Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Wow. This guy is a hero. Beat the snot out of that punk b*

A drag dancer was passing by, and Mr. Fierro said he ordered her to stomp the attacker with her high heels. The whole time, Mr. Fierro said, he kept pummeling the shooter with the pistol while screaming obscenities.

:lol: :emoji_fire: I'm imagining this guy's face getting stabbed by stiletto heels, good.
non pay wall link

but damn these shootings really aren't halting is the saddest part
Unfortunately they aren't. I feel like this only encourages the deranged to plot the next tragic event. Very sad.

And the fact that this could have been avoided, if they actually pressed charges on the dude. Terrible.
It’s not “the gun”.

It’s America.

Everyone is waiting on everyone to take a stand while we all walk the line and let a few set the rules for billions.

Something has to change.
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