Messed Up ot Not: Teaching Your Kids About Santa Clause (At All)

Kids are going to learn eventually from friends or school so why not just play along as parents.
I don't think I am going to do it. Lately "they" have even introduced this new thing called Elf of the shelf where they put an elf somewhere and tell the kids it's watching them or something to further bribe/scare them into being good. I have also heard the new norm is to attribute the cheaper gifts to "Santa," because obviously everyone doesn't make the same amount of money, so you don't want to have one kid saying Santa got them some socks and then a kid from the other part of town is like Santa got me a Mercedes. It's all silly to me.

I bought you all this ****.
I`m not wasting my time. My kids will learn that they will be rewarded for their good acts with their parents hard earned money, and even then all holidays and time off I feel emphasis should be placed on spending time with family opposed to material things.
i had this same question to myself the other day cause i always knew that santa didnt exist ( my mom was a manager at toys r us ) and when you a bunch of adults going crazy buying toys and fighting for power rangers for "christmas" i knew at an early age ..............either way i have a 4 year old now , she behaves very well and talks very well for her age , i wanted to just talk to her straight up , take her to toys r us and let her pick her favorite toys and then give it to her on christmas morning ( i still believe in the hype of waiting for the morning of dec 25th ) and the whole family aspect and even a "vibe" in the air during christmas time , i know i go everywhere when i start typing but what do you guys think? do the whole santa thing and push the santa thing ?or dont talk about it but get the gifts when shes with her mom and surprise her?  or just keep it one thousand with my jit from the get 
El nino Jesus! huevones.

For real though, only in the U.S is where you will find this kind of stupid debate between parents. You go to Venezuela and baby jesus will always taught.
My future children will not be celebrating x-mas. I will explain to them the lie if they ask.

Any gifts you get in your young life were from your family or friends. Simple.

I don't know how a parent could go about not introducing the concept of it to their children unless they're planning on banning tv and the internet and never letting them see any sort of holiday movie and somehow controlling what their classmates might say.
Nah, I love the spirit of Christmas. It will be dope celebrating with my kids. [emoji]128175[/emoji]
Nah, I love the spirit of Christmas. It will be dope celebrating with my kids. [emoji]128175[/emoji]


Obviously my daughter will find out as she gets older...but I love this time of year and she's SO in to it. Gotta let her rock and be a kid.
El nino Jesus! huevones.

For real though, only in the U.S is where you will find this kind of stupid debate between parents. You go to Venezuela and baby jesus will always taught.
but what will you do when you have to tell your kids that baby jesus wasnt real? 
jesus = santa for adults

**** no im not poisoning my kids brain with that bull****
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Been seeing folks on Social Medias talk about not even introducing the concept to their kids at all.

Cool or nah in your eye$?

I hate when my son comes home with Christmas related artwork he did at school.

What happened to separation of church and state? Forcing this nonsense on my kid.

If you're going to teach kids about religious holidays you better good and damn ******* sure you teach them about all of the ******* religious holidays.

But it's all part of the plan, all part of the agenda. Same reason they teach a revisionist version of Columbus day to kids.
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