammers i just use sent assist and tele with dante, or use that web glide with spidey
for spammers i just use sent assist and tele with dante, or use that web glide with spidey
Originally Posted by debs 168

sitting in a corner hitting A1 or A2 to call doom hidden missiles while you stand H, crouch H with sent doesn't take that much skill.

neither does lightning legs x n.

neither does spamming cold star.

neither does spamming em disruptor.

etc. etc.

but i'm not one to complain too much about it. find a way around it and annihilate spammers. it wouldn't even be a problem if ranked had a rematch option, IMO. its like i see new spam options i hadn't seen before each time i play ranked.

but doing those things while keeping your assist character alive does take skill...idk if u just stand there while people spam but i know, i for one am gonna try and kill that assist character before he even gets in the match...
Originally Posted by debs 168

sitting in a corner hitting A1 or A2 to call doom hidden missiles while you stand H, crouch H with sent doesn't take that much skill.

neither does lightning legs x n.

neither does spamming cold star.

neither does spamming em disruptor.

etc. etc.

but i'm not one to complain too much about it. find a way around it and annihilate spammers. it wouldn't even be a problem if ranked had a rematch option, IMO. its like i see new spam options i hadn't seen before each time i play ranked.

but doing those things while keeping your assist character alive does take skill...idk if u just stand there while people spam but i know, i for one am gonna try and kill that assist character before he even gets in the match...
let me expand on that more using myself as an main team is Arthur/Hagger/Sent...a problem most people have is they just pick characters that they like instead of picking a character that assisst and compliments the other characters

Arthur- Arthur is a zoning character, he has not only close to 0 reach, he is incredibly slow, deals terrible damage, and can be killed by some characters in one combo.... now Arthurs 1 tool is his projectiles which are the best in the game. so why would i rush into someone if i can avoid it? so of course what i do is play the character the way he is supposed to be played and zone people out with a barrage of projectiles, not only that but i have sent comming in constintly as an assist adding even more projectiles making it even harder for my opponet to get to me....then i also have haggers lariat at my disposal if the opponet is able to get around my projectiles and get to me....i litteraly got a perfect on someone just this morning doing this, what do u want me to do? if ur gonna keep getting hit, im gonna keep doing the same thing, you want me to stop because u rush in with no strategy? yea im sure he would say i only won because i cheating spammer, but how is it cheating when i played the character exactly like he was meant to be played?

Hagger- Now Hagger is extremely strong, but also extremely slow with no projectiles. So how do i get in to the opponent you ask? i call in more sentinal assists or Arthur assists if hes still alive....without these assissts hagger losses about half of his health get shot in the face before hes even able to cover enough space to catch the other character. with these assists however hes able to easly get to the opponet, because the projectiles either A. hit and cancel out the other charcters projectiles or B. hits them and stuns them long enough for me to get there..people can say im spamming but im just playing smart, why slowly chase around an opponet while getting hit if i dont need to?

Sent- ussually by the time he gets in everyone else is dead and he just baller and ussually has level 3 x factor

Now some of u would probablly be complaining after this match saying im a spammer with no skill, but thats far from the truth. I built a team that compliments each other, some of yall need to realize that I DIDNT PICK 3 CHARACTERS, I PICKED A TEAM. and i used each member of that team exactly how they should be played. yea i probably was spamming projectiles with sent or Arthur all game but im not just doing it randomly with no process or thinking behind it. So all though it may seem like theres no skill involved your wrong, your just not thinking deep enough into the game to build a team that can counter something like this
let me expand on that more using myself as an main team is Arthur/Hagger/Sent...a problem most people have is they just pick characters that they like instead of picking a character that assisst and compliments the other characters

Arthur- Arthur is a zoning character, he has not only close to 0 reach, he is incredibly slow, deals terrible damage, and can be killed by some characters in one combo.... now Arthurs 1 tool is his projectiles which are the best in the game. so why would i rush into someone if i can avoid it? so of course what i do is play the character the way he is supposed to be played and zone people out with a barrage of projectiles, not only that but i have sent comming in constintly as an assist adding even more projectiles making it even harder for my opponet to get to me....then i also have haggers lariat at my disposal if the opponet is able to get around my projectiles and get to me....i litteraly got a perfect on someone just this morning doing this, what do u want me to do? if ur gonna keep getting hit, im gonna keep doing the same thing, you want me to stop because u rush in with no strategy? yea im sure he would say i only won because i cheating spammer, but how is it cheating when i played the character exactly like he was meant to be played?

Hagger- Now Hagger is extremely strong, but also extremely slow with no projectiles. So how do i get in to the opponent you ask? i call in more sentinal assists or Arthur assists if hes still alive....without these assissts hagger losses about half of his health get shot in the face before hes even able to cover enough space to catch the other character. with these assists however hes able to easly get to the opponet, because the projectiles either A. hit and cancel out the other charcters projectiles or B. hits them and stuns them long enough for me to get there..people can say im spamming but im just playing smart, why slowly chase around an opponet while getting hit if i dont need to?

