McDonald's Worker Arrested After Telling Company President She Can't Afford Shoes

10 years and just a dollar over minimum wage

tbh  the fact that she never got promoted after so long is just sad. 

:lol: @ the disrespect  the manager is showing her. They probably wanted to get rid of her and tried to help by not raising her wages but she doesn't seem to realize that
its food....a DEAD END fast food job, sometimes in life you make choices..that broad obviously made da choice

of living in poverty.

10 years b....i don't even wanna post a music video of 2004 to give you perspective on how long she held on that to that dead beat job..
man.. you don't even know her circumstances.

she's 26 years old with 2 kids working at mcdonalds for 10 can you POSSIBLY excuse someone for that kinda piss poor life decision?

10 years b...10 years.

had it been a NTer ya would've laughed him off this website.

If there were ever a case of the pot calling the kettle black, THIS would be it.

You're 30+ years old, you live with your mother in her cramped apartment, you've invested "porsche money" into sneakers for well over a decade now, and you barely have your Associates degree. Simply stated, YOU don't get to call someone out on their "life decisions." How do you excuse yourself for your circumstances in life?...:rolleyes

Moving on...

I feel for her, but at some point she needs to quit that McD's and seek out a better opportunity. Shhh at least enroll in CC, learn something valuable and collect that refund check while you're at it.


you see me struggling begging some faceless corporate exec for sympathy because i can't afford shoes? :lol: that hussie is so far beneath me

she could tie my shoelaces.

im IN college, i DO work, i got NO know why? because i motha ******g think before i put my penis into piece of vagina.

i JUST turned 30, and in a little over a month i got da choice to go OTR for my CDL job or stay local, either way making $$$$$

its called life choices, this idiot obviously failed doing her.

that strag made her bed, now she lying on it.

Ohh right, you're sooo much better than her because you're not out there begging? And what's this about that "hustle" being beneath you? You do LIVE in rent controlled housing right? Not only that, but you live freely--cheaply at most--in your MOTHER'S apartment, right?

Just 'cause you aint out there on the 1 and A begging for handouts dont mean you livin' that hustle free life, cause you are. Furthermore, I'm sure we'd all be living more comfortably, and stacking, with great pride, if expensive aspects of our lives were subsidized by others. Assume an air of superiority when you start paying the market rate in rent. Only then are you really above the hustle--when you've proven that you can survive without the handouts you receive but are obviously blind to.

Let it be clear though, I am not disagreeing with you on the matter of her finding a way to improve her life. My qualm with you is largely centered about the abject condescension you seem to have for his chick, given your life style. This is of course, besides the fact that she DOES make a good point about the glaring and shameful economic inequalities existing between the haves and have nots.

But who cares about that though, let's just focus on all the things that SHE has done wrong in her life, with little consideration left over to debate how the system has failed her and many others like her, right?

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bruh I know ppl who been working retail for 15 years still making 7.25. Its hard out there
McDonalds isn't dead end though b....haven't you seen the commercials and ads where the fry guy becomes the mcflurry guy, then the burger guy, then the cashier, then the drive thru guy, then the asst manager, then the manager, then the general manager, then the district manager, then the regional manager?

Look at that, Calvins got a job! Hey, Calvin!
We don't know this person's situation. How do we know if she was forced to move out of mom's house at age 15 and has been behind the 8 ball since or if one of her kid's had a medical condition that was expensive and kept her from being able to afford missing work or a babysitter when she could've hit up some college courses?

Everyone can judge, but at least she is working. She could be sitting home begging for a handout. She didn't get a degree so her kids deserve to live in poverty? Saying well she shouldn't have had kids??? Too late least it sounds like she is thinking of them which is more than can be said for tons of people both rich and poor.

Some people do have to work lower end jobs, there isn't an unlimited supply of great jobs...if every person had a bachelor's degree, lots of grads would be working for 8 bucks an hour. What's that do for people who can't live with mom and dad? Gets them rent and a week or two worth of groceries. The inequality gap grows, these companies make wild profits while employees suffer and instead of fighting for our poor we pick on them.

