Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

The privledge is astounding. The worst part is this the decision making process of senior law enforcement... he spent his whole life doing what exactly? Bet it wasnt protecting or serving. He couldnt count on his fingers how many other lives hes taken.
Remember when constitutional carry was gunna turn Tennessee into the Wild Wild West? Then the same was gunna happen in Texas... except it didnt.... and it wont. You were wrong all along.

Anyway, Ohio will be the FOURTEENTH state to adopt it.

Running outta time to leave the country... the Ukranian Foreign Legion is accepting Americans... 👀
Remember when constitutional carry was gunna turn Tennessee into the Wild Wild West? Then the same was gunna happen in Texas... except it didnt.... and it wont. You were wrong all along.

Anyway, Ohio will be the FOURTEENTH state to adopt it.

Running outta time to leave the country... the Ukranian Foreign Legion is accepting Americans... 👀

Hey freind. Lets discuss...

What do you think what youve just posted suggests? You know we can get the relevant crime data before and after const. carry was granted... right?

The five states with the lowest gun death rates, in deaths per 100,000, are: Massachusetts (3.4), New York (3.9), New Jersey (4.1), Hawaii (4.4), and Rhode Island (4.6). These five states also have the lowest gun ownership rates in the U.S. Massachusetts and New Jersey have the lowest at 14.7% each, followed by Rhode Island with 14.8%. Hawaii's gun ownership rate is 14.9%, and New York's is 19.9%. These are the only states with gun ownership rates below 20%. Rhode Island had the lowest number of gun deaths, with 48. Hawaii followed 62 and Vermont with 67. Both Delaware and North Dakota had 93 gun deaths. These are the only five states that had fewer than 100 gun deaths in 2019.
I don't hate guns but I hate the idea on how unstable or stupid people get easy access on acquiring them or do further tests or requirements to possess them. from what I have seen, countries that have stricter rules on gun ownership have less tendency or compulsion on getting guns which result to lower hostilities and casualties.

Another EU nation does complete 180... decides banning guns is very stupid and instead offers up full auto AKs to its interested citizens. Hopefully they dont all die before the Russians do the job, eh?

Another EU nation does complete 180... decides banning guns is very stupid and instead offers up full auto AKs to its interested citizens. Hopefully they dont all die before the Russians do the job, eh?

well they have a valid reason (threat of war) for doing so considering they are close proximity with an invading Russia as opposed to the U.S. whose main reason for owning one is because the 2nd amendment allows it and because they love their guns. funny part is that the 2nd amendment was made during the time of war and not because of our fascination with guns which is now using the 2nd amendment as an excuse. I doubt that every american gun owner is "practicing now" in preparation of what could be WW3. point is, totally different scenario and justification.
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