Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | A Hideo Kojima Game

I got a feeling MG1 & MG2 are gonna be a large part of the current MGS series, so they might not get remade.

If MGS V doesn't cover (or redo) that part of the story, I'm sure an MGS 6 will.
I mean both Big Boss and Solid Snake and Gray Fox are in them (the best 3 characters in the franchise).

Kojima has to. He just has to.
when i had it as a kid i didnt even get on the elevator

i was 7 when it came out. it was too hard
That was by far the hardest part of the game for me, besides trying to stay conscious for ocelots torture :lol:
Just speculation, but "diamond dogs" = "foxhound"? Or at least the predecessor?
Nah, the predecessor was the FOX Unit (What the crew in MGS3 were in).

It was disbanded and then Big Boss and Roy Campbell created FOXHOUND during the San Hieronymo Takeover (Portable Ops).

What Militaires Sans Frontières and Diamond Dogs eventually become is Outer Heaven. DD is created after the main MSF base is attacked and destroyed (shown in the trailers).

From David Hayter's IMDB page.
Replaying MGS3 yesterday night, still great game. Getting used to the controls again.

doing the same. i can play it over and over again but mgs 2 i cant. i think it has something to do with raiden in there

i played thru again to get the dog tags tho
doing the same. i can play it over and over again but mgs 2 i cant. i think it has something to do with raiden in there

i played thru again to get the dog tags tho
I lost ALL my damn save data for MGS2 (Vita memory card was bugged) recently.

I was at the part when Solidus fights Snake (in a jet and heli).

mgs3 is legendary. so much memorable moments in that game and wth mindblown moments. i wish i didn't trade in my 3ds version.
I just jumped from the plane and got to the crocodiles.

Gonna be spamming The Boss with calls since... well you know. 
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did ocelot know that the boss and the sorrow was his parents? i mean in sneaker eater the boss and ocelot are "on the same side" but does he know thats his mom?

on the flip side did the boss know ocelot was her kid? prolly not im guessing?
the sorrow and the boss are the parents of ocelot. i asked if ocelot knew that they were his parents

and if the boss knew that ocelot was her son. auto correct on my phone made it look ******ed
Well after researching real quick, it seems to be the consensus that he didn't, and that The Boss most likely knew but because of the "mission" she never told him.

I wonder if Big Boss knew.
noob alert. not sure if this has been answered but

what's in the 'cassette player' that skull face gives to that child solider in the cage?
noob alert. not sure if this has been answered but

what's in the 'cassette player' that skull face gives to that child solider in the cage?
Quick answer is a cassette tape with the song "here's to you" and it plays throughout the trailer (it does so as soon as Chico press plays).

Chico is a character from Peace Walker.

More certain answer: We don't know.
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Would you guys want Para Medic and Sigint to appear?

Seeing as they comprise of The Patriots along with Zero and Big Boss.

I would welcome it I think. The fact that PM eventually makes Gray Fox into a cyborg ninja and dies by his hand, yet she was so nice and loving in 3. What changed in between that time?
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Would you guys want Para Medic and Sigint to appear?

Seeing as they comprise of The Patriots along with Zero and Big Boss.

I would welcome it I think. The fact that PM eventually makes Gray Fox into a cyborg ninja and dies by his hand, yet she was so nice and loving in 3. What changed in between that time?

she had to assist snake in mgs 3 and to ensure he completes his mission. on the flip side she was in charge of practically reviving gray fox and giving him the exoskeleton. people in a position of power like that are gonna go crazy

fox killed her the chance he got since she put him thru so much

they need to give my boy decoy octopus some more time in the spotlight too. i mean they brought back volgin

maybe not in this game. maybe the next mgs or something

If you need a refresher course on Big Boss or just not too familiar with the "Legendary Soldier".

Better than just reading all the info I guess.
she had to assist snake in mgs 3 and to ensure he completes his mission. on the flip side she was in charge of practically reviving gray fox and giving him the exoskeleton. people in a position of power like that are gonna go crazy

fox killed her the chance he got since she put him thru so much

they need to give my boy decoy octopus some more time in the spotlight too. i mean they brought back volgin

maybe not in this game. maybe the next mgs or something
I guess you're right.
The counterpart to the Big Boss video above, basically if you don't know too much or want something clarified on

"The Legendary Mercenary", watch this.

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