Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

Sundoobie, I don't wanna call you an idiot, but you are so narrow minded with your tunnel vision. One thing to keep in mind, Rose Parks and MLK did whatthey did because they themselves were treated poorly and coudn't take it anymore, and decided to do something about it for everyone else. Michael Jacksonmade a difference just because, he didn't have to donate hundreds of millions of dollars to kids, hospitals, charities, schools, he did it out of thekindness of his heart. Those are 2 very different motives. He could of kept making hits and say eff the world for all he cares.

And DOWNTOWN, his crib was big, yes, but he shared it with everyone, did he have to? Given more of his money to charity? How much of your income goes tocharity? MJ sold the first pictures of his son for a milli, then gave it right to charity, and the only reason he sold it was to get all the tablods/magazinebids for the baby pictures off his back. There were helicopters everyday on top of his crib, trying to get pictures of the baby, you know how annoying that is?I even get annoyed when a plane flies by my crib.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by youngswag31

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

All I'm saying is to us we may never see him as anything close or along the same lines as a MLK but to many people around the WORLD..Many people see MJ as their MLK, Malcolm X, Barack Obama, Elvis, Beatles and GOD all wrapped up into one..
All I gotta say is those "many" people are freaking idiots.

I mean it's like saying "many people see Tupac as their MLK, Malcolm X, Barack Obama, Elvis, Beatles and GOD all wrapped up into one.. "

Doesn't that sound ridiculous?

RIP Michael Jackson.

No you close minded fool..the only thing that sounds ridiculous is the fact that your calling people idiots because they see MJ in a totally different light then you do..as I said before people around the world hold MJ to a different standard because he was one of the many few that spoke on "GLOBAL" issues..He was genuis enough to figure out ways to bridge the 7 continents together through his music..he's one of the many few that not only spoke about it but went out and actually tried to make a difference..It wasn't about great "PR" like with most entertainers..he genuinely cared and tried to help those in need..most of us will never understand or comprehend how powerful of a man MJ really is because we have the luxury of having a hot meal to come home to on a daily basis..we have the luxury of making our own decisions..we have the luxury of trying to figure out which pair of shoes we were going to wear..we have the luxury of using a washer and dryer to wash our clothes instead of walking 2,3,4 miles down to a river and washing by hand..We have the luxury of being able to get a education..Many people around the world to this day still don't have those luxury's..They aren't fortunate enough to have great leaders like a MLK like a Rosa Parks like a Barack Obama like Malcolm X to speak on behalf of them..those are the people that MJ reached out to..He used his music as a media outlet so the WORLD could hear their message..let me take it a step further..While the jay-z and the Diddy's of the world brag about being worth over $300 million..MJ has givin over $400 million to different charities and organizations around the world!!! Do you still need for me to explain to you why people around the world put MJ on that level?? let me know because after reading your tupac statement it really seems like your a complete fool..

Ahhhh so you have lowered yourself to name calling because I posted MY opinion? Says a lot about you.

So let me get this straight, in many parts of this world where they was no Rosa Parks to stand up to segregation or where there was no MLK to lead in the fight for civil rights, there was MICHAEL JACKSON.

Did I get that right?

he he

I do not deny that Michael Jackson had a great heart. A beautiful person with a compassionate love to many children around the world. I remember " We are the world" I can probably find that tape single in the garage.

However IMO << yes that means IN MY OPINION I could never compare an ENTERTAINER who can sing, dance and whom contributed a good chunk of their income to civil right leaders that actually made a difference.

So for some kid in Africa or Indonesia or Germany to say Michael Jackson is my Martin Luther King is really idiotic to me. That's all I meant.

