Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

it means get in line

which is opposite to the american way

man nra really got that putin mentality in people
nra and putin because im saying literally dont be the only person standing up during a shooting? 1 or 2 posts below that is a video demonstrating why thats a bad idea....and u and putin? you talking about the american way and im talking about heres a tip to not get hit up during one of these events? some of yall just want things to sound crazy... :lol:
Agreed. In NYC, I liken them to the guys who walk around with MMA style gym tee shirts.

I feel like the OC dudes would be ITCHING to try someone who they think isn't carrying...but would be the first to not do anything if something would pop off in a truly dangerous situation.
I feel like the OC dudes would be ITCHING to try someone who they think isn't carrying...but would be the first to not do anything if something would pop off in a truly dangerous situation.
Oh yes. Cowardice does prevail in many situations such as that. Equality scares the devil out of them.
It really is a no brainer at this point, high capacity assault weapons and magazines need to be banned and collected from those that own them, there is absolutely no reason for civilians to own these guns, might as well allow civilians to buy tanks and rocket launchers while we at it, white america has a sick obsession with weapons, historically these weapons is what got the white man everything HE wanted....makes sense.

This is wild. So wild. And very realistic. And expected. People talking in times of peace, have no idea what war times feel like. Everything you thouht, changes when bullets wizzing by you.

Just having a gun aint ****. You're probably more of a danger to everyone else if you're just a regular dude with a gun tryna be a hero.

This aint the movies.
Carrying a gun for protection is more of a psychological thing, it gives you more of a sense of safety n you feel more “at ease” actuality, if an unexpected shooting incident where to occur there would be less time to read and react to the situation than one thinks...and once the boys/ security show up it’s a wrap trying to let off any shots in the chaos

These last 2 situations having a gun on you wouldn’t have made much difference...cats in the bar sippin on a drink or shopping with their kids for back to school...once you realize what’s happening, all you trying do is get some cover and hope nothin comes by your way
If Black people were able to revert back to this show of force?


The gun laws in the country would be changed immediately.
People creating these games need to get re-evaluated. Sick *** minds.

Art imitates life, sadly. That scene is just an example of what terrorism is capable of.

Those of you who are armed in case of the worst, are you also trained/consistently training preparing for those moments?

I do stationary target training and I help others get comfortable shooting. Want to move on to hand to hand stuff soon.

If I’m stuck in one of these situations I am running unless I have to do something else. Period.

If Black people were able to revert back to this show of force?


The gun laws in the country would be changed immediately.

I’m assuming you know about the Mulford Act. A lot of folks here may not.

If all black folks took the advice given by our forefathers and strapped up, these laws would be altered within weeks. These weapons are the great equalizer for regular people, and the great tool of oppression for supremacists.

It is the crutch they need.
nra and putin because im saying literally dont be the only person standing up during a shooting? 1 or 2 posts below that is a video demonstrating why thats a bad idea....and u and putin? you talking about the american way and im talking about heres a tip to not get hit up during one of these events? some of yall just want things to sound crazy... :lol:
truth be told I put zero value into anything you post
If you want to go even deeper, ask him of his views on rape and women. You'll get a kick out of that one.
convince the troll to come out from under the bridge into the light, and hopefully they will see how ugly they are
You're misunderstanding....I feel uneasy around those who open carry. To me, it's pointless.

Couldn't care less about concealed carry, but open carry just screams self-esteem issues and generally "look at me" type of stuff.
Anyone who is open carrying an assault rifle in public is looking to intimidate others due to the tiny size of their penis
convince the troll to come out from under the bridge into the light, and hopefully they will see how ugly they are
goal posts moved again. now instead of talking about how the definitions of what u said dont line up, now ur talking about womens rights in america and connecting it to rape. womens rights in society.... to RAPE. as if rape doesnt violate any right that person has.... lets ignore that men can be raped as well just to give you SOME ground to stand on. a man thinking he can rape a woman shows his political leanings? what does that mean? if that was even true... which side endorses rape? republicans? if u rape, does that mean u have right-leaning political views? democrats are rape free? believe it or not, some dudes see a hot girl they cant get and figure...nah, im taking it. without ANY thought to their societal views at all.
It really is a no brainer at this point, high capacity assault weapons and magazines need to be banned and collected from those that own them, there is absolutely no reason for civilians to own these guns, might as well allow civilians to buy tanks and rocket launchers while we at it, white america has a sick obsession with weapons, historically these weapons is what got the white man everything HE wanted....makes sense.
And how do you proceed to collect them?

We say it should be ne done but never discuss logistics
And how do you proceed to collect them?

We say it should be ne done but never discuss logistics
harder still if they don't have full records of all the sales

how many "magazine" kits were sold prior to those being banned in some states?

how many are out there already?

how many are loaded?

guns are an issue too if you want to go after them, what about used sales? most records are on paper with no centralized system to search

and 3D printed guns, how many lowers have been bought off the radar?

it will be interesting if there is ever a mass shooting with a 3d printed non registered weapon

I am not saying this shouldn't be done, just agreeing with you this is a monumental task
I don't think anything should be forcibly collected, if you have one now register it or turn it in for some kind of reward
harder still if they don't have full records of all the sales

how many "magazine" kits were sold prior to those being banned in some states?

how many are out there already?

how many are loaded?

guns are an issue too if you want to go after them, what about used sales? most records are on paper with no centralized system to search

and 3D printed guns, how many lowers have been bought off the radar?

it will be interesting if there is ever a mass shooting with a 3d printed non registered weapon

I am not saying this shouldn't be done, just agreeing with you this is a monumental task

I just think we are too far deep into the hole to be honest .

Too many legally and illegally obtained guns are in the wild.

So, I have no solution. The turn in program is cool and all but how many fplks that turn them in wpuld really be the ones dping and/or connected to a mass shooting who knows.

I think, "Collect them all" sounds noble but it realistically means nothing without an actual plan, which I never hear folks discuss forreal.

Something needs to be done, we shouldn't give up but at the same time I have zero faith things will honestly improve .
More countries putting the U.S. on the travel advisory list. I know for sure that if I lived abroad, I would never let my children travel to the states.

My family and I pass for Latino, which is causing my parents to be even more worried about me going out in public. My dad is damn near begging me to avoid bars, large events, shopping centers, etc. :smh: Can't even blame him for his paranoia.

The Gilroy shooting happened 30 mins away from my parents' home in San Jose. For people not familiar with the Bay Area, San Jose is HEAVILY Asian and Latino; in many parts of the city, you can go out all day and maybe see 10 white people tops. Before, we used to think "Wow, these white people are true Americans for embracing minorities" but now we look at them differently like "Damn, these people are probably sick of living among brown people"

Every time I notice a white man raising his voice or looking less than happy in public, I get anxious. That has never happened with me with any other group of people, and I don't want to think this way, but out of fear for my own safety I feel like I have to.
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Make it illegal without the proper line of work (police and/or military) or training/licensing
Don't do any sweeps or nationwide searches to collect, just treat it like owning any other illegal items. If you are caught with it you get jail time/fine along with it being collected and possibly losing your right to own any or as many guns or specific accessories
Collecting would justify the moment some of these nuts are waiting for.

It would which is why I'd suggest making it illegal for the majority of the country and allow people to turn them in without issue for some kind of compensation
It would which is why I'd suggest making it illegal for the majority of the country and allow people to turn them in without issue for some kind of compensation
Bit it is only "illegal" if someone gets CAUGHT with it.

Making it illegal doesn't prevent folks from illegally obtaining.

I know you know this but I just say it to show how impractical it is to truly solve this issue.
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