Met This Chick.....*Pics* Another Pic Added Pg. 3 * Another Update Pg. 11*

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by StuntHard

i just wanna say two things: i'm from arkansas, and also, i can make this thread really epic. i'ma let y'all rock tho... carry on.
You won't.
He aint got the marbles...

Originally Posted by kix4kix

No buns?

I don't what know what the hell is wrong with me but I'm missing kickin it with her already. Go ahead and roast.
@ me.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by eight2one

you still havent smashed Jason? Shame on you!
wow money, the gov name?

zik some of that post wasnt completely directed at you, i was answering another question someone else asked. my fault for not being specific.
and to whoever keeps bugging me with the question of "are you gonna have that same i dont care attitude if confronted by her husband", look maury if he confronts me so be it. all he can do is get mad and try to throw down, even tho in this situation he may be beyond the point of rationalization id try and be the bigger man and avoid it coming to fist but if so then whatever.
and carver im not in any mess, he wont find out and if he does oh well. thats his wife being unfaithful to him not mine.

i figure imma just leave her alone and keep it moving, like it was said before there a ton of single chicks out there that i can avoid this kinda drama with. dont get it twisted tho if she throws it imma catch it

at you blindly assuming that it would come to 'hands' at theend of this. Leave that !%* alone.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JayHood23

To whoever it was that asked how long I've known her, its been about a week.


But anyway, I went to her spot and I asked where her husband was and she said he's outta town in SC for the weekend and left her home alone. I saw a smashed laptop by the chair she was sitting in and I asked her what happened to it and she told me he smashed it and he's violent and dramatic. She wanted to pop a pill and we went to my house to get them and then got a bottle of moscato. Went back to her place and got a little tipsy but nothing too crazy. She came and laid down on the couch I was sitting on kept falling asleep
. So I woke her and we kissed for a little while and I got my feel on. I spent the night over there and just got home at 6:25. I asked if she wanted me to swing through later and she says sure. This time I'm gonna put in work and say eff all the conservative BS
Rule #1.

YOU provide the place IF you are going to mess with a woman with a dude. Why go to her place when her man can pop up at any given moment?
Cause everyone wants to be in a rkelly video.
Wow...this is old but you still a simp for goin all the way over there and only kissin/copppin' feels...if you're gonna get caught at least be all theway in and claim you didn't know she was taken...depending on the guy he might not even care about you or he's a herb so you could take him
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