do me a favor..log out and go do some research..educate yourself on why MJ is considered a "GLOBAL ICON" then get back to me..cause if you honestlythink MJ was just a "ENTERTAINER" you might want to get from under that rock you've been living under a bit more!!!
Forgot to mention, the reason why his crib was so big was so he can enjoy everything that every normal person enjoys without having a billion paparazzisfollowing him as soon as he exits the gates, he's quoted "Once I leave the gates, it's work again......." Rememeber how Princess Diana died?Yeh. Exactly.
Kobe Bryant - "One of the things he always told me was, Don't be afraid to be different. In other words,when you have that desire, that drive, people are going to try to pull you away from that, and pull you closer to the pack to be "normal." And he wassaying, It's O.K. to be that driven; it's O.K. to be obsessed with what you want to do. That's perfectly fine. Don't be afraid to not deviatefrom that. One of the books that he gave me that helped him communicate with me was Jonathan Livingston Seagull, whichwas about that. Beyond the genius of what he was, he was just a genuinely, genuinely nice person. He got me hooked on movies that I would normally never watch.Fred Astaire movies. All the old classics. I would never, never watch those. I remember my fiancée and I telling him we were getting married, and him justbeing really excited and actually just offering up the ranch to have our wedding there, because privacy was going to be an issue. We wanted to get married in achurch, so that's what we wound up doing. But he made the offer. He was just a genuinely nice person who was exceptionally bright, exceptionally bright,and driven and talented. You mix those things together, man, you have Michael Jackson."

Stevie Wonder - "I first met Michael when I was in Detroit. He came to Motown, and they were talking about thisboy from Gary, Ind., and the Jackson 5, and everyone was excited. He was a little boy then. He would always come into the studio curious about how I worked andwhat I did. "How do you do that?" "Why do you do that?" I think he understood clearly from seeing various people do the music scene that itdefinitely took work. He must have been around 9 or 10 then, and I definitely felt that he would be someone. You heard the voice, and all he could do was grow.And that's what he did. I remember playing air hockey one time, and we were going back and forth. I play air hockey on the side as opposed to the end ofthe table because it's more accessible for me to really understand what's happening. He said, "Oh, you're cheating." And I said,"Aw, I'm not cheating, come on." And we went on and on for hours, just playing air hockey and being silly. He had a childlike heart. And that wasvery, very impressive to me. At the end of the day, we're all human beings, and for those who can't see that it is possible for a man who's anadult to have a childlike spirit, it doesn't mean that they're weird, it doesn't mean they're a freak or whatever ridiculous things people say.We have all kinds of people in the world. The most important thing is that your heart is in a good place."
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Simply amazing....

These are some of the most amazing scenes that I have seen in my lifetime.


Look at that unity and unbridled love.

I hope to God that Mike's spirit can feel this outpouring of love.

I never realized how much the man meant to me and billions of others, until he passed.

Crackhead man at 2:11 is hittin them notes on Man in the Mirror. Yall missingout.
People still arguing over Michael Jackson? Let the man rest.

Sure you may not like MJ with all the legal issues surrounding him, but if you can't at least appreciate MJ for his music and his humanitarian efforts, just stay out.
Originally Posted by ALSDAMAN24

DOWNTOWN43 wrote:
i saw this surfing through Youtube just now and thought it was pretty cool..

James Brown is doing a show and MJ happens to be in the crowd, so James calls him up and Michael gets on the stage and gives a little impromptu performance off the dome and rips it..

then he calls out Prince who is in the crowd also, and Prince is OBVIOUSLY coked up and starts making these weird movements.. check the vid out, its hilarious


Prince was out of it. Dude rode somebody's back on to stage.
and on top of that he completely knocked down the lightpost when he was walking off

And DOWNTOWN, his crib was big, yes, but he shared it with everyone, did he have to? Given more of his money to charity? How much of your income goes to charity? MJ sold the first pictures of his son for a milli, then gave it right to charity, and the only reason he sold it was to get all the tablods/magazine bids for the baby pictures off his back. There were helicopters everyday on top of his crib, trying to get pictures of the baby, you know how annoying that is? I even get annoyed when a plane flies by my crib.

look, i'm not saying MJ wasn't a great philanthropist and a humanitarian. all i'm saying is that we shouldn't forget that he was just anentertainer... meaning that at the end of the day, he was about his paper. he did NOT devote his entire life to public service like MLK, Obama, and other iconshe's being compared to. it's great to honor MJ, but please don't disrespect other public figures.
All of ya'll who oppose YOUNGSWAG31 got it twisted. He said it all. Yes MLK and Obama have done a lot for this COUNTRY (well obama has only inspired), buthow bout the WORLD? If Obama dies do you think people in Paris would gather by the 1000's and have candle light memorials for him? I don't think so.When MLK died did people in China really care? Of coarse they didn't. MJ is on a whole different level than them, that's why he can be compared topeople like them. Let's put aside EVERYTHING about these people, including their race, occupation, musical talent, civil rights leadership and all, andjust look at the fact that they are human. The man we know as MJ has had a bigger impact on this PLANET than anyone else has ever had in history. If anyoneelse, any other human has had a bigger GLOBAL impact than MJ, go ahead and tell me who, regarless if they are a musician or a world leader. But until then Idon't care about your replies, I don't want to hear it, its over and I win.
I was never a big MJ fan, however, for some reason I am so sad that he died. I think because he was such a good guy. He gave millions to charities, neverlashed out at anyone (even with all the jokes, criticism, and hate) and treated his fans better than anyone. With all that he never seemed to be at peace withhimself. His death has really bothered me over the past few days, and if their is a heaven I hope he finally finds peace. R.I.P Michael Jackson
I voted for Obama, but seriously, name something he has done. And don't say became the first black president. Did you even know who Obama was in 2004?
MJ wasn't all about the paper though and he literally sacrificed his life to better other peoples.