The real issue is that you can get arrested for asking a question. What if dudes with master's degrees started getting arrested when they ask for raises they think they deserve?
its food....a DEAD END fast food job, sometimes in life you make choices..that broad obviously made da choice

of living in poverty.

10 years b....i don't even wanna post a music video of 2004 to give you perspective on how long she held on that to that dead beat job..
man.. you don't even know her circumstances.

she's 26 years old with 2 kids working at mcdonalds for 10 can you POSSIBLY excuse someone for that kinda piss poor life decision?

10 years b...10 years.

had it been a NTer ya would've laughed him off this website.

If there were ever a case of the pot calling the kettle black, THIS would be it.

You're 30+ years old, you live with your mother in her cramped apartment, you've invested "porsche money" into sneakers for well over a decade now, and you barely have your Associates degree. Simply stated, YOU don't get to call someone out on their "life decisions." How do you excuse yourself for your circumstances in life?...

Moving on...

I feel for her, but at some point she needs to quit that McD's and seek out a better opportunity. Shhh at least enroll in CC, learn something valuable and collect that refund check while you're at it.


you see me struggling begging some faceless corporate exec for sympathy because i can't afford shoes?
that hussie is so far beneath me

she could tie my shoelaces.

im IN college, i DO work, i got NO know why? because i motha ******g think before i put my penis into piece of vagina.

i JUST turned 30, and in a little over a month i got da choice to go OTR for my CDL job or stay local, either way making $$$$$

its called life choices, this idiot obviously failed doing her.

that strag made her bed, now she lying on it.

Ohh right, you're sooo much better than her because you're not out there begging? And what's this about that "hustle" being beneath you? You do LIVE in rent controlled housing right? Not only that, but you live freely--cheaply at most--in your MOTHER'S apartment, right?

Just 'cause you aint out there on the 1 and A begging for handouts dont mean you livin' that hustle free life, cause you are. Furthermore, I'm sure we'd all be living more comfortably, and stacking, with great pride, if expensive aspects of our lives were subsidized by others. Assume an air of superiority when you start paying the market rate in rent. Only then are you really above the hustle--when you've proven that you can survive without the handouts you receive but are obviously blind to.

Let it be clear though, I am not disagreeing with you on the matter of her finding a way to improve her life. My qualm with you is largely centered about the abject condescension you seem to have for his chick, given your life style. This is of course, besides the fact that she DOES make a good point about the glaring and shameful economic inequalities existing between the haves and have nots.

But who cares about that though, let's just focus on all the things that SHE has done wrong in her life, with little consideration left over to debate how the system has failed her and many other like her, right?

she's da one out here begging for more then 8.25 working 10 years at a fast food joint with 2 kids and a absent  baby father(s)

as much as you wanna try to compare her to me, she's WAY below me...she's not in school, she's on mininum wage, and she got 2 kids.

of COURSE people ar gonna focus on da negativity...when someone's car blows up, they dont tell you "it doesn't matter how little i changed da oil.

i kept da interior clean..and put rims on it" 
meanwhile da rust bucket is a on its last wheel...

moral of da story is da you dont put your life in a pile a **** and expect to come out smelling like roses.

SOMEWHERE between ages 18-21 she EFFED up...da president of mickey's ain't there to be your life coach...
Good thing is she's still young, she can make the change.
The sad thing is, she probably won't. 

This is the issue with these people, all they want is handouts instead of working hard for more like the rest of us do.

She gets no sympathy from me. 
So working for McDonald's for TEN years isn't working hard?

Working TEN years is asking for handouts?

Oh.  Okay.

I won't debate that maybe she should've pursued other avenues of income after seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with McDonald's.  But she has a valid point regarding why she isn't earning more than $8.25 after 10 years on the job.  I don't care where you work--that simply is NOT right.  And she obviously couldn't be that bad of an employee if she's lasted 10 years.  

