Mermaids: The body found

Jul 30, 2012
anybody catch this show on animal planet? its on again if you missed it.basically there's solid evidence the mermaids really exist, but government agencies cover everything up. if you watched this or have any knowledge on mermaids please discuss.
When I was younger and used to visit Haiti I was told there were mermaid around but I think it was one of those folk tales.
The real question is, would you?

What evidence? Give me an example.
just recapping the show: scientists discover remains from a mermaid and are able to reconstruct the skull and had other bones and fins etc. they are able to take a dna sample which pretty much resembles the dna of a human. their theory (just like how killer whales are actually derived from wolves on land) is that somewhere in time prehistoric apes evolved into the water to claim the sea as their habitat. one day the scientists come to find every piece of evidence and files confiscated by officials. Lol so i guess no there is no real physical evidence at this date
Animal Planet is using conspiracy documentaries just like History Channel for dem ratings.
if real the Government wont ever tell us..

just like UFO's..

im sure there is evidence if not actual aliens locked up in area 51... :rolleyes
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