Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

You sound dumb.... this is why.

Youre assuming something you dont know to be true. And doing so on a basis of "logic"

Unfortunately you dont have even a ground level understanding on the subject. So we arrive at.... logical fallacy.

What actually happens... in real war/combat all over the globe. Is the lesser side adopts guerilla tactics and makes the losses for the aggressors so plentiful they lose their appetitie for war entirely even while being in COMPLETE control.

See: vietnam, afghanistan
Ehhh wrong. You’re throwing out instances where the terrain changed everything. Tulsa was a city. Just a normal place. Exactly how was black wall street going to use the terrain of Tulsa to help them? Nobody is getting jungle rot or hiding in ancient mountain caves in Tulsa.

try again. Gotta do better than copy and paste YouTube comments.

Again, if the people in Tulsa were armed they’d be…. Dead, deader….. and dead

Maybe try another Fox News YouTube clip?

Remember that you’re actually sitting here blaming the black people of Tulsa just to side step that you like guns in a thread about people being killed by guns. Literal new low
So they were too stupid to defend themselves?

What race are you?

Don’t side step the argument champ. You’re folding like a wet spelling test.

your examples were moot. If you’re going to cite history as least know it better than a xxxlordofwarxxx redir post reader.
What are you talking about? You havent dispelled a single point or articulated anything of interest.... your contribution is "theyd be dead, dead, dead"

Cool. Good job.

Agree to disagree i guess. ✌🏾
Phew what a foolish take that only proves you know ZILCH about history.

This bleeping week the Butcher of Bosnia Mladic was fimally sentanced to life in prison. Hes 78 now. Anyway all the muslims in Srebrenicia and Kosovo wished they had weapons... but as it were the armed men that marched to freedom were the o ly ones with a HOPE of survival. The muslims in the chinese reeducation camps would not be there of they had small arms. The palestinians, the nigerians etc etc.

But hey man keep passing laws that make you feel safe. Disregaurd the FBI data as well. The 10 year long assault weapon ban weve alrdy lived through, whatever. As long as you got logical fallcies and hopes for peace itll all work out.

Couple of questions...

What do you think of the situation in austin?
Seems like you come into these types of threads and immediately start defending guns...which often times could seem like victim blaming. Threads get derailed quick that way.

When you see situations like this do you wish you were present with your weapons to deter the shootings?

Do you think nobody else had a strap on them during this shooting...?
I think conflating the current shooting and a history discussion currently happening is operating in bad faith but to answer your question. No good person wants to see people suffer, period. If i believed that outlawing guns would help us get there even 1% I would.

Thats not my UNDERSTANDING. (Notice the operative word there is NOT opinion)

I come in this echo chamber when people say asaanine things with the hopes that maybe 2 or 3 NTers read my posts and think critically about them.
ur allowed to say how you feel and why... thats why were here big guy

dont be scared. blastercombo blastercombo was so wounded by the question as to call the question itself victim blaming. thats how comitted he is, it was impressive.

several NTers feel the same. sad state of affairs but here we are.
False, very few had arms. generally single shot farm rifles. unfathomably under matched against a WInchester lever gun

Lol they had the same guns available at that time but had fewer numbers. Their only mistake was not expecting evil white people to murder them that day and even if they did put up a drawn out fight, their demise would have been inevitable.
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One of the most effective defenses by black people throughout the America's involved being on the offense and surprising white people and killing all of them including children. If you really care about oppressed black people defending themselves let's talk about that very effective tactic.
you mean like the black Seminoles or are you doing that thing again where you tell me what would have happened without any historical basis or precedent?
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