Maybe I'm late but, U can't be serious vol. Booty Pop

Mar 14, 2006

Its one thing to� just have some pannies that tighten up ya glutes for a better shape, but yall gotta throw pads in it too?
I think one of my coworkers be wearing these, because some days her booty is
and other day it looks like her backbone connects directly to her calves.

But they need to make like a, "booty pop, video model" edition (since I doubt they'd call it ghetto booty) because most of those butts were stillnot that impressive. And maybe add a pad on the sides too to make some hips.

But end of the day, it's false advertising on the female's part, just like damn near everything else they do/wear
damn these $$#+*!% and their false advertisements. got dudes goin
when they walk by then they get dudes goin
when they take em off.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

imagine seeing a chick in the club rockin this joint and you take her home to smash and she rockin one of these

id be mad as hell.

after I smashed.
imagine seeing a chick in the club rockin this joint and you take her home to smash and she rockin one of these
SMH. im disgusted.

Get in them jeans and you find what you thought was a nice one was really a dud.
Let's spend a century and some change inculcating people of color (especially black people) oftheir inferiority when it comes to beauty. Let's convince them that they ARE NOT beautiful and rather, their features are polar to what "we" willconsider to be the standard of beauty in this country

When they've been successfully brainwashed into believing our farce--into believing that "our" features aresuperior and theirs inferior-- we will swoop in like the capitalistic vultures "we" are and proceed to commercialize and profit off the truth--whichis that, they possess very attractive and desirous features/physiques.

Open your eyes people...


Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Let's spend a century and some change inculcating people of color (especially black people) of their inferiority when it comes to beauty. Let's convince them that they ARE NOT beautiful and rather, their features are polar to what "we" will consider to be the standard of beauty in this country

When they've been brainwashed and fully indoctrinated into adopting and believing that "our" features our superior and theirs is inferior, that's when we will swoop in and commercialize on their, honestly, attractive and desirous features/physiques.

Open your eyes people...



this is why i !!!! w/you...
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