He gave away entire endorsement deals to children's hospitals and donated the profits from entire songs and tours to the needy.

Some of our damn parents may have been able to afford college thanks to Mike's sponsorship.

After his first 2 world tours his body was wrecked and he said that he wouldn't do anymore....he still shot himself up with painkillers for his achingjoints and toured the most remote corners of the world to give his tour money to charity.

The Dangerous World Tour began on June 27, 1992, and finished on November 11, 1993. Jackson performed to 3.5 million people in 67 concerts. All profits from the concerts went to the "Heal the World Foundation", raising millions of dollars in relief
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

The Dangerous World Tour began on June 27, 1992, and finished on November 11, 1993. Jackson performed to 3.5 million people in 67 concerts. All profits from the concerts went to the "Heal the World Foundation", raising millions of dollars in relief

See, if you can't respect him for his music or who he is.... You HAVE to respect him for what he did for the world.

THERE WILL NEVER be another artist to do what he did for charity... thats the main reason why I respect him other than his music.
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

I voted for Obama, but seriously, name something he has done. And don't say became the first black president. Did you even know who Obama was in 2004?
seriously. I don't even know why Obama's name ended up here. MJ has been known well long enough around the world. Obama, even thoughhe's our president now, is still a relatively new figure in politics and the public eye.
Mike gets my respect vote!

i always would see him over seas walking with kids and just making there day! (like them places you see on feed the children)
You guys are all nuts. Im with DOWNTOWN in that I respect everything the man gave to the entertainment world, as well as to those in need. But he is nowherenear the level of MLK and Obama when it comes to helping others. Those guys devoted their lives to helping others, Jackson did it because he was giving back tosociety. It is very easy to help all your fans when you earn 100 mil a year your whole life.

and another thing I wanted to say earlier...in that American Icons thread. How many of yall wouldve put Jackson as a top 5 American Icon say...last week? Ifyou asked 10 people about Michael Jackson last week, 8/10 would've only said negative things about the dude.

I love his music, I will ALWAYS love his music, and that's enough for me to appreciate him and celebrate his life. His heart might've been strong, buthis music was more powerful.
What has Obama done besides running a great political campaign?

Honestly.....All of that hope and euphoria of November is gone for me. I'm starting to see to see him for what he really is...

Just another politician.
I really hope That Michael is at Peace now. Lord knows all of the memories he has given me and his music being the soundtrack to millions of peoples lives Ireally hope that everyone can just appreciate him finally. I always knew it would be like this though, millions of people bashing him but once he was deadeveryone praising him like it were the thriller days oh well thats just human nature*... Thank you God for giving us the gift of Michael he truly wowed us inevery way but I think he was too much for the naive world to handle and they took advantage of his kindness. ..
R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson
Dudes are really comparing Obama & MJ ?


Shut the !!@$ up already ... damn .

I'm a Obama supporter , but ... come on .
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

MJ was a great philanthropist, yes. but stop acting like he gave away all of his possessions to the world... when you're as rich as MJ, you can give loads of money to charity and still have tons left over. do ya'll not realize that this dude had MONEY out the !!*! he was living like an Egyptian prince.
You're pretty misinformed .

One of the main reasons MJ died with debt is BECAUSE of him giving millions upon millions of dollars to charity .

He didn't care about money in the sense you're thinking ...
He gave away his possessions , he gave away his money , & he turned his house into a #%@#%*@ Theme Park .

Court debts ? We're not going to get into all that ... but the main source was from him trying to help families in need that turned on him .

Just stop it fam .
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