Listen, just because she works in the fast food industry doesn't mean that she's not working hard.  Making low wages doesn't equate to being lazy and asking for handouts.  Is she working smart?  No, because she's making slightly above minimum wage after 10 years.  But you can't call someone who has kept a job at the same company for TEN years someone that is asking for a handout.
its food....a DEAD END fast food job, sometimes in life you make choices..that broad obviously made da choice

of living in poverty.

10 years b....i don't even wanna post a music video of 2004 to give you perspective on how long she held on that to that dead beat job..
man.. you don't even know her circumstances.

she's 26 years old with 2 kids working at mcdonalds for 10 can you POSSIBLY excuse someone for that kinda piss poor life decision?

10 years b...10 years.

had it been a NTer ya would've laughed him off this website.

If there were ever a case of the pot calling the kettle black, THIS would be it.

You're 30+ years old, you live with your mother in her cramped apartment, you've invested "porsche money" into sneakers for well over a decade now, and you barely have your Associates degree. Simply stated, YOU don't get to call someone out on their "life decisions." How do you excuse yourself for your circumstances in life?...

Moving on...

I feel for her, but at some point she needs to quit that McD's and seek out a better opportunity. Shhh at least enroll in CC, learn something valuable and collect that refund check while you're at it.


you see me struggling begging some faceless corporate exec for sympathy because i can't afford shoes?
that hussie is so far beneath me

she could tie my shoelaces.

im IN college, i DO work, i got NO know why? because i motha ******g think before i put my penis into piece of vagina.

i JUST turned 30, and in a little over a month i got da choice to go OTR for my CDL job or stay local, either way making $$$$$

its called life choices, this idiot obviously failed doing her.

that strag made her bed, now she lying on it.

Ohh right, you're sooo much better than her because you're not out there begging? And what's this about that "hustle" being beneath you? You do LIVE in rent controlled housing right? Not only that, but you live freely--cheaply at most--in your MOTHER'S apartment, right?

Just 'cause you aint out there on the 1 and A begging for handouts dont mean you livin' that hustle free life, cause you are. Furthermore, I'm sure we'd all be living more comfortably, and stacking, with great pride, if expensive aspects of our lives were subsidized by others. Assume an air of superiority when you start paying the market rate in rent. Only then are you really above the hustle--when you've proven that you can survive without the handouts you receive but are obviously blind to.

Let it be clear though, I am not disagreeing with you on the matter of her finding a way to improve her life. My qualm with you is largely centered about the abject condescension you seem to have for his chick, given your life style. This is of course, besides the fact that she DOES make a good point about the glaring and shameful economic inequalities existing between the haves and have nots.

But who cares about that though, let's just focus on all the things that SHE has done wrong in her life, with little consideration left over to debate how the system has failed her and many other like her, right?

she's da one out here begging for more then 8.25 working 10 years at a fast food joint with 2 kids and a absent  baby father(s)

as much as you wanna try to compare her to me, she's WAY below me...she's not in school, she's on mininum wage, and she got 2 kids.

of COURSE people ar gonna focus on da negativity...when someone's car blows up, they dont tell you "it doesn't matter how little i changed da oil.

i kept da interior clean..and put rims on it" 
meanwhile da rust bucket is a on its last wheel...

moral of da story is da you dont put your life in a pile a **** and expect to come out smelling like roses.

SOMEWHERE between ages 18-21 she EFFED up...da president of mickey's ain't there to be your life coach...
Hey, it happens man.  If anyone should know that, it should be you, right?  Isn't your pops in federal prison or some ****?  Do you hold that against your mother?  
im tired of ****** feeling they victims.... whoa as me attitude, no one put a gun to her head to stay at that job for 10 years...

there's a guy im real good friends with, me and him started working at my first job together in 2001...son his still there in 2013

i told him he's wasting his life away..dont even have his GED and he just shrugs it off..some people earn that L in life.

:rofl: :rofl: I was hoping someone else caught that.

