Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

The hell did you quote me for just to say something stupid like that? Keep me away from stupid statements like that.
Damn public school and parents are failing a lot of you people smh. I'm not surprised because as usual folks talk real different online than when you're face to face just another example.
Suicide up, mass shootings up, hmmmm. I think this has to do with more than guns, I feel like our way of life is starting to show long term effects on human psychology, for instance more basics than mental health, like how many people we interact with on a weekly basis, how life is almost too convenient. No struggle, and then boom people snap because they aren't acclimated to the difficulties life is suppose to bring....End/Rant.
i remember back in the day when i use to be playing hella online multiplayer games like cod and halo so many racist trash online. it was so easy to get them mad. i was king at making a racist look stupid during multiplayer games. they had no good responses when they moms and wives were brought into the equation and maybe their love for the king size chocolate bars were the reason for their racism.

hella shirts were taken off back in the day

i imagine its worse now with trump as president
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rip to the victims.

NRA solution will be to arm all Madden players with guns, Last Boy Scout style. why? because they're Russian puppets / idiots.
i remember back in the day when i use to be playing hella online multiplayer games like cod and halo so many racist trash online. it was so easy to get them mad. i was king at making a racist look stupid during multiplayer games. they had no good responses when they moms and wives were brought into the equation and maybe their love for the king size chocolate bars were the reason for their racism.

hella shirts were taken off back in the day

i imagine its worse now with trump as president


Toxic masculinity... foh.

This loser had no masculinity. That’s why he’s strapping and shooting up strangers over a freaking video game.

The people making terms like that up and screwing with the minds of the youth are part of the problem. We gotta catagorize, ostracize, and medicate every damn person/thing now. Kids just cant be kids anymore. Then you throw in social anxieties of social media, increased population density, and a general lack of morals in society. Our schools have kids trying to figure out their “identity” before they can even ride a damn bike. This isn’t going away anytime soon. And it’s just not about guns. Gun violence is the release point of weak and sick individuals.

This has nothing to do with some fake @#% “toxic masculinity.”

toxic masculinity is referring to overcompensation for a lack of traditionally male-associated values, like honor, responsibility, etc. the complete lack of those values manifests often as toxic masculinity:

avoidance, anger, entitlement, distorted view of reality, inability to rationalize normal behavior, victim blaming, disrespect of women (or other groups considered outsiders), preying on weaker people (or use of violence/weapons to confront problems because they otherwise feel helpless), etc etc
Toxic masculinity... foh.

This loser had no masculinity. That’s why he’s strapping and shooting up strangers over a freaking video game.

The people making terms like that up and screwing with the minds of the youth are part of the problem. We gotta catagorize, ostracize, and medicate every damn person/thing now. Kids just cant be kids anymore. Then you throw in social anxieties of social media, increased population density, and a general lack of morals in society. Our schools have kids trying to figure out their “identity” before they can even ride a damn bike. This isn’t going away anytime soon. And it’s just not about guns. Gun violence is the release point of weak and sick individuals.

This has nothing to do with some fake @#% “toxic masculinity.”

You say it has nothing to do w/ toxic masculinity yet your post is kind of endorsing it :lol:
toxic masculinity is referring to overcompensation for a lack of traditionally male-associated values, like honor, responsibility, etc. the complete lack of those values manifests often as toxic masculinity:

avoidance, anger, entitlement, distorted view of reality, inability to rationalize normal behavior, victim blaming, disrespect of women (or other groups considered outsiders), preying on weaker people (or use of violence/weapons to confront problems because they otherwise feel helpless), etc etc
Parenting is in the garbage so it’s no surprise why all these things are the new normal. It’s time for people to start getting certified to have children. (Semi serious)
1) Guns are a problem. Duh. Have no idea what it will take for it to finally click w/people that gun control is an issue and needs to be addressed, like now.

