Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Hold on now. The WORST part of the measure is that it puts the responsibility for approvals and classes on the cops and sherriffs departments. Giving the cops the ability to approve/deny applications is a terrible idea thats only going to marginalize the groups that they've historically abused, and continue to marginalize and abuse. Their exploits of the past 6 years have been well documented, and I'm only glad I took a political sabbatical from social media in 2016.

But yes the rushed and confusing nature of the measure is pretty ****ty and does little to actually advance good gun control legislation. Which sucks because it's not like it's difficult to craft some good frameworks and then drill into details before an election season.
No argument from me, that’s exactly what that quote in fair was referring to.
*no gun law is going to stop someone from doing something irrational.

Not necessarily true. The laws aren't 100% effective at preventing these types of events. Probably not even 50% or 25%.

However more laws enacted casts a wider net of obstacles that maybe 1 or 2 potential perpetrators get caught up in.... which could deter them, slow them down, or even prevent the entire thing. That alone is worth it IMO.

Yes they can obtain illegally, use a car, a knife or knives...but making it more difficult to obtain legally could raise some flags if other risk factors exist (maybe a past threat of violence, violent history, etc). That puts them on the radar of law enforcement and makes it more difficult to carry out their act. And that's just really basic and the tip of the iceberg. There are so many variables involved that could allow for gun legislation to have an effect on these events.
Not necessarily true. The laws aren't 100% effective at preventing these types of events. Probably not even 50% or 25%.

However more laws enacted casts a wider net of obstacles that maybe 1 or 2 potential perpetrators get caught up in.... which could deter them, slow them down, or even prevent the entire thing. That alone is worth it IMO.

Yes they can obtain illegally, use a car, a knife or knives...but making it more difficult to obtain legally could raise some flags if other risk factors exist (maybe a past threat of violence, violent history, etc). That puts them on the radar of law enforcement and makes it more difficult to carry out their act. And that's just really basic and the tip of the iceberg. There are so many variables involved that could allow for gun legislation to have an effect on these events.
You’re right in that I was speaking in absolutes, I do agree with background checks and they for sure stalls/stops gun legal gun sales.
while reading the points of reasonable legislation regarding guns, question of effectiveness with regards to preventing mass shootings does appear the laws aren't enough. question is why is this? I guess they should look at the perps background/history and how they got into possession of such weapons. if I'm not mistaken, most incidents that involve mass shootings and the weapon used were purchased reasonably and lawfully. this does give an impression that the common person shouldn't be even allowed to own one as responsible ownership. we should even ask ourselves why certain establishments/places prohibit the transport of guns.

the idea is, the point of why people have guns is because the constitution allows them to. I would bet that extremely rarely the ownership of one prevented these mass shootings but even promoted the violence itself.
Gotta protect his mom from the machines...

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