And why is ol' boy coming at Ninja so hard?
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she's da one out here begging for more then 8.25 working 10 years at a fast food joint with 2 kids and a absent  baby father(s)

as much as you wanna try to compare her to me, she's WAY below me...she's not in school, she's on mininum wage, and she got 2 kids.

of COURSE people ar gonna focus on da negativity...when someone's car blows up, they dont tell you "it doesn't matter how little i changed da oil.

i kept da interior clean..and put rims on it" 
meanwhile da rust bucket is a on its last wheel...

moral of da story is da you dont put your life in a pile a **** and expect to come out smelling like roses.

SOMEWHERE between ages 18-21 she EFFED up...da president of mickey's ain't there to be your life coach...
In what way bruh? If you didn't have rent control(which I've never seen somebody so proud to have), you would be STRUGGLING in NY. What have you accomplished so much to make you feel like your better than her? Cause you got 400 sneakers? Thats makes you a better human? We all have our faults, but its never fair to look down on somebody without knowing their life.

There are so many variables that effect people's life. Ok, maybe she shouldn't have had 3 kids that soon and in that finacial situation but what you want her to do now? She is doing the best she can. Then you guys quick to pull the "why she ain't in college?"  when some of you know damn well how hard it is for people with degrees to even find jobs in this economy. Then add to the fact her resume says Mcdonalds from 2003-present. Sometimes you gotta learn to humble your heart Ninjahood. Thats wack that you would even have the nerve to look down on her.
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at what point do you stop holding people's hand and let em fly or fail on their own devices?

16 with a job = great...what happened to going to college? what happened to moving on and leaving that wack job for da next high school kid

to just have a couple of bucks in his pocket to get some kicks or go to da movies?

where's da baby father?
I agree but there are some people who just get dealt ****** cards in life. I don't know anything about this person but 26 2 kids a mc d's>>>>>>>>>>> 26 2 kids on her Draya ****.
im sorry but **** outta here lol

you think those two kids wearing sketchers with holes in them and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every night wouldn't switch circumstances with draya in a minute

the twitter jokes is funny and all . . . but she grinded bruh and at least her son eating (presumably) . . . it's terrible logic to work at mcdonalds for 10 years and have to lie to yourself and say "at least im not draya" to make yourself feel better 
So working for McDonald's for TEN years isn't working hard?

Working TEN years is asking for handouts?

Oh.  Okay.

I won't debate that maybe she should've pursued other avenues of income after seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with McDonald's.  But she has a valid point regarding why she isn't earning more than $8.25 after 10 years on the job.  I don't care where you work--that simply is NOT right.  And she obviously couldn't be that bad of an employee if she's lasted 10 years.  

Listen, just because she works in the fast food industry doesn't mean that she's not working hard.  Making low wages doesn't equate to being lazy and asking for handouts.  Is she working smart?  No, because she's making slightly above minimum wage after 10 years.  But you can't call someone who has kept a job at the same company for TEN years someone that is asking for a handout.
You right, although I was referring to the Mc Donalds workers asking for $15/hr.

But come on, she had 10 years to either find a better job or at least ask for a raise/promotion (assuming she didn't ask for one), and even if they denied her a raise/promotion she should have left and searched for something better. 
so you decided to work for mickey D's for 10 years and pop out 2 kids in da process....gee i wonder who's fault that is.
Gotta say...I agree.

I am quite the lefty but that doesn't mean I over look facts.

Ms. Salgado knew her financial situation.

Should not have decided to birth two children on a McDonalds salary.

Depending on the city, $8.25 is very livable for one person.

EDIT: I forgot to talk about the raise issue.

As I understand it every position has a salary cap.

If she is working in the same position for so long they can only give her so much of a raise

before they are losing money because they could've hired someone else to do it at the regular rate.

Even for long term jobs they wouldn't give her too much of a raise.

Not moral but that's how corporations work.
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im tired of ****** feeling they victims.... whoa as me attitude, no one put a gun to her head to stay at that job for 10 years...

there's a guy im real good friends with, me and him started working at my first job together in 2001...son his still there in 2013

i told him he's wasting his life away..dont even have his GED and he just shrugs it off..some people earn that L in life.
I was hoping someone else caught that.

And why is ol' boy coming at Ninja so hard?

someone trying to donate some know how it is b.
You right, although I was referring to the Mc Donalds workers asking for $15/hr.

