Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

priority 1 is to get out. not to take cover and initiate a shootout

So how are you preparing yourself?
Understood nobody is every 100% ready or prepared or ever as prepared as they think, but what are you doing to prepare yourself, other than going to the shooting range?
There are guys who do shooting competetions who practice drawing their weapon and firing X number of shots into a target. Do you do that?
heres some great rules of thumb ALL of us can follow:

wherever you go, know the exits. if you're in walmart thats the front doors on both sides and out thru the back employees only doors you have the loading docks you can get out of if thats closer for example

dont be a hero. save who you can, and get out.

You know what, this clears up my confusion.
and clears up that last bit I quoted from you also

Your plan and thoughts on it all is basically
get to safety
find way out
if necessary as last resort fire back to give time to escape or defend your life/lives
heres some great rules of thumb ALL of us can follow:

wherever you go, know the exits. if you're in walmart thats the front doors on both sides and out thru the back employees only doors you have the loading docks you can get out of if thats closer for example

stay low to the ground. the nail that sticks out gets hammered.

try to identify the direction of the shooting QUICK. and keep things in between you and that direction whenever possible.

stay quiet. period.

if you're armed you MUST think about whats behind your target. bullets penetrate and adrenaline can make you miss. dont even fire if there are people behind and around him.

dont be a hero. save who you can, and get out.
Or you could just play dead without all the extra stuff you mentioning.
:smh: media got him pictured like he's some rock star :smh:

Those of you who are armed in case of the worst, are you also trained/consistently training preparing for those moments?

Think about how many people open carry/conceal in Texas....then think about how the Wal-Mart terrorist was ONLY to be thwarted by police.

I'm trying to think about all of these mass shootings off the top of my head and if anyone actually played hero by shooting the assailant....

I've said it before, more so about those who open carry, but in situations where I'm around people who do so, I feel MORE uneasy/unsafe than anything.
You know what, this clears up my confusion.
and clears up that last bit I quoted from you also

Your plan and thoughts on it all is basically
get to safety
find way out
if necessary as last resort fire back to give time to escape or defend your life/lives

thats what ive BEEN saying. the gun is when you have no way out, you're looking at it like the first thing to do is go on the offensive. and yea ive done that stupid draw and fire drill. its more fore a close encounter like someone presses you to rob you, not for returning fire at an armed active shooter. the training they give for active shooters to civilians is LITERALLY get out first. its a worst case scenario. youve got a gun, hes got a gun and his is already out and firing. youre not gonna be able to just keanu reeves your way out. thats just reality.

:smh: media got him pictured like he's some rock star :smh:


****ing disgusting man. disappointed but not surprised.

Or you could just play dead without all the extra stuff you mentioning.

there have unfortunately been many times this didnt work at all. when u do this, you're banking on the shooter never actually getting close to you. cuz they would notice you havent been hit. its better to get out than to play dead. PLEASE trust me on this. you cant even play dead if you're somewhere the shooter hasn't been yet cuz itll be obvious. so instead, use that time to ACTUALLY leave.
Think about how many people open carry/conceal in Texas....then think about how the Wal-Mart terrorist was ONLY to be thwarted by police.

I'm trying to think about all of these mass shootings off the top of my head and if anyone actually played hero by shooting the assailant....

I've said it before, more so about those who open carry, but in situations where I'm around people who do so, I feel MORE uneasy/unsafe than anything.

A lot of the gun rights people I saw were saying that Walmart is a gun free zone and how it was a target because of it
The church in TX a year or so ago had a GGWAG ending, if I remember right

I think I've shared this story before but I was in QT one morning getting some coffee, had my black extended bomber jacket on (I'm 6'3 and it goes almost to my knees) and I could see this older white guy watching me as if he thought I was about to pull out a gun and hold the store up and it shook me a lil bit cause he could have easily thought he was doing the right thing and tried to either pull a gun out and try to prevent me robbing the place or he could have flat out killed me to be the "hero". I'm not comfortable with the thought of regular guys with little to no training on how to evaluate a hectic situation being given the OK to be prepared at all times.
Think about how many people open carry/conceal in Texas....then think about how the Wal-Mart terrorist was ONLY to be thwarted by police.

I'm trying to think about all of these mass shootings off the top of my head and if anyone actually played hero by shooting the assailant....

I've said it before, more so about those who open carry, but in situations where I'm around people who do so, I feel MORE uneasy/unsafe than anything.

yall trying to have it both ways. you feel uneasy because IF there were armed people in that walmart, they didnt use it against the shooter? on the last page people saying civilians all shooting at the killer would be chaos with strays flying everywhere. you cant say you feel unsafe if they use it and shoot, and unsafe if they dont. that means ur always unsafe.....well.... which is true. but means theres no argument to be had.
thats what ive BEEN saying. the gun is when you have no way out, you're looking at it like the first thing to do is go on the offensive. and yea ive done that stupid draw and fire drill. its more fore a close encounter like someone presses you to rob you, not for returning fire at an armed active shooter. the training they give for active shooters to civilians is LITERALLY get out first. its a worst case scenario. youve got a gun, hes got a gun and his is already out and firing. youre not gonna be able to just keanu reeves your way out. thats just reality.

