Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * S7 Premieres May27

Episode two is titled meet the boss so it might be as soon as next week.

And at not even giving Fitz credit :lol: that's a whole new level of friendzone if dude is just a cuddle buddy :rofl:

FItz got AIDA as backup though.
I never even knew Fitz' first name until AIDA called him Leopold.

I don't really like the core team being split up and shield being officially back. It does mix it up a little bit and that's good. Bring Bobbi back. hunter can go kick rocks.
I liked how they showed Robbie's transformation to GR.

I was hoping to see a cameo from an Avenger...But nope...Looks like that rumor was wrong.

Anyone have an idea what was in that box that was opened? It seemed like it was an evil spirit or ghosts?
Other than the "I have a secret I have to hide from people" storyline again, I think this was a good episode. Show feels slightly different in the new timeslot. It's like they are trying their best to do what Netflix does on an ABC budget.
Yeah, that yellow dirty looking ghost woman was weird. So now we got a ghost and ghostrider. Maybe he'll fight that spirit / demon whatever it is.
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Anyone have an idea or guess what the new AI chick is supposed to be?

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Ghost Rider's MCU Debut Didn't Do Much To Help AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. In Terms Of Ratings

There's been a lot of hype surrounding the debut of Ghost Rider in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but it doesn't appear as if that exactly translated to ratings during last night's season four premiere. The introduction of Robbie Reyes brought in a 1.1 with the show's key 18 - 34 demographic, while it scored a total of 3.58 million live viewers. That's actually down from season three's 1.7 and 4.09 million viewers.

However, these numbers are still in line with where Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was by the time the finale rolled around. It's not all bad news either as this rating was higher than that and the numbers mark an upswing for the 10pm slot the show has now been moved to. Despite that, you have to believe that both ABC and Marvel TV were hoping for better returns after adding a character like this to the series.

The reaction to Ghost Rider has been a positive one though, so the show could start improving in terms of ratings moving forward thanks to word of mouth. If not, there's a very real possibility that season four could be Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s last, though it's still far too soon to say whether that will be the case. Still, based on the way ABC pulled the plug on Agent Carter, it will need to improve soon.
It does sound like with those ratings this could be the last season or they'll have one more shortened season.
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they referred to the director as a him... I legit think it's Stark.... but I also feel we wouldve gotten that news by now.
Jason O'Mara is the new director of SHIELD.

He pretty much voices Bruce/Batman in the animated movies.
I feel like they never got Phil Coulson right.  His appeal, to me anyway, was that he was a normal man that was good at his job, a job that sometimes dealt with the extraordinary, and had a normal life with a cellist girlfriend at the end of the day.  That's the Coulson I was seeing in Iron Man, IM2 and parts of Avengers.

I've got other issues with this show, though I'll continue to watch.  Just always bothered me that this wasn't the portrayal of Coulson I imagined. 
Coulson had the cellist gf in the movies? Not the show?

My memory is hazy on that. Granted I never found Coulson that interesting.

My hopes for the show was always dope spy espionage action channeling Black Widow and the Nick Fury SHIELD comics.
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Amy Acker! How could I completely forget that she played the gf. I had a huge crush on her during her Angel days.
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