Met This Chick.....*Pics* Another Pic Added Pg. 3 * Another Update Pg. 11*

I think I'd have to hit it. She's married and she's my age
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

don't get caught up in that mess. there's other chicks if you're just trying to "smash." & im assuming you're not trying to wife cus a) she's married and b) if she cheats on him shell cheat on you.
Take it from me, married women are pscychos.

Just found out one is stalking me on the internet and taking screen shots of my NT post.

More trouble than it's worth...
xfile 11:
from experience. dont catch feelings and dont expect anything back but lies. if you can handle that go for it.

She's already cool with lying to her husband, who she obviously had feelings for and was attracted to at some point (some point recently, actually).

So now she's on the prowl again, and maybe she has feelings for you and is attracted to you? If you expect anything other than lies and a temporaryinterest in you, you're an idiot.

So if you're cool with moving along, knowing that you're just another temporary experience for her and that it's really not as serious as she mightmake it out to be and she's probably not being honest with you about things between y'all, then move along with her.

But if you think you're rescuing her or answering some second-guesses she has about life...
Yea it could be alot of trouble but at the same time you doing the husband a favor. Think about it.
Why would dude want to be with a girl that cheats on him anyways?

If shes down to smash but you don't what is the difference. She will just do it with another guy.

Basically what I'm saying is that I would do it although, it could get messy because the husband could find
out. I wouldnt stop myself because I thought it was disrespectful or wrong though.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

xfile 11:
from experience. dont catch feelings and dont expect anything back but lies. if you can handle that go for it.

She's already cool with lying to her husband, who she obviously had feelings for and was attracted to at some point (some point recently, actually).

So now she's on the prowl again, and maybe she has feelings for you and is attracted to you? If you expect anything other than lies and a temporary interest in you, you're an idiot.

So if you're cool with moving along, knowing that you're just another temporary experience for her and that it's really not as serious as she might make it out to be and she's probably not being honest with you about things between y'all, then move along with her.

But if you think you're rescuing her or answering some second-guesses she has about life...

Very good point, I'm not tryin to wife her by any means. I'm moving in December back to Atlanta so I'm trying to get it in whileI'm here.
OP she def looks straight but messin with married folks is just wrong........but she is 19........i dunno you make the call.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

OP she def looks straight but messin with married folks is just wrong........but she is 19........i dunno you make the call.
Definitely on the fence with this one. Met her the other night and she is on point. Knowing that she is married I won't press the issue and bethe aggressor in the situation.
matter fact im giving you the pass. im puttin her in the 8/10 range. your call, im picky as hell too.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

matter fact im giving you the pass. im puttin her in the 8/10 range. your call, im picky as hell too.
Boy don't make me go thirsty on this chick
There's nothing wrong with smashing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. She's only 19 so the marriage doesn't count
Originally Posted by rocksfan25

There's nothing wrong with smashing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. She's only 19 so the marriage doesn't count
Null and void
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Sounds like BS.

Girls don't say I'm married if they like you.
Sounds like this has never happened to you before!

but anywayz.....YES the helll they will! any real woman would.......because you have to know, for one...."dont catch too many feelings for me, cuz its notmuch we can do as a relationship"..(duuhhh)...for should already have known your roll (beat beat beat beat beat)....and forthree........"we gotta be careful cuz my husband is crazy! and if he finds out.....mmmmm boy!!!!"

C'mon Son

btw......OP...go for it, shiiiiiet i would!
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