Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

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Please tell me Wheels was caught up in the mix.

No. He's somewhere safe while everyone else has to suffer for his bad decisions. What's next? Get a free gun if you get vaccinated.
Sounds crazy but it wouldn't be surprising. "Make sure you're extra protected". They fail to realize people don't only use guns in defense.
Guns aren’t even a defensive tool. American ideology brings forth their own self made problems time and time again

Guns throughout history will always be tied to assault. Slavery, genocide and European imperialism would not exist without guns. It is rarely about "defense".
Phew what a foolish take that only proves you know ZILCH about history.

This bleeping week the Butcher of Bosnia Mladic was fimally sentanced to life in prison. Hes 78 now. Anyway all the muslims in Srebrenicia and Kosovo wished they had weapons... but as it were the armed men that marched to freedom were the o ly ones with a HOPE of survival. The muslims in the chinese reeducation camps would not be there of they had small arms. The palestinians, the nigerians etc etc.

But hey man keep passing laws that make you feel safe. Disregaurd the FBI data as well. The 10 year long assault weapon ban weve alrdy lived through, whatever. As long as you got logical fallcies and hopes for peace itll all work out.
All it took was one accusation from a white woman to kick things off. Imagine if white people in 1920 saw a black person aim a gun at one of them and pull the trigger.

Funny enough, that probably would have resulted in stricter gun laws.

They got all the institutions on their side. It would have been a slaughter. Only difference is you would have taken down more whites with you, but the end result would have been the same.
Air Champa Air Champa I could reference a dozen different current event cases where the simple presence of the firearm is enough to stop the conflict. bvut clearly your sides case is "guns are bad mmmkay."

The US military fought starving sheepherders in the caves and mountains for 2 decades... and continues.... Trump dropped the MOAB on them... yet they stand. there is a reason it was written into the constitution.
Your argument is just dumb. Why can’t we flip it around? With the Tulsa thing went down if the attackers had no weapons? Let’s think even more clearly, if they were equally matched in every way what happens then? How would that result in a win?
"They would have got baseball batted by people with more baseball bats and more numbers population wise."

see: Rwanada
NOW were getting somewhere. my argument is just dumb....


so close.... cmon! I know you have something of substance/validity to say
Air Champa Air Champa I could reference a dozen different current event cases where the simple presence of the firearm is enough to stop the conflict. bvut clearly your sides case is "guns are bad mmmkay."

The US military fought starving sheepherders in the caves and mountains for 2 decades... and continues.... Trump dropped the MOAB on them... yet they stand. there is a reason it was written into the constitution.

I'm not against guns. What I'm against is the idea that guns are the answer to everything.

Sure if someone has a firearm in their home to defend themselves, they'll be safer. I'm not against stuff like that. I'm not for banning firearms.

Tulsa in 1920 was (sadly) a lost cause once that white woman made that accusation. Like I said, you would have taken down more whites with you when you were going down, but that would have been it.
NOW were getting somewhere. my argument is just dumb....


so close.... cmon! I know you have something of substance/validity to say
Your statement of victim blaming deserves nothing more than a laugh. “What if the people in Tulsa were armed?”. Ok, tell us, what would happened? No need to even discuss anything else yet. Enlighten us. Tell us everything would of been okay

So far EVERY point you’ve tried to make has fell flat including your Fox News posts

you also like to sit back on “make you feel safe” yet ironically it’s you who feels so in danger you need a gun on you at all times. No, laws don’t make me feel more safe but maybe these laws can make these people still alive. You wouldn’t understand that though right? The answer is “what if that 1 year old had a gun??”.
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If the people of Tulsa had been armed they would have likely defended their settlement, or maybe they roll in cannons and gatlin guns and kill everybody all the same. (no one would have been raped or tortured though)unfortunately ideologically they still lived by the white mans rules and got ruthlessly tortured/murdered for their troubles. I wish there was more known about their perception of the surrounding world and why they didnt have a defense force to mobilize... considering.

Most of the free African Americans in the country at the time began homesteading in mexico as cattle drivers (would later become texas) because there was no oppressor there... jus free land the litteral wild west and banditry. (Florida was similar) I believe around 1850ish both states would pass a law the "free negroes" were required a white guardian. so many started families and defended them actually, migrated all over the place or died of typhoid who knows.

A namesake of mine comes to mind immediately Bass Reeves. (The lone ranger) the first black deputy west of the Mississippi. Stage coach Mary etc etc most of the success stories of the time are grizzled, tough, intelligent minded people that took up arms tbh. ALll the sucessful revolts started with the procurement of arms.

point being theres no excuse for saying things like "guns arnt even a defensive tool" when common sense and history tell us the opposite. Anytime someone is witnessing an act of evil...rape,murder, assault, etc... the FIRST thing most people in this thread wanna do... call some ppl with guns to show up to make it cease happening. and no i dont live in some fantasy world where i believe everyone is head shotting an active shooter and saving everyone... the presence of the tools itself is a GREAT deterrent. cops dont get took for their wallet/booty too often...
Question: would the Tulsa Black Wall Street Massacre have happened had the town folk been armed?

Many of them were armed, they still got slaughtered. Even if they held out on the first wave of attacks they would have still gotten slaughtered.

Unless by armed you mean better guns and more numbers than white people then maybe.
Many of them were armed, they still got slaughtered. Even if they held out on the first wave of attacks they would have still gotten slaughtered.
False, very few had arms. generally single shot farm rifles. unfathomably under matched against a WInchester lever gun
So who here actually believes guns should be banned? Probably nobody. If you're a responsible adult who doesn't have a short and violent temper, most everyone would support your right to bear arms.

Some people see guns as a tool. Others think they're Rambo. There's a difference between the two.
A “fight” back isn’t even the word to use. Let’s throw “I think” out of the equation and stick to some simple research and analysis. Look at the last “fight” in the Middle East about a month ago. One side literally had a button to end it all while the other side “fought back” with the equivalent of peanuts. Both were armed by definition. How did that go?

Here’s the answer, if black wall street was armed they’d be…….. dead, dead and……. Dead.

Once again, EVERY POINT you bring up falls flat jewseejay jewseejay . All this mental gymnastics and all you have to say is “I like guns”. No need to try to justify it. Just say it
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