MEN: Do you keep exes as friends?

I'm going to try and work it out.

I see no problem in remaining friends, since you obviously saw something in each other to begin with. A break-up shouldn't hinder that connection.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

You guys are cold...

Unless she does you dirty, yes.
It's not even being about cold. It's just weird. For example, you're chilling with an ex and a certain song comes on that sparksmemories... or something happens that rekindle a thought and one of you guys say "you always do this, this is why things didn't work out betweenus". It just gets too messy, often a time too much trouble.
Definitely not my last one. I only put up with her during our relationship because of her body.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

The rule is to never burn bridges but personally I can't do anything but that.

My thing is that if i was in a relationship with you then I see you only as a mate not a friend or anything like that. Don't get me wrong I share some of the same kind of actions you would find in a friendship which is normal for a healthy relationship like joking around, playfulness, advice. But the bottom line is that your my girlfriend not my best friend or even a friend.

Once we end it, it's done...if I see you in the streets i'll say whats up but nothing more.

I don't understand how guys can say that their girlfriend is their best-friend other than if they grew up with their g/f, like why would you put all your apples in one basket. When you end a relationship like that not only are you losing your girl but your best-friend as well.

Absolutely right. I need to follow that advice...
This is the only effective way to do it
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

you have to cut them off until both of you get over each other... then after that it's all good
I have two that I am good friends with, one of them I could really settle down with. But my ex-wife hell naw. And most exes its a big fat "NO" aswell.
They hate me. Hell no. One deleted me as a FB friend in the past week. Somehow she met a girl I took to my senior prom last year, and found out that I hadsex with both of them that night.
if i still talk to em, just means i still wanna sleep with em, basically it... cut the emotion n feelings out for me homie., just wanna get some bootyholeagain
nope just dont see the point... but one of my old girls still says hi when she sees me... i know shes being nice and all but i aint tryin to hear it... plusits just weird
I did with my last one trying to be friends but before you I knew it she put something in her mouth which I wasn't tripping about til she said I love you

Had to drop her quicker than Mike Tyson word to Buster Douglas
I stay friends with my exes. With one of them I became smash buddies with her. I had to end it cause she was catching feelings and now haven't talked toher since
I do but as soon as they get involved with someone on a serious level in respect to the guy, I don't call them as much or hang out with them like that. idon't want the next man getting mad, plus it doesnt look right. but yeah I still do.
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