Max B GUILTY according to hiphopstan...

"Im just tryna get my life straight OWWW"

Originally Posted by philly5fan

Id never wish a man jail time....for all those people sayin thats what he gets and so on have obviously never been there.....I guarantee everyone in this thread has done 1 thing in their lifetime that could of gotten them jailtime if caught....spoiled nters FTL
yeah id never wish jail time on a man but

why not. Max knew what it was. they didnt just stick up these dudes they KILLED BOTH of them. Aint no remorse and he had involvement. dude was convicted of manslaughter and people are in here defending him? Somebody school me please.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis dude was convicted of manslaughter and people are in here defending him? Somebody school me please.
nobody is defending him we're just saying there's nothing for people to be happy about at the end of the day his life is ruined whetheryou agree with his actions or not
sad day. stay up wavy crocket

here are some of his mixtapes (music mods
) i gotof his, if yall are tryin bump his music now





"...I'm out for the cash and...
fiends throw the rock on the glass like the backboard...
This for my man til' the end...
I look back for...
He did the crime and did the time...
Then for you... I tilt my hat to him!!!!

- "Bricks and Walls"
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis dude was convicted of manslaughter and people are in here defending him? Somebody school me please.

I understand where you're coming from but
thru out its history US Judicial system has railroaded many a %$%$% and who's to say this isnt the case again.
He has been convicted of conspiracy correct? and according to his lawyers, the witness recanted her previous statement
Im not saying he did it or not but this was not an open and shut, "we found the gun in your closet with your prints on it and the bullets in the victimmatch the rifling from your gun" case

*edit from max's lawyer

Even Gina Conway the State's own witness testified that Max knew nothing of a robbery.Ms. Conway, a jilted lover and proven liar, said so at the trial itself.
Isnt this the same lady who was given a plea deal to testify in order to receive lesser chargesas well

Originally Posted by daproblem53

What song is this?
Blow me a dub '09

Right before he went in for that court hearing a couple months ago when there was a chance they weren't gonna let him back out.
Originally Posted by PolosandDunks

Originally Posted by philly5fan

Id never wish a man jail time....for all those people sayin thats what he gets and so on have obviously never been there.....I guarantee everyone in this thread has done 1 thing in their lifetime that could of gotten them jailtime if caught....spoiled nters FTL
yeah id never wish jail time on a man but

why not. Max knew what it was. they didnt just stick up these dudes they KILLED BOTH of them. Aint no remorse and he had involvement.
I'm sayin, dudes actin' like this is some tragedy that Max B is going to prison after he was convicted for his involvement in the robberyand murders of two people
. The real tragedies here are that two peoplelost their lives over Max B and his cohorts' greed... they're gone forever and their families and loved ones have to live everyday with that. And theflip side of that is that Max's family is suffering for the dumb, greedy $!$! he did as well... my heart goes out to his seed.

I'm never "happy" to see someone, especially a Black man, go to prison... but if you commit or are involved in a double-murder and you were in aposition to make enough money to take care of you and your family legally (and were doing so) you deserve no sympathy for living with the consequences of youridiotic and destructive actions.

at dudes claimin' they would never wish prison on anyone. Maybeyou and your loved ones have ever been the victims of murder, attempted murder, rape, etc. but when you're put in those situations you may see things verydifferently... So if you've never had to face those cicumstances, who's really the spoiled one?

There are plenty of victims in the system... and Max B certainly isn't one of them.
Not really a fan of his music and didn't really follow the case or the charges or w/e but at the end of the day thats a sad situation for erryone involved
Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

"...I'm out for the cash and...
fiends throw the rock on the glass like the backboard...
This for my man til' the end...
I look back for...
He did the crime and did the time...
Then for you... I tilt my hat to him!!!!

- "Bricks and Walls"
sorry if this question has been asked already, I didnt read the thread. how much time is Max gonna be doing?
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

sorry if this question has been asked already, I didnt read the thread. how much time is Max gonna be doing?

I think he can face 20yrs, it sucks though cause i think he was in jail for almost 10yrs before, but i could be wrong... I'm mad i thought he would havethis case beat since his chick at the time switched up her stories.

No more funny videos or hot songs to look forward to
Yall actin like dude just died.
He got bagged for bein involved in some nonsense. I'm pretty sure that his lawyer can appeal but if the lawyer aintgettin paid, he aint gon care about dude. If he want a lesser sentence or some type of miracle, he better study the system front and back. He got 1.5 months tobring something to table.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Yall actin like dude just died.
He got bagged for bein involved in some nonsense. I'm pretty sure that his lawyer can appeal but if the lawyer aint gettin paid, he aint gon care about dude. If he want a lesser sentence or some type of miracle, he better study the system front and back. He got 1.5 months to bring something to table.

sounds like they have a presentable case for the appeal...after listening to that audio ninjahood posted
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