[h1]Marvel vs. Capcom 3 achievements drop game details 
[/h1][h1]2:00 PM on 12.22.2010   |   [url=]Nick Chester
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#Achievements#Capcom#Fighting Games#Marvel vs Capcom#PS3#rumors#Xbox 360

The achievement hounds over at Xbox 360 Achievements have dug up a full list for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Given that Capcom has been slowly leaking out information on the game, it's not surprising that the list confirms a few game features, while simply hinting at others.
First, it looks like an an eight player lobby for Xbox Live games has made the cut ("Who Will Answer the Call?), along with a level-based ranking system ("Combat Specialist"). A bunch of achievements make note of a "Mission" mode, as well ("Passed the Field Test," "A New Avenger," and "Welcome to Avengers Academy!").

Perhaps more interesting, though, are the hints at (rumored) unannounced characters that the achievement list drops. The "Darkstalkers" achievement, for instance, tasks players with making a "team composed of those who dwell in the darkness." Two characters from the Darkstalkers games have already been confirmed for the title -- Morrigan and Felicia. Rumors have hinted at the inclusion of Hsien-Ko, but I'm not entirely sold on that -- the third member required for this achievement could also be the announced Marvel character, Dormammu, who resides in the "Dark Dimension."

Another achievement "Fate of the Satsui no Hadou," has players deciding "who is the true master of the fist." Tipster Power Glove notes that this could be a hint that either Akuma or Ken are set to make the final cut. It could also just as easily be two Ryu's facing off. I haven't seen the final roster list myself, but I have a hunch we won't be finding Akuma on the game disc, despite standing rumors.

Check out the full achievement list at Xbox 360 Achievements. The wait is almost over -- Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is out in February!
it all looks good, but not so happy about the non serious characters.... to some of you it makes sense, but i dont like it.. no gambit, no cable, venom, ken, guile, gouken,red skull, colossus, fantastic 4, silver surfer, Megaman X, could even put in Sigma if they have Zero...Cyclops, the list goes on and on. for a sequel they should've add more characters than in MVC2, but they'll probably screw us over by putting them as DLC you gotta buy
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

hmmm i wonder if that list is real... and if it is.. I don't see Megaman.. WOWZERS

He is being replaced by Zero... As much as I love Zero, that's a really stupid move...
@ sole vintage: that article is old...check the date. the achievements obviously meant hsien ko and akuma which akuma has been announced and hsien ko might get announced today or at the hollywood fight club.

@ hugo: no, mr sinister will not be in it. you're looking at the official roster minus any dlc and potentially two unannounced characters (besides sent and hsien ko).

@ golden child: megaman x is replaced by zero (so far. i think a megaman will be dlc due to the amount of vocal fans), and capcom has said that they don't want to many like characters (like a lot of shotos). as for the other characters, they have to go through marvel for that and marvel was more interested in putting certain characters in for selling purposes only, apparently.

like basically look this comic is dropping along with this movie so put her in there.

i feel like we'll get some characters for dlc, tho, besides shuma and jill.

Having this game without Megaman would be like having Smash Bros. without Mario, especially when you got two Megaman characters...
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

it all looks good, but not so happy about the non serious characters.... to some of you it makes sense, but i dont like it.. no gambit, no cable, venom, ken, guile, gouken,red skull, colossus, fantastic 4, silver surfer, Megaman X, could even put in Sigma if they have Zero...Cyclops, the list goes on and on. for a sequel they should've add more characters than in MVC2, but they'll probably screw us over by putting them as DLC you gotta buy
im not a fan of the joke characters either.. im actually only excited about Dante on Cap's side of the roster...
what Capcom needs to make a Marvel Super Heroes sequel 
capcom gave a bs reason as to why he's not in the game IMO (talked about his limited moveset)...the reason would be believable if they hadn't put him in mvc1.

IMO a built from the ground up megaman, which would have happened for this game just like ryu, captain america, etc. would have been able to hang with the rest of the roster. some ppl on srk were saying that arthur is a step up from megaman with his move set...
i disagree, tho. you have megaman be able to switch weapons like ammy and give him specials with rush and everything would work out. i mean hell, you have mm9 and 10 that recently do you not push this character??

and i'm not a megaman fan at all.
exactly. ryu has aimable shinku hadoukens now, akuma can shoot a laser air messatsu gou hadou AND he can still do tenma gou zankuu. captain america has the shield coming back to him now and no double jump...
So excited for this game. I'll be in the mall playing MvC2 on the arcade to get in the mood for MvC3. Feel free to add me on 360:WavieCrockettNJ.
^^^^well damn...from the looks of that video sent is gonna be in everyone's lineup. looks like he plays exactly like he did in mvc2...
Anyone else think Phoenix is gonna be at least high tier? That super where she sends the flaming bird at you looks safe as hell.
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

wow, don't know how i feel about the latest addition..

can't lie my heart hurted when i seen sentanel..

horrible memories..

I thought we were in the clear.
i never played with sentinel in mvsc2 guess i might start practicing with him right now lol.
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