Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Number of school shootings this year in the US - 288
Next country is Mexico with 8
This **** is so rare outside the US and the reason is.....strict gun laws
Yeah most people buying guns arent gonna shoot up a place but you cant make it so easy to buy one, in other countries you gotta jump through so many hoops that a lot of people give up
And 99% of people dont have a need for a gun
Its big business and thats why they'll never do anything about it except give thoughts and prayers on twitter
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Man, I've been off the grid for most of the afternoon.

Found out about this latest shooting from my mother, basically Sandy Hook 2.0 :smh:

RIP to the adults and little babies who were senselessly gunned down. |l

Something has to change in the States.

The discourse on this latest shooting is gonna get nasty from THEM.

America is the worst. :smh:

I fear for my sister and nephew and other family living there.
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