2) Guns are the biggest problem, but coming in 2nd to this is toxic male masculinity. We're at a tipping point here with this. How many times are we going to let males get away with violence in this manner? It's only males (Majority) that perpetuate and carry out these mass violent sprees. We live in a society that breeds excessive machoism and we're seeing time and time again how toxic that excessive machoism can be with men. Disgruntled men who don't get their way, who don't know how to handle rejection and defeat because of their relationship with machoism, are dangerous.

Even if we took away guns (Which I'm all for) we'd have to address the issue of male violence as well. It is not a coincidence that Males (cough white males) in a society that breeds entitlement with males, are the sole perpetrators to these mass shootings.

There’s no denying that it’s exclusively males committing these types of crimes.

This toxic masculinity label is being misused though. With school shooters it’s much more likely to be a case of emasculation. Anger, bitterness, envy and resentment lead to these shootings which are not masculine traits by definition.

School shootings aside, while we are bound to this human form, male aggression and violence will always be a problem in society. It cannot be removed entirely. It can only be managed. And that’s where we are ****ing up.
You say it has nothing to do w/ toxic masculinity yet your post is kind of endorsing it :lol:

Sure thing buddy. I’m confident in my abilities as a human, male, and father of 2 boys. So you can keep spewing your over-idealistic liberal arts class garbage. I’ll stick to raising my boys properly.
There’s no denying that it’s exclusively males committing these types of crimes.

This toxic masculinity label is being misused though. With school shooters it’s much more likely to be a case of emasculation. Anger, bitterness, envy and resentment lead to these shootings which are not masculine traits by definition.

School shootings aside, while we are bound to this human form, male aggression and violence will always be a problem in society. It cannot be removed entirely. It can only be managed. And that’s where we are ****ing up.

Perhaps. However, Toxic or rather, "hypermasculinity" can be the result of emasculation. "Emasculation" really only exists due to the idea or conception of what it means to be masculine in the first place.

So from that perspective, you could argue that the emasculation you're referring to, the anger bitterness and envy that you alluded to, is a direct correlation to masculinity. You can't be emasculated w/o the idea of masculinity and if your response is to kill everyone when you've been emasculated, then that is directly tied to hypermasculinity.

And I agree that male aggression and violence is at this point innate. But I think we can both agree that something has to be done to tame that aggression down significantly. What that something is? Idk.
Sure thing buddy. I’m confident in my abilities as a human, male, and father of 2 boys. So you can keep spewing your over-idealistic liberal arts class garbage. I’ll stick to raising my boys properly.

Man what lol I'm lost

But I'm sure you're a great father. I feel it, I feel it.
Perhaps. However, Toxic or rather, "hypermasculinity" can be the result of emasculation. "Emasculation" really only exists due to the idea or conception of what it means to be masculine in the first place.

So from that perspective, you could argue that the emasculation you're referring to, the anger bitterness and envy that you alluded to, is a direct correlation to masculinity. You can't be emasculated w/o the idea of masculinity and if your response is to kill everyone when you've been emasculated, then that is directly tied to hypermasculinity.

And I agree that male aggression and violence is at this point innate. But I think we can both agree that something has to be done to tame that aggression down significantly. What that something is? Idk.

One can look at masculinity as a concept.
I see it more as an ancient ingrained survival strategy .
Addressing " toxic masculinity" is literally asking every grown man with a family, to trust that all other men on earth are educated, non violent and on the same page. Its an all or nothing deal. Every last person needs to behave or people will always want to defend themselves.
Raising all the babies to be softies to combat this concept
A) will never work due to genetics
B) open the doors for some hardcores to walk in and make Rome fall.

We will continue to fight for status and mates like every other mammal and if a real war ever kicks off, the people hating on toxic masculinity will be looking for some to hide behind
Sure thing buddy. I’m confident in my abilities as a human, male, and father of 2 boys. So you can keep spewing your over-idealistic liberal arts class garbage. I’ll stick to raising my boys properly.
Man you’re taking this way left field. You spoke against masculinity being a factor and then began to list factors of “masculinity” as your determining factors. That’s all

For the record I don’t think masculinity has anything to do what just happened
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