Meeting up with people from the Internet.

a dude who frequents the canada forum randomly lived a floor below me (found out via NT) freshman year...i introduced him to the average gooddude...about the only time i met someone off the net.

i mean, i'd hit up a regional summit but i'm not gonna chill with any random off a message board..that's pretty creepy and very sad.
I met my fiance in an aol chatroom almost 6 yrs we have a child, planning a wedding its a beautiful thing... you just gotta be careful. I've meta few one dude from NT dude was madd cool...
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

a dude who frequents the canada forum randomly lived a floor below me (found out via NT) freshman year...i introduced him to the average good dude...about the only time i met someone off the net.

i mean, i'd hit up a regional summit but i'm not gonna chill with any random off a message board..that's pretty creepy and very sad.

how is it sad...the same way you kicked it with ol boy in your building is how i'm sure most do it...kick it once if it was cool you might do it again...
Ive met plenty of ppl online between selling shoes on ebay and from here.

Nothing wrong with it, everyone was cool people too.

I gotta come to the next NY summit, I missed out the last 2 times.
A few NT'ers go to my college/ reside by me
. They seem like cool folks, so I definitely plan on blowing trees with them in the near future.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

a dude who frequents the canada forum randomly lived a floor below me (found out via NT) freshman year...i introduced him to the average good dude...about the only time i met someone off the net.

i mean, i'd hit up a regional summit but i'm not gonna chill with any random off a message board..that's pretty creepy and very sad.

how is it sad...the same way you kicked it with ol boy in your building is how i'm sure most do it...kick it once if it was cool you might do it again...
personally i just don't like the idea of it...the computer isn't an outlet to make friends, it's to share ideas and make communicationeasier. why would i want to chill with someone i'm already having a discussion with? if both of us like fishing or bodybuilding we can talk about it onforums, i don't need to do it with you - i already have people to do that with.

i kicked it with the dude in my residence because i figured i would probably meet dude anyway. if he messaged me and said "hey i go to your school, ilive in the dorm across from yours" i would not attempt to link up. that's just me though right...

this girl i know married a dude off the net and they're honestly the happiest people i've seen in a relationship...met on a WWE messageboard...whatever floats people's boats....i just think there are better outlets for meeting people.
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

TimelessFlight wrote:
I've met people from online, never had a bad experience...just gotta use good judgment.
just gotta use good judgment

basically...I met a cool group of people from this natural hair group and I be partyin' wit' them on the weekends
Nappiology where you at
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