Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Heavy is the heart right now.

Damn near in tears thinking of all those kids man and others. Their family. Their friends. Their future.

Sandy hook and parkland and countless other school shooting resulted in conversation. Talking points. Statistics. Headlines and bylines.

Not a ****ing thing of value ever came from it. Those in power to incite change are just as ***** made as these demented killers.
Isn't that the one who ran away?
I believe so. The repubs started labeling him as a coward because of that.
But basically, unless they have body armored guards with ar's, what good is it to have a guard with a pistol? Then it's like, would you really want kids going to school seeing guards carrying ar's?
These jack*** will say anything to keep the gun culture alive.
one of the folks on CNN earlier said they were at the reunification center at Sandy Hook and there wasn’t a lot of info out yet for parents, and slowly kids started meeting and leaving with their parents and the parents left behind started to realize their child wasn’t coming :frown:

Yeah I remember reading that , it was at a local firehouse. Eventually it got to a point where they pretty much said if you are still here its because your children didn't survive the incident. Remember someone saying the united howl / scream that came from that building could be heard blocks down. I can't even fathom it.
The U.S. ended 2021 with 693 mass shootings

What schools do the Koch children, Purdue children, Dupont children, the Scaife children, or (and especially) the Olin children go to? Are these schools ever affected by mass murders? Or do the politicians they buy and force these gun policies through to continually work on tearing our society apart with, live in shielded areas with effective barriers?

Tear the barriers down, let their own children live in this world.
These mass shooting will never stop its crazy
Not until the billionaire families flooding the GOP with dark money funds feel the effects of a school shooting. Until then, **** probably even if it happened to them, theyll continue stripping away any chance of positive change in the world.
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