Memory Lane Vol. What type of Lunch Hour student were you?

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

I sat with my crew and we clowned on people and told random awesome stories. We was them dudes other random *@! dudes and females came to sit with just so they could experience our epic swag and laugh they *@! off cause we had the comedy on lock. Lunch time FTW
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Datnggag

i hit this kid names Jonathan In the nose..he told me he had sex with my moms for monopoly money and threw a wad of Monopoly 20s at me..I know homebody had theese veins under his nose so i stood Up @ lunch and aimed for them...Needless to say his nose started gushing and i got respect from then on..
I can't laugh like I want to because I appreciate what you said in that other thread, but X amount of years later, you GOTTA know that %@!! is MAD hilarious, right?
Lol...yea the *@*$ is funny bro every time i play monopoly now i crack up...

EDIT: We used to clown people to in HS..i was never like that but now i got crazy jokes on people..i know my boy Quan used to crack jokes on everybody and ipicked up his habit..
In high school, I was always messing with this broads. Table to table, asking for they snacks and what not. Lunch was sweet in high school. 3 cafeterias allwith sumn different...
Originally Posted by Yoda

For the longest it was always:

crackin' on people,
cuttin' the lunch lines ('cause sometimes, they ran outta the main lunch for the day and they had the garbage lunch).
taking the vegetables out of the cup-o-soup packages and flinging them on the ceiling with spoons
farting competitions

cutting at lunch ahahha i almost forgot mann we would straight up disrespect everyone in line...we would walk from the other end (where you pay) and grab ourfood and pay ahhaha... and the good ol school functions when everyone in the grade would meet and the boys would always have 1st selection of seats...(i grew up in sugarland ...(suburbs outside houston)
Originally Posted by Datnggag

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Datnggag

i hit this kid names Jonathan In the nose..he told me he had sex with my moms for monopoly money and threw a wad of Monopoly 20s at me..I know homebody had theese veins under his nose so i stood Up @ lunch and aimed for them...Needless to say his nose started gushing and i got respect from then on..
I can't laugh like I want to because I appreciate what you said in that other thread, but X amount of years later, you GOTTA know that %@!! is MAD hilarious, right?
Lol...yea the *@*$ is funny bro every time i play monopoly now i crack up...

EDIT: We used to clown people to in HS..i was never like that but now i got crazy jokes on people..i know my boy Quan used to crack jokes on everybody and i picked up his habit..
I kid you not bro... a lot of guys think I'm only a smart %+% cuz it's "Da interwebz" and what not but my dude used to pay me adollar at a time to clown whoever he pointed out in the lunch room. I'd take his dollar and GO IN on dude then he'd pick another victim and up anotherbuck
i was the kind who never made it back to class after lunch. those were the daysss... going home at lunch and cuttin class to smash my gf.
I was a goodie goodie until HS…

Elementary school---typical…my moms used to make my lunch in my cartoon lunch boxes "my lil pony"…tag, red/light/green/light/1/2/3 crap…missmary-mac, and all those hand games

Junior High school---uhhh…don't remember even eating, was very picky back then…chill with the "cool" girls, double dutch (I always turned…neverjumped…and I am black SMH), carried my lil jansport which never had anything besides a pen and a little notebook, always told the teachers my back was hurtingcan't carry books LOL

High School---tator tots n ketchup, another time too where I didn't eat much…roam the halls, meet up with BF, make out…bring in empty sprite bottles withSmirnoff, drinking…break into peoples lockers (I had an accomplice!) take all their shhh out and throw it the floor lol….and depending on my mood maybe I wouldgo back to class…and still managed to maintain 94 average…haha
lunch was the best in high school. Going out to eat damn near errrry day.

i have so many stories, maybe ill come back after i do this paper if this thread is still up.

A+ thread. Will read again.
Elementary and middle school =ate lunch as fast as possible and tried to get a couple of hoop games in

High school=brought my lunch and usually had student body meetings or club meetings.
Man I was a little bad @#$ kid when I was younger. I look back like "What was I thinking"

Elementary school---I was always in trouble especially in 3rd grade when I got a blue slip almost everyday because I would call my teacher Darth Vader (in mybest Vader voice) because her name was Ms. Fator. During lunch time I would just crack jokes on everybody no holding back. Recess was football, kickball,soccer, or tag. I still remember in like 3rd or 4th grade I just ran a deep route straight to the endzone and ran right into the school, smacked my head rightinto a brick wall literally. Focusing on the ball and not where you are running FTL. Blacked out next thing I know I'm in the principal's officebecause a teacher had to carry me in. 5th and 6th grade it was the same old thing, but now I had dicovered girls lol.

