Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Bit it is only "illegal" if someone gets CAUGHT with it.

Making it illegal doesn't prevent folks from illegally obtaining.

I know you know this but I just say it to show how impractical it is to truly solve this issue.

It's a solution that won't work 100% but it's a preventative measure
The same way it's illegal to walk around with a knife longer that what 5 inches or so, so some people won't purchase them or walk around with them because of it being illegal
Not expecting that to stop the issue cold but as long as it's legal people will deem themselves "law abiding citizens" operating within the law owning these items
But if it's illegal, some of them won't purchase one so that claim can hold true
truth be told I put zero value into anything you post
im not surprised, listen to what u just said up there. u clearly have no idea what thoughts do and dont hold value. like bringing up the nra and putin after incorrectly calling a quote chinese instead of japanese (wont even go into how cringe that is....) which was only alluding to dont be the only person standing up in a shooting. you could go ahead and mute me to be honest instead of saying u dont value what i say if that makes it easier for you. take the hotep lapdog with u if u can.

I don't think anything should be forcibly collected, if you have one now register it or turn it in for some kind of reward

buyback program + registration would be a great first step. absolutely. anybody not willing to register their weapon is the kind of person who doesn't need to own one.

I just think we are too far deep into the hole to be honest .

Too many legally and illegally obtained guns are in the wild.

So, I have no solution. The turn in program is cool and all but how many fplks that turn them in wpuld really be the ones dping and/or connected to a mass shooting who knows.

I think, "Collect them all" sounds noble but it realistically means nothing without an actual plan, which I never hear folks discuss forreal.

Something needs to be done, we shouldn't give up but at the same time I have zero faith things will honestly improve .

also correct. the number of guns in the united states outnumbers the amount of people. thats why comparisons to australia (who did a buyback when they had only 1.5 million guns in circulation against a population of ~20 million people) and other countries who did bans early on dont really work. we're DEEEEEEEEEEP in the rabbit hole.

and you also nailed it that the people participating in the buyback arent the ones u gotta worry about. there are plenty of steps that could be taken that have been discussed in here. but the powers that be wont even field them. gotta upend the entire sitting govt to get a change at this point
how do you ensure people register things that don't even have bills of sale records

honestly I don't but that's where the punishment of not doing it and being caught with one becomes the rod to push people to do it
Have folks spend a week in jail and a could grand in fines will make a few people come in and register

Didn't they do something similar with drones?
It's a solution that won't work 100% but it's a preventative measure

I wish more people understood this.

I feel like any time we discuss preventative measures, folks automatically assume we think it will completely nip gun violence in the bud.


It's just another check and balance put into place that can't hurt. It's better than doing nothing.
honestly I don't but that's where the punishment of not doing it and being caught with one becomes the rod to push people to do it
Have folks spend a week in jail and a could grand in fines will make a few people come in and register

Didn't they do something similar with drones?

all legal gun sales have a bill of sale. thats how the serial is registered to people who legally purchase guns. bills of sale are also encouraged for person to person sales. i myself sold a glock 19 to someone and got a bill of sale.

enabling the harsher punishments for negligence would severely cut down on grey market sales because if a crime is committed with a gun registered to your name, you're going down as well as other dude who did it. people would tighten up.

drone law is VERY interesting and very new as well. my wife had been studying it in law school. crazy stuff really
Is this how we conduct conversations and use logic? Cool.
When has the US ever conducted a program of firearm reduction? Never! We have seen how other countries have reduced the amount of guns considered unsuitable for civilians, but people keep asking how it's gonna be done here. It comes off as disingenuous. What kind of answer are you looking for?
When has the US ever conducted a program of firearm reduction? Never! We have seen how other countries have reduced the amount of guns considered unsuitable for civilians, but people keep asking how it's gonna be done here. It comes off as disingenuous. What kind of answer are you looking for?

Simply saying, "They put a man on the moon, they can figure it out" adds NOTHING to the conversation.

That is what I am saying
Simply saying, "They put a man on the moon, they can figure it out" adds NOTHING to the conversation.

That is what I am saying
Just like saying, after every mass shooting, "too many guns are out there, how are we supposed to solve this?" That doesn't add anything to the conversation either.
Just like saying, after every mass shooting, "too many guns are out there, how are we supposed to solve this?" That doesn't add anything to the conversation either.

I have said the same thing as well.

Even reminded Ksteezy of that a few pages ago.

Just saying, folks say noble things and offer little to no suggesstions as to how to get to their desired point .
Here are the 13 steps Japan needs for purchasing a gun: 1. Join a hunting or shooting club. 2. Take a firearm class and pass a written exam, which is held up to three times a year. 3. Get a doctor’s note saying you are mentally fit and do not have a history of drug abuse. 4. Apply for a permit to take firing training, which may take up to a month. 5. Describe in a police interview why you need a gun. 6. Pass a review of your criminal history, gun possession record, employment, involvement with organized crime groups, personal debt and relationships with friends, family and neighbors. 7. Apply for a gunpowder permit. 8. Take a one-day training class and pass a firing test. 9. Obtain a certificate from a gun dealer describing the gun you want. 10. Buy a gun safe and an ammunition locker that meet safety regulations. 11. Allow the police to inspect your gun storage. 12. Pass an additional background review. 13. Buy a gun.
I'll never forget that episode of degrassi when jimmy got smoked.


That stuff worked in Japan

The cops would pick the white folks to have a gun and pass their written exam and fail the minorities

Too much police involvement there
The defeatist attitude is so so so tiresome

It's like this weird form of American exceptionalism that suggests the things that have worked elsewhere in the world could never possibly work here
in some cases... its called being realistic. collecting 1.5 million items is possible. collecting 330+ million....cmon. its not about defeatist, people have discussed solutions ad nauseum for going 6 or 7 years now. govt is stonewalling. what do u want people to do? theres literally ONE way to actually get things to change and thats thru the govt and theyre not budging. citizen should need a firearm, unless for sport gaming and hunting. Safety is one of the governments primary responsibilities. You shouldn't have to have a gun to feel safe.

Countries with low person gun collections work for 2 main reasons..

1. The Government actually makes the citizens feel safe and the violent crime is lower.

2. The penalty for getting caught with a gun is so severe, it deters people away from them, thus preventing the acquisition of them to begin with.
That stuff worked in Japan

The cops would pick the white folks to have a gun and pass their written exam and fail the minorities

Too much police involvement there
thats why GOP only wants red flag and not background check

they can take guns away from all people of color and leave the whites with them
The defeatist attitude is so so so tiresome

It's like this weird form of American exceptionalism that suggests the things that have worked elsewhere in the world could never possibly work here

Or it could be that people know the origins and racial makeup of this country make it extremely difficult to compare it to other places. Especially places with homogenous populations.

So you call it defeatist but others would call it realistic.

But again, I am not suggesting to not try something different.
We just need to start a national program.

Everyone keep ****ing everyone until we all look alike.

Bulworth was right.

Need a federal program for it.
I think I’m done with this thread, y’all been talking in circles for a year plus now.

Good luck to y’all
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