Meek Mill going upstate for 2-4 years

Feb 8, 2009

Rapper Meek Mill was sentenced to two to four years in prison on probation violations Monday by a Philadelphia judge who said the musician had wasted several chances to clean up his act following a 2009 gun and drug case.

The sentence rounded out a roughly decade-long back and forth between the 30-year-old musician and Common Pleas Judge Genece Brinkley that has dogged Mill's career as he had been jailed and called to court multiple times on various infractions.

"I've been trying to help you since 2009," Brinkley said, citing a failed drug test, failure to comply with a court order restricting his travel and two other unrelated arrests. "You basically thumbed your nose at me."

The handing down of the sentence came after a prosecutor recommended that Mill not be imprisoned for the violations, saying that he has been clean since January and that he has grown as a person since his original crime. Brinkley said the prosecutor was too new to the case to understand how Mill just "does what he wants."

Mill owned up to the violations in his only statement during the hearing and said that jailing him would likely end his musical career. He said that he has battled addiction to the prescription painkiller Percocet and that he has only tried to escape a life of crime.

"I may have made a mistake but I never had the intention of disrespecting you," he said.

His lawyer, Brian McMonagle, restated the prosecutor's recommendation of no prison sentence back to the judge as Mill emptied his pockets and removed jewelry from his wrists. With a court officer looming behind him, Mill turned his head and looked backed in the direction of his mother before standing up and being led out of the room by the officer.

McMonagle vowed to appeal the decision as more than a dozen friends and family members stormed out of the courtroom.

Mill has served short stints in jail and home confinement following his conviction on gun and drug possession charges that could have resulted in a five to 10 year prison sentence. He also was recently arrested two times — once in St. Louis for a fight in an airport where serious charges against him were later dropped and the other for reckless driving in New York City.

Am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for Meek Mill? The only reason he wasn't in jail in the first place for the gun and drug charges was because he was an up-in-coming artist who'd just gotten signed to a record deal and promised to get his act together. All he had to do was obey very liberal travel restrictions, pass drug tests and stay out of trouble. What does he do? Fails a drug test, doesn't follow his very basic travel restrictions and gets a assault charge that he was able to work his way out of because he's famous

There are many black people who've gotten screwed by the system Meek Mill is not one of them.
**** him

Mad chances and you **** up? Dont feel bad for him at all.
He squandered the chance he got for almost 10 years while ****ting on the judge in songs. He brought this on himself.
He had a chance to win... don't make stupid decisions. Make your little industry money, chill and let it ride...but nah, he wanna be seen. He need to be noticed... now he's been put on notice that the law and the system ain't to be played with...
Son got white people levels of leeway.
The tone in this thread is total opposite of the one in the music forum. They're in there saying that's effed up, eff the police etc. In here he's being held accountable and I agree. Don't do stupid stuff, ESPECIALLY if you're on probation.

their obviously fans
I’m curious what were the specific travel restrictions and how did he infringe upon them.

Never listened to a Meek Mill project a day in my life but yall can miss me with condemning him for a failed drug test. I thought addiction was a disease?

White America in overdrive cranking out sympathy and support for white victims of opioid abuse but obviously that’s going to be reserved explicitly for white “victims” and white families.

You already know they’re gonna continue to do us the same way they have since the 70’s and 80’s on that front.

Meek should have been smarter but, that’s not the response when the majority overdoses and kill them selves.

At the end of the day it’s still **** the judiciary with an aids **** over here.
their obviously fans

Only fans are able to acknowledge that the punishment seems a bit harsh considering what brought up the probation revocation?


I’m not a Meek fan by any stretch of the imagination, but 2 to 4 years for arrests on charges that were ultimately dropped seems OD.

I’m all for taking responsibility for your actions. But the two charges that he was brought up on were bogus. From my understanding, the first incident stemmed from him not wanting to take a picture with airport employees, who then got disgruntled and began a verbal altercation. The second was dude riding a dirt bike in NYC for a video shoot. I believe you need clearance of some sort for that, and police on hand during the shoot. Homie had that and still got hemmed up on the bogus charge.

Again.Both of those charges were dropped.

I can agree that dude, at one point or another, seemed to have the need for attention. I can acknowledge that he seemed to have a proclivity for getting himself in the midst of sticky situations. But if I’m objectively looking at both of these cases that caused his probation to be revoked, I’d be hard pressed to say dude was in the wrong to the point of deserving 48 months in prison.

It’s understood that the arrests themselves were what caused the technical violation of probation. But in an instance where (again) the charges were dropped, AND the prosecutors weren’t recommending jail time, you’ve gotta take a good look at the judge. She had it out for dude.
I’m curious what were the specific travel restrictions and how did he infringe upon them.

Never listened to a Meek Mill project a day in my life but yall can miss me with condemning him for a failed drug test. I thought addiction was a disease?

White America in overdrive cranking out sympathy and support for white victims of opioid abuse but obviously that’s going to be reserved explicitly for white “victims” and white families.

You already know they’re gonna continue to do us the same way they have since the 70’s and 80’s on that front.

Meek should have been smarter but, that’s not the response when the majority overdoses and kill them selves.

At the end of the day it’s still **** the judiciary with an aids **** over here.

It wasn't a failed drug test. He used water in place of urine and got popped.
Meek is a **** up.

I sympathize with the fact that he got what seems like a bs charge, but he had the resources to put it past him. Yet, he chose to do squander his opportunity.

The legal system can be **** towards young black men, and Meek can be an bonehead. It can be both, those two things are not mutually exclusive.
And has been deemed to be abstaining from drug use since January. Drug use wasn’t the point at issue in this most recent revocation hearing. Only the arrests.

If they were to send him away back when he tampered with the findings of a drug test, that would be perfectly fine. You reap what you sew. But this hearing had nothing to do with that.
Meek is a **** up.

I sympathize with the fact that he got what seems like a bs charge, but he had the resources to put it past him. Yet, he chose to do squander his opportunity.

The legal system can be **** towards young black men, and Meek can be an bonehead. It can be both, those two things are not mutually exclusive.

I said this like 1 million times in the thread in the music forum...but the world is as polarized as ever right now. You’re not allowed to say that Meek got screwed AND Meek bought this on himself. It’s either one or the other...even if the two thoughts don’t AT ALL conflict with each other.
I said this like 1 million times in the thread in the music forum...but the world is as polarized as ever right now. You’re not allowed to say that Meek got screwed AND Meek bought this on himself. It’s either one or the other...even if the two thoughts don’t AT ALL conflict with each other.

I don’t believe this is too far off the mark. Son squandered chances, but he is also a victim of a messed up system.

I think the divisive component of all this comes in where the people commenting are people who aren’t sure what son got knocked for this time. You’ve got cats talking about failed drug tests and not knowing that component could’ve landed him in jail a minute ago had the judge and prosecutors deemed that worthy of revoking the probation. His PO and the prosecutor said dude’s been clean for nearly a year (assuming that they check him monthly or biweekly as they should be). Fact is, that’s got relatively nothing to do with what happened yesterday.
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