Middle school---More of the same, but no recess really sucked. I think I only got to eat in the lunch room for about half the year in 7th grade because I wasalways on some probation (either gang probation or behavior). They would have you go eat in an 8th grade class during your lunch just so you couldn't bearound everybody. Turned out to be good because I would sneek food to some of the 8th graders that I knew for a small fee. Making money is always a plus. 8thgrade was more of the same, but I wasn't getting in nearly as much trouble. I still managed to be banned from all the 8th grade trips though (GreatAmerica, D.C., presentations). I would just sit in the office while everyones else was gone. Tried maryjane for the first time only to get caught by my friendsdad who knew the smell because he smoked, then had to jump the guy for tricking on us and telling his mom who all was there with him. So she could call all ofour parents.

High school---Freshman year was my best your grade wise, I was trying to make sure I did good. I would still get more detentions than the average kid though.Then lunch time was still the same our table was the bball team and we would just kick it and make jokes and shoot dice. Then junior and senior year I wouldhelp out the lunch ladys during my second or third period (I would just go to class late everyday with a pass). They would need someone to carry up the icefrom downstairs and put it in the soda machines and also help moving all the boxes of food for them. I would always take a bunch of candy too. Then once lunchrolled around it was a free meal for helping them out. Man I remember ppl would steady try and sit at our table because they knew we were about to have nonstop laughter.
HS: i remember hitting up all the fast food spots with alllll my friends, getting there then having to eat fast as hell, and still comeback mad late.
or hitting up someones house eat there , and drink and
then going back 4th period
Grade school: selling DBZ pictures to little dudes for cash. wasn't making much but I had dudes collecting albums from me

Middle school: in the yard playing football every day.

9th and tenth grade selling dvds for cash.

11th chilling and playing crazy eights for cash.

senior: school?
DearWinter219 wrot

5: Straight random acts of terrorism against ANY 4th grader, making __s cry and *%+@
I still remember Randy Savaging Edward Bacon from the top of the monkey bar platform
. Fam was pigeon toed as hell. I remember dude could stand one way with his feet the opposite way
.... Yet, he STILL was catching ankle locks and crying
... What a grade A+ victim
. We used to just hold __s down and put __s in Boston Crabs till WE felt like they had enough


Good post
. I'll post mine later when I get out of class.
Lunch was always the best...

first copy hw with a quickness.
homie pounding the "grinding" beat on the tables and telling his *** to stop cause i was copying some &@*@ homework.

the whole table picking off the one person who got lunch.
beastmode and flirt with the table of girls next to us.
try and get my detentions cleared.
making bets and bashing on random folks.

high school makes me
just thinking about it...
in the first couple years of elementary i played ball w/ the other 2 girls that played ball in my school.. or i ran races w/ the boys..later in elementary iplayed ball w/ the boys and kickball w/ the days of my life

in middle school i was the one chillin w/ all the pretty girls
listenin' to them talk bout which boys are cute.. which girls are sluts in the making..and b2k
or i did homework and sorta paid attention to them..

in high school i spent most of my time w/ the girls on the bball team.. we usually went to the chinese spot to eat.. or copped a sandwich and went to dunkindonuts to eat.. we talked about random %#!*..
when most of the team was absent or had to stay in school for whatever reason, i chilled w/ the boys..skateboarded.. talked bout girls and geek stuff..
other days i felt like being alone so i just walked around outside.. or when it was cold i stayed in the art room and painted/drew
In HS, lunch hour was different everyday. One day we would just bang on the table and freestyle. Another they we just raid the Juniorsgym class and take over.
i miss reduced lunch.. 25 cents.. wish they had that for college students..

elementary.. i remember when kids used to get married with ring pops on fridays.. kickball.. butts up.. capture the flag.. catching two 4th grade teacherssmashing..
middle school.. selling pokemon cards.. dbz was crazy.. playing football, soccer, and ball.. figured out spanish girls > black girls .. remember when dudebrought a gun to school.. smh
high school.. going out for lunch, freestyling.. going on migente/blackplanet etc.. joked on everyone even my friends.. i definitely messed up some friendshipswith females.. like "you was ugly in 3rd grade.. you brought lunch to school and you had braces.. now you look dope.. let me holla."
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

you act like i didn't know WHY you posted it...still...

i'm expecting like one of those mass e-mails categorizing hs kids and what they do for lunch...i.e. the "smokers", the "mall crowd", the "lames" who eat in school, etc.

i see this dude breaking down his school career from

, indeed...

Originally Posted by DearWinter219


yeah... that'll do.
Elementary- Dodgeball and Kickball.

Middle School- Played b-ball all day.

High School- Kick with the crew at a table (the quad area) and played b-ball occasionally.
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