MEN: Do you keep exes as friends?

Nope. There is one that cheated on me with some dude and has a kid with now messaged me on myspace about a week ago asking me how I was. When I asked her whyshe was messaging me she said I still have a part in her life. Silly females.
Still friends with two of my ex's one of which is married with a kid, friends with her husband but i still keep my distance because I can sense his uneaseat the fact we are still friends which is understandable. My other ex i talk to but i don't hang out with her like that, i think its ok as long asboundaries are respected, if i had an ex that would cause problems with a current girlfriend I would cut her off.
as a woman i personally dont like i dont. my last ex tho keeps bugging the heck out of me: continuously proposing, trying to surprise me etc...honestly you have to know when someone just dosent want to be with you anymore. it hurts but its life.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

I'm in this predicament. I have one who thinks I still want her, so tries to avoid me. I have another who I've wronged but we still talk on the phone into the wee hours.

The problem isn't the friend part--it's all the lingering emotions/feelings tied to the failed relationship.

Have any of you got back together with your exes after a long, extended period of being platonic?

No ulterior motives here. I'm just wondering if this ex as friends thing ever works.
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