But come on, she had 10 years to either find a better job or at least ask for a raise/promotion (assuming she didn't ask for one), and even if they denied her a raise/promotion she should have left and searched for something better. 
You must not know how the fast food/retail industries work......

Its so easy to say "do better" "do better" however when 3 kids depend on mom's 8.25 a hour check to eat and to have a place to sleep, it can be every scary to even take that leap to do better. Sometimes you shut up and do what your told just to have money coming in. In this case she eventually got fed up and is desperate for help. I know the stories of staying with one job because you want a stable life for your family. Anyone who has worked fast food or retail knows your playing with fire if you talk too much about "change" or "growth". They decide when they want you to move up.
Gotta say...I agree.

I am quite the lefty but that doesn't mean I over look facts.

Ms. Salgado knew her financial situation.

Should not have decided to birth two children on a McDonalds salary.

Depending on the city, $8.25 is very livable for one person.
LOL yes if you live in a third world country.

Idk where in America somebody is living off 8.25 COMFORTABLY. Guarantee there is some type of struggle if you living off 8.25 and that idea of uncertainty is stressful as hell.

You need experience more of life bruh if you think 8.25 is "livable"
Good thing is she's still young, she can make the change.
The sad thing is, she probably won't. 

This is the issue with these people, all they want is handouts instead of working hard for more like the rest of us do.

She gets no sympathy from me. 
So working for McDonald's for TEN years isn't working hard?

Working TEN years is asking for handouts?

Oh.  Okay.

I won't debate that maybe she should've pursued other avenues of income after seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with McDonald's.  But she has a valid point regarding why she isn't earning more than $8.25 after 10 years on the job.  I don't care where you work--that simply is NOT right.  And she obviously couldn't be that bad of an employee if she's lasted 10 years.  

Listen, just because she works in the fast food industry doesn't mean that she's not working hard.  Making low wages doesn't equate to being lazy and asking for handouts.  Is she working smart?  No, because she's making slightly above minimum wage after 10 years.  But you can't call someone who has kept a job at the same company for TEN years someone that is asking for a handout.
da game it to work SMARTER, not HARDER...

everyone i know understands working at fast food dead end gig is no place to be to raise 2 kids..period.

why is it when immigrants come to this country with LESS they outwork people that were born here with all these resources?

its mind blowing to me, da land of opportunity and cats squander it away.
im tired of ****** feeling they victims.... whoa as me attitude, no one put a gun to her head to stay at that job for 10 years...

there's a guy im real good friends with, me and him started working at my first job together in 2001...son his still there in 2013

i told him he's wasting his life away..dont even have his GED and he just shrugs it off..some people earn that L in life.
I was hoping someone else caught that.
and for da record...

i got da correct correct spelling.
Good thing is she's still young, she can make the change.
The sad thing is, she probably won't. 

This is the issue with these people, all they want is handouts instead of working hard for more like the rest of us do.

She gets no sympathy from me. 
So working for McDonald's for TEN years isn't working hard?

Working TEN years is asking for handouts?

Oh.  Okay.

I won't debate that maybe she should've pursued other avenues of income after seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with McDonald's.  But she has a valid point regarding why she isn't earning more than $8.25 after 10 years on the job.  I don't care where you work--that simply is NOT right.  And she obviously couldn't be that bad of an employee if she's lasted 10 years.  

Listen, just because she works in the fast food industry doesn't mean that she's not working hard.  Making low wages doesn't equate to being lazy and asking for handouts.  Is she working smart?  No, because she's making slightly above minimum wage after 10 years.  But you can't call someone who has kept a job at the same company for TEN years someone that is asking for a handout.
da game it to work SMARTER, not HARDER...

everyone i know understands working at fast food dead end gig is no place to be to raise 2 kids..period.

why is it when immigrants come to this country with LESS they outwork people that were born here with all these resources?

its mind blowing to me, da land of opportunity and cats squander it away.
You ain't said nothing that I already didn't know, homie.  Read, take time to comprehend what you just read and then respond accordingly.  
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