Sent- ussually by the time he gets in everyone else is dead and he just baller and ussually has level 3 x factor

Now some of u would probablly be complaining after this match saying im a spammer with no skill, but thats far from the truth. I built a team that compliments each other, some of yall need to realize that I DIDNT PICK 3 CHARACTERS, I PICKED A TEAM. and i used each member of that team exactly how they should be played. yea i probably was spamming projectiles with sent or Arthur all game but im not just doing it randomly with no process or thinking behind it. So all though it may seem like theres no skill involved your wrong, your just not thinking deep enough into the game to build a team that can counter something like this
^good post.
not spam, just good tactics/strategys
spamming does not take skill, period.
i play two zoning characters myself (task and deadpool) and easily switch between rushdown and runaway with either. i don't sit in one spot and spam. yes, i could, but screw that. that %@!! is boring and reflects on the player.

a good player should be able to get in there without relying on CHEAP tactics in order to scrub out a win. like i said, it works in ranked but do that %@!! in a player match and i *will* body you. nothing is more satisfying than task rushdown xx super arrows dhc into guns, and killing the character you spammed with, then rushing the hell out of the other two 99% of these spammers don't know how to play with.

like learn more than hitting an assist and spamming a projectile or a command normal. learn to play the game like we have to learn to deal with the spamming that comes with it.

when i play a spammer, i usually do one of the following after initially losing:

-rushdown x super x dhc the spammer out of there
-rushdown, kill two characters, spam until time over just to piss them off
-taunt a lot
spamming does not take skill, period.
i play two zoning characters myself (task and deadpool) and easily switch between rushdown and runaway with either. i don't sit in one spot and spam. yes, i could, but screw that. that %@!! is boring and reflects on the player.

a good player should be able to get in there without relying on CHEAP tactics in order to scrub out a win. like i said, it works in ranked but do that %@!! in a player match and i *will* body you. nothing is more satisfying than task rushdown xx super arrows dhc into guns, and killing the character you spammed with, then rushing the hell out of the other two 99% of these spammers don't know how to play with.

like learn more than hitting an assist and spamming a projectile or a command normal. learn to play the game like we have to learn to deal with the spamming that comes with it.

when i play a spammer, i usually do one of the following after initially losing:

-rushdown x super x dhc the spammer out of there
-rushdown, kill two characters, spam until time over just to piss them off
-taunt a lot
dude above is talking about arthur...but i'm talking about the $%+@*%*@ that is sent spit in the corner with doom missiles, em disruptor (magneto), lightning legs (chun), cold star (ammy).

arthur is almost exclusively a zoning character that is meant to spam projectiles. the characters i'm talking about have much more to them than sitting in a corner and spamming a projectile while calling an assist until time is over.

and i wouldn't call haggar w/sent assist spam at all.

haggar has no way of getting in and no moves that can be spammed other than the pipe which is how he gets in. now if you're sitting in the corner with sent spitting all day then yeah, thats spam. if you're using your assist to cover you getting in then thats a different story.

again, i play task (vertical arrows), deadpool (trigger happy) and sent (drones). i zone with vertical arrows and sent assist, jump up 45 degree angle arrows with sent assist, etc. but also rushdown, combo into super arrows...

who doesn't use their assists? that isn't what i'm talking about at all.
dude above is talking about arthur...but i'm talking about the $%+@*%*@ that is sent spit in the corner with doom missiles, em disruptor (magneto), lightning legs (chun), cold star (ammy).

arthur is almost exclusively a zoning character that is meant to spam projectiles. the characters i'm talking about have much more to them than sitting in a corner and spamming a projectile while calling an assist until time is over.

and i wouldn't call haggar w/sent assist spam at all.

haggar has no way of getting in and no moves that can be spammed other than the pipe which is how he gets in. now if you're sitting in the corner with sent spitting all day then yeah, thats spam. if you're using your assist to cover you getting in then thats a different story.

again, i play task (vertical arrows), deadpool (trigger happy) and sent (drones). i zone with vertical arrows and sent assist, jump up 45 degree angle arrows with sent assist, etc. but also rushdown, combo into super arrows...

who doesn't use their assists? that isn't what i'm talking about at all.
-first off both of the character you mentioned are both good rushdown characters especially Task master, no where near a character like Arthur who could never get away with that.

- and yea any good player should be able to get in there, against any random joe schmo..but try doing that stuff in a tourney, your gonna get bodied in under 10 secs.

