Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

if it ain’t guns

then mentally volatile people gonna use just about anything as a weapon. everyday regular normal things.

books, glass, metal pipes, chairs, sticks, utensils etc.

If they are really that deranged they will make it work to decimate someone to the point of real injury or death.

or they’ll fist fight.

Except those things you listed can't kill dozens of people in a matter of minutes. Also, if someone is attacking me with any of those item you listed, I would have no problem retaliating. If it's a gun, I have virtually no chance at survival unless I run/hide.

Cars or explosive devices I can see as an option, but it's a little different because more can go wrong with bombs, and cars don't have the mobility that guns do.

Guns are the most efficient killing tool for regular citizens and the access to them is too easy.
Except those things you listed can't kill dozens of people in a matter of minutes. Also, if someone is attacking me with any of those item you listed, I would have no problem retaliating. If it's a gun, I have virtually no chance at survival unless I run/hide.

Cars or explosive devices I can see as an option, but it's a little different because more can go wrong with bombs, and cars don't have the mobility that guns do.

Guns are the most efficient killing tool for regular citizens and the access to them is too easy.
The “they’ll use something else” argument is always hilarious to read.
Dude really said someone can create a mass casualty situation with sticks, chairs, and utensils.


Yeah, it’s the anything can be a weapon argument. Along with people asking why don’t we ban cars now since people are renting vans and running people over.
Three weeks shy of 21

if this is true, then it was illegal for him to have a handgun

1) Guns are a problem. Duh. Have no idea what it will take for it to finally click w/people that gun control is an issue and needs to be addressed, like now.

2) Guns are the biggest problem, but coming in 2nd to this is toxic male masculinity. We're at a tipping point here with this. How many times are we going to let males get away with violence in this manner? It's only males (Majority) that perpetuate and carry out these mass violent sprees. We live in a society that breeds excessive machoism and we're seeing time and time again how toxic that excessive machoism can be with men. Disgruntled men who don't get their way, who don't know how to handle rejection and defeat because of their relationship with machoism, are dangerous.

Even if we took away guns (Which I'm all for) we'd have to address the issue of male violence as well. It is not a coincidence that Males (cough white males) in a society that breeds entitlement with males, are the sole perpetrators to these mass shootings.

you contradict your own point here. guns are the #1 problem, and then we still have to deal with toxic masculinity after. but if you reverse it, and you deal with the toxic masculinity first.... the guns arent even a problem anymore. because the mindset of the shooter is the cause for a gun to go from sitting in a drawer to protect your home, to murdering the innocent cuz u got dumped, or lost a match in a video game....

and i dont even necessarily think its the MASCULINITY aspect either. i think its that some people just dont know how to take an L or feel entitled to everything in their life going right. most of these high school shooters going thru the same things all high schoolers go thru and they just handle it in a different, sinister way. and there is one GLARING common factor in all of these mass murderers that i wont mention.

but sure.... the gun is the problem.
Ain't none of these people "fist fighting."

You honestly think these frail dudes like Dylan Roof or Adam Lanza gonna square up? :lol:
:lol: true but not every killer gonna be soft like them. never know.
The amount of stupidity on the previous page would be hilarious under different circumstances,
from the it aint the guns dummies to the resident village idiot comparing mass shootings to a fight in a nail salon.

Got Damn.
There are no solutions on the table to fix the violence issue in this country. The obvious move to me would be to attempt some type of aggressive gun reform until we figure out why people are so f****g angry and want to murder innocent people. What do we have to lose exactly? Because as it stands, people in this country don't deserve guns. The gun violence issue isn't going to just miraculously work itself out.

Action > Inaction
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I see people in here giving these types of people different labels. But there has always has been fuctional, mentally unstable people, that are unditected in our society. The difference now, is that social media is exposing it more nowadays, compared to back in the day. Plus when it happens in today’s time, there’s more people getting killed because of the access to guns.

When I was a kid, there was always some people getting killed over women, or just petty arguments. I don’t put labels on people. There’s just some people that are straight up sensitive, that aren’t sychologically as strong as others. I know that most people like to think that everyone is the same out here. But there’s people out here that will bust your head if you embarrass them or cross them up in the wrong way. Especially if that person isn’t entertaining the foolishness.

That’s why your suppose to check the temperature wherever your at in a public setting. Most likely they probably was talking hella noise to him, thinking he wouldn’t react. Also, this wasn’t planned, because he could’ve did this in a different tournament before this one.

I do believe he would’ve did this somewhere else around this time. Because he exploded over something trivial, trash talking.
I have a hard time to believe that his family or friends didn't see signs.

I hate how people come with the "well I get upset when I lose video games". As if shooting people while playing video games is some common occurrence. And he did it because he cared that much about a game. That's not the reason he brought a gun and shot 10+ people. If it wasn't the video game competition, it would have been a mall, a school, a movie theater.
“We never knew” or “we didn’t see signs” is proof his family and friend neglected him. That’s the harsh reality. They helped make this happen
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