Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Gun violence in America is abysmal compared to other developed countries with stricter gun control.

It's not the highest in the world, but if you want to feel good about doing better than places like El Salvador, I guess you have very low standards for this country.

Sorry If I'm not blow away by strawman arguments like the ones made in this thread.
Do you understand what strawman means sir? Please explain how we have empirical data over a 10 year span under nationwide assault weapon and magazine bans that clearly shows noncorrelation between those things and gun violence in america.

Politcal hate and resentment will kill far more people than the AR15s youre scared of.
Most of you already have haha I dont break the rules... though. Ill be banned again soon enough, dont worry. Im not letting my foot off your necks.

Youre wrong today, you were wrong yesterday, you were wrong last week. Im jus tryna look out for your tomorrow papi. Only thing we can change
Lemme know how youd like to assert your inferiority papi
From the article you posted:

The findings of the new study from the state-funded Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis, do not fit tidily into either of these partisan political narratives. While the new study raises doubts about a correlation between last year’s spike in gun purchases and the increases in shootings, it doesn’t address the underlying risk of easy access to guns in the US, Schleimer said.

While official government crime data is not yet available for 2020, roughly three-quarters of US homicides annually are committed with guns, and experts estimate nonfatal shootings injure 100,000 people a year, often leaving survivors with serious, life-altering injuries.

There is a large body of research demonstrating the correlation between gun access and increased risk of gun injury, Schleimer said, an association that is particularly clear when it comes to the risk of gun suicide. The increase in shootings during 2020 may have been driven by Americans who already owned guns before the pandemic, not by the people who bought guns for the first time last year
– but that does not mean that gun access is irrelevant, she said.

A smart man could have formulated that the despair caused by the economic situation in 2020 wouldn't have resulted in an increase in gun deaths if they weren't as easily accessible; the same smart guy would have probably read the whole article and its reservations about other, less conclusive aspects of the debate before using the study report to prove that gun control doesn't work ever.

Us dummies haven't been recruited by the NSA though, so what do we know?
From the article you posted:

A smart man could have formulated that the despair caused by the economic situation in 2020 wouldn't have resulted in an increase in gun deaths if they weren't as easily accessible; the same smart guy would have probably read the whole article and its reservations about other, less conclusive aspects of the debate before using the study report to prove that gun control doesn't work ever.

Us dummies haven't been recruited by the NSA though, so what do we know?
You think he 1. Actually read it, and 2. Knows how to add proper qualitative analysis? Lol
So much ignored content in here. I can only imagine the buffoonery going on right now. Godspeed to you folks fighting the good fight. :lol:

One of the suspects arrested Friday night had posted a message on Facebook referencing a recent divorce and saying he was going to “go out in a big way,” according to the multiple law enforcement sources.
I'm 100% certain this was done by an actual active shooter and not a dude from dude from SE is going to shoot a chick while she's being treated by a first responder
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