-" is more satisfying than task rushdown xx super arrows dhc into guns, and killing the character you spammed with, then rushing the hell out of the other two 99% of these spammers don't know how to play with."......that was my point earlier yea if ur just calling in ur assisst randomly thats gonna happen and thoes people suck, but anyone good is still gonna be protecting there assisst character and that takes skill, to avoid somthing like the scenerio you just said

-"like learn more than hitting an assist and spamming a projectile or a command normal. learn to play the game like we have to learn to deal with the spamming that comes with it.".....if your playing someone that only knows how to do that ur playing a scrub, spamming has its usses but anyone half decent no how to do more then just that, but im not gonna do somthing riskey going for a flashy combo if your not good enough to put me in the position to where i have to

watch these guys play from this tourney....these are the best players in the world...please try to tell me they have no skill because they spam

edit-links messing up just google Winter Brawl 5 stream

edit again- just saw ur last post and i see what ur saying if its just somone trying to use like sent and stand in the corner all day spitting lasers, its true thats sorry but like you stated earlier that easily punishable. and I wasent just talking to you, alot of other people in this thread werent just referring to that, they were also talking about people shooting projectiles all day in general or using ur assists over and over again
-first off both of the character you mentioned are both good rushdown characters especially Task master, no where near a character like Arthur who could never get away with that.

- and yea any good player should be able to get in there, against any random joe schmo..but try doing that stuff in a tourney, your gonna get bodied in under 10 secs.

-" is more satisfying than task rushdown xx super arrows dhc into guns, and killing the character you spammed with, then rushing the hell out of the other two 99% of these spammers don't know how to play with."......that was my point earlier yea if ur just calling in ur assisst randomly thats gonna happen and thoes people suck, but anyone good is still gonna be protecting there assisst character and that takes skill, to avoid somthing like the scenerio you just said

-"like learn more than hitting an assist and spamming a projectile or a command normal. learn to play the game like we have to learn to deal with the spamming that comes with it.".....if your playing someone that only knows how to do that ur playing a scrub, spamming has its usses but anyone half decent no how to do more then just that, but im not gonna do somthing riskey going for a flashy combo if your not good enough to put me in the position to where i have to

watch these guys play from this tourney....these are the best players in the world...please try to tell me they have no skill because they spam

edit-links messing up just google Winter Brawl 5 stream

edit again- just saw ur last post and i see what ur saying if its just somone trying to use like sent and stand in the corner all day spitting lasers, its true thats sorry but like you stated earlier that easily punishable. and I wasent just talking to you, alot of other people in this thread werent just referring to that, they were also talking about people shooting projectiles all day in general or using ur assists over and over again
its not easily punishable with a character with no air dash or teleport. you can pushblock sent spit all day and then what? get hit with the doom hidden missiles as you try to superjump over it? you can't wave dash to get in sent's face, either because the spit hits across screen and the doom missiles track. so...

i don't respect that "strategy" when one sent combo from the frying pan equals near death or death.

especially as a sent player. using spit to zone? cool. relying on spit ONLY because you don't know how to properly play the character? trash.
same goes for chun li

and anybody else ppl try to spam with. learn to play the character.

and you're the person that brought up arthur after i already mentioned characters other than him. arthur is the only character that has to rely on spam to stand a chance. however arthur isn't really seen online like that at all in comparison to typical characters ppl use to spam.

i used to be a part of empire arcadia and am familiar with the team spooky streams and all that. there is a difference between zoning as a strategy to win and spamming. period.

no one can tell me that spamming takes skill, period. i definitely agree to disagree. this isn't super turbo where you need to use hadokens for spacing/zoning and creating setups.
its not easily punishable with a character with no air dash or teleport. you can pushblock sent spit all day and then what? get hit with the doom hidden missiles as you try to superjump over it? you can't wave dash to get in sent's face, either because the spit hits across screen and the doom missiles track. so...

i don't respect that "strategy" when one sent combo from the frying pan equals near death or death.

especially as a sent player. using spit to zone? cool. relying on spit ONLY because you don't know how to properly play the character? trash.
same goes for chun li

and anybody else ppl try to spam with. learn to play the character.

and you're the person that brought up arthur after i already mentioned characters other than him. arthur is the only character that has to rely on spam to stand a chance. however arthur isn't really seen online like that at all in comparison to typical characters ppl use to spam.

i used to be a part of empire arcadia and am familiar with the team spooky streams and all that. there is a difference between zoning as a strategy to win and spamming. period.

no one can tell me that spamming takes skill, period. i definitely agree to disagree. this isn't super turbo where you need to use hadokens for spacing/zoning and creating setups.
I was talking about something different then what ur saying, i wasent talking to you in general it was a response to what some other people had said too..... yea i agree if all ur doing is that one move and thats it then i agree, that takes no skill but i do think you can skillfully spam
I was talking about something different then what ur saying, i wasent talking to you in general it was a response to what some other people had said too..... yea i agree if all ur doing is that one move and thats it then i agree, that takes no skill but i do think you can skillfully spam
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