It's hard to read that with all the sarcasm and jokes, but I see what you are saying now
heres some great rules of thumb ALL of us can follow:

wherever you go, know the exits. if you're in walmart thats the front doors on both sides and out thru the back employees only doors you have the loading docks you can get out of if thats closer for example

stay low to the ground. the nail that sticks out gets hammered.

try to identify the direction of the shooting QUICK. and keep things in between you and that direction whenever possible.

stay quiet. period.

if you're armed you MUST think about whats behind your target. bullets penetrate and adrenaline can make you miss. dont even fire if there are people behind and around him.

dont be a hero. save who you can, and get out.

you sound like the ruling party in China
yall trying to have it both ways. you feel uneasy because IF there were armed people in that walmart, they didnt use it against the shooter? on the last page people saying civilians all shooting at the killer would be chaos with strays flying everywhere. you cant say you feel unsafe if they use it and shoot, and unsafe if they dont. that means ur always unsafe.....well.... which is true. but means theres no argument to be had.

It sounds like he speaking mostly regarding people who open carry making him feel less safe
A lot of the gun rights people I saw were saying that Walmart is a gun free zone and how it was a target because of it
The church in TX a year or so ago had a GGWAG ending, if I remember right

I think I've shared this story before but I was in QT one morning getting some coffee, had my black extended bomber jacket on (I'm 6'3 and it goes almost to my knees) and I could see this older white guy watching me as if he thought I was about to pull out a gun and hold the store up and it shook me a lil bit cause he could have easily thought he was doing the right thing and tried to either pull a gun out and try to prevent me robbing the place or he could have flat out killed me to be the "hero". I'm not comfortable with the thought of regular guys with little to no training on how to evaluate a hectic situation being given the OK to be prepared at all times.

i can understand ur unease. but what ur describing is racism and prejudice though... its not like you did or even hinted at something wrong and then he overreacted. and racists/bigots shouldnt be in control of weapons cuz of their predisposition of thinking people are guilty whether they've done something or not. a gun in the hand of a racist is extremely dangerous. definitely should be a red flag
yall trying to have it both ways. you feel uneasy because IF there were armed people in that walmart, they didnt use it against the shooter? on the last page people saying civilians all shooting at the killer would be chaos with strays flying everywhere. you cant say you feel unsafe if they use it and shoot, and unsafe if they dont. that means ur always unsafe.....well.... which is true. but means theres no argument to be had.

You say "y'all" like everyone shares the EXACT same set of beliefs though. That's not the case.
It sounds like he speaking mostly regarding people who open carry making him feel less safe

i dont like open carry cuz i think its inherently racist. theres been plenty of videos where white guys walk by cops in texas with ARs on their backs. black dudes walk by the exact same officers with a handgun and get asked for their papers. open carry to me also seems like unnecessary risk cuz someone knows where to go to take your gun from you if they can get the jump on you.

open carry is almost like a flex. a "dont mess with me" sign. but it isnt very practical to anyone who REALLY wants to do damage cuz theyre just gonna snuff you out first.
yall trying to have it both ways. you feel uneasy because IF there were armed people in that walmart, they didnt use it against the shooter? on the last page people saying civilians all shooting at the killer would be chaos with strays flying everywhere. you cant say you feel unsafe if they use it and shoot, and unsafe if they dont. that means ur always unsafe.....well.... which is true. but means theres no argument to be had.

You're misunderstanding....I feel uneasy around those who open carry. To me, it's pointless.

Couldn't care less about concealed carry, but open carry just screams self-esteem issues and generally "look at me" type of stuff.

theres a lot of yikes in this. editing missteps. you can see a girl trying to load bullets in backwards. this joey kid when they first give him the gun put his hands on top of the slide to hold it and then it cuts immediately and shows him holding it right in a different angle. shooter walks into his room and he stands up to take his gun out.... perfectly illustrates...stay. low. his first instinct cuz he had a gun was to stand up and confront the shooter cuz he already had it in his mind he was a hero since he had a gun. evidenced by him messing with it the entire class. stupid wouldve gotten himself killed trying to be dirty harry

they also gave him a police style holster where u have to fumble and undo a clip to get it out, modern holsters dont have that. not to give him an exucse dude was a hyped up amateur, but theres some rigging with this test.

chick does the same test and ALSO stands up. got tagged in the head immediately.

moral of the story.... stay low. take cover. dont be a hero.
You're misunderstanding....I feel uneasy around those who open carry. To me, it's pointless.

Couldn't care less about concealed carry, but open carry just screams self-esteem issues and generally "look at me" type of stuff.

It's the same people that drive those lifted pickup trucks with exhaust and a chrome nutsack hanging from the tow hitch.

Little d*ck complex.
You're misunderstanding....I feel uneasy around those who open carry. To me, it's pointless.

Couldn't care less about concealed carry, but open carry just screams self-esteem issues and generally "look at me" type of stuff.
Agreed. In NYC, I liken them to the guys who walk around with MMA style gym tee shirts.
its actually a japanese saying. but when used as an example, as it often is, its pretty obvious the point isnt about fitting in being the acceptable way to be in society. dont be obtuse.
it means get in line

which is opposite to the american way

man nra really got that putin mentality in people
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