Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

I read this and smiled like man this so dope…then a grim sad feeling just came over me…like man he shouldnt even be in a position to have this opportunity to have to do this. **** is so ****ed up man. Mass shootings always messed me up but being a parent of a little one it just shakes me to my core. RIP those beautiful babies man

i admire what he is doing.. taking time out to speak to the families and add that personal touch

but every time I look at those pictures it either makes me incredibly sad, incredibly frustrated or enraged

just further drives home the point that there are little kids in there

i know shhtty things happen.. And maybe it’s easier to swallow if the kid(s) is robbed of a future because of cancer or some other shhtty shh

but seeing cartoons on a coffin for elementary school kids is something I hope I never have to see in person ever in my life
I mean alcohol and weed can both exacerbate psychosis if used heavily. So trying to say that weed would do it without linking it to alcohol as well is just a false narrative. But that is if you are susceptible to psychosis and many people aren’t.
Sounds like one of the Uvalde teachers who died spoke with her police officer husband on the phone after she had already been shot. He was on the outside of the building and was prevented from rushing in by other officers. Sad.
what the heckkk
mannnn as more and more information is released its just going to get sadder and saddder
Weed is legal in Canada, the mass shooting problem seems not as bad as republican states where weed is illegal but gun laws are lax.


Maybe the problem is guns?

I don’t know why it’s such a farfetched idea that people shouldn’t have access to weapons designed to kill many people in a short amount of time…

"It gives away your position and your hiding spot"

There's something fundamentally wrong about a child talking like this.

I suppose if you condition them early, recruiters won't have to lie to them anymore about joining the military.

"It's gonna be like grade/middle/high school, except this time, you get to shoot back."

The gunman in the Tulsa shooting yesterday bought his gun 4 HOURS before the shooting. That's how easy it was.

On May 19, the suspected gunman underwent back surgery. Dr. Preston Phillips -- one of the four people killed in the shooting at the Natalie Building, a five-story medical complex at Saint Francis Hospital -- was the suspect's doctor in that surgery, Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin said at a news conference Thursday.

A letter recovered on the suspect, Michael Louis, made it clear "that he came with the intent to kill Dr. Phillips and anyone who got in his way," Franklin said. "He blamed Dr. Phillips for the ongoing pain following the surgery."

Louis bought an AR-style semi-automatic rifle just hours before the shooting, Franklin said. He bought a 40-caliber pistol from a pawn shop on May 29, police said. Both appeared to be legally purchased, police said.

The three others killed were Dr. Stephanie Husen, office employee Amanda Green and patient William Love, Franklin said.

"They stood in the way" so the suspect "gunned them down," Franklin said.
A letter recovered on the suspect, Michael Louis, made it clear "that he came with the intent to kill Dr. Phillips and anyone who got in his way," Franklin said. "He blamed Dr. Phillips for the ongoing pain following the surgery."
so here is the thing, the NRA and GOP which is responsible for the good guy with a gun, unrestricted gun control have their convention doing the opposite. guess the members there are not good guys since they are not allowed to carry them in the convention.
so here is the thing, the NRA and GOP which is responsible for the good guy with a gun, unrestricted gun control have their convention doing the opposite. guess the members there are not good guys since they are not allowed to carry them in the convention.
I said it in my last post and my feelings havent changed.

The fact that their ideas are even entertained as legitimate makes no sense. I am far from a smart man and even I can poke major holes in their logic/point out their hypocrisy.

****s a joke.
so here is the thing, the NRA and GOP which is responsible for the good guy with a gun, unrestricted gun control have their convention doing the opposite. guess the members there are not good guys since they are not allowed to carry them in the convention.
The fact they didn't allow you to come the NRA convention strapped up lets you know how they really feel about guns :lol:
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