Men who sag their pants EXTREMELY LOW unappreciation

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I know dudes who dress like theyre going to the mall wen they go to the beach down here.

"Dog i need to go to the mall and buy an outfit for the beach"

"Man if you dont get......"
The worst is when they tie their shoes around their neck and roll with the Nike sandels with the elite socks. All I can think of is lack of fathering
The worst is when they tie their shoes around their neck and roll with the Nike sandels with the elite socks. All I can think of is lack of fathering

The extreme saggin is horrible, no argument there.

But the style of saggin shouldnt be hated on. and if it is, yall need get on the diaper pants wearers.
+i dont sag much at all+
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I never even posted in here
i cant believe theres actual places in this country where they make it a crime to sag your pants
i wonder if thats aimed at a certain demographic?

nawwwww! couldnt be, policing has never been aimed at keeping brothas in check.
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