Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

The thing that bothers me about his death is that now all of a sudden hes a saint in the eyes of so many.
And what part of his life wasn't he a saint about? Because he shared a bed with kids that makes him the devil?
We don't have to focus on his negatives now that he's dead, but acting like there were no negatives is downright appalling, in my opinion.
Again point out the negatives in his life. Sharing a bed with kids in a non sexual way is considered a negative? That's it? That's yourwhole argument?

You good with that? Like, if we were friends and your son was like 'Yeah, we played in 23ska's bed and some other kids for hours,' we'd still be friends after that, like everything was everything?
I went camping this weekend with my nephews and half a dozen friends. I have a 12 person stand up tent and my 2 nephews, myself and one of myboys were in the tent chilling relaxing playing PSP, DS and listening to music. My boy fell asleep next to one of my nephews on his inflatable queen size bed. FACTUAL means my boy shared a bed with a kid. I thought nothing of it. Are you saying because my boy did that, he should be prosecuted as a pedophile andthat is considered a big negative?
Ska jumped in? I'm done with this thread. **Expects him to quote me and write a whole essay with "you mad?" and emotion codes**
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Phonte from rap group Little Brother's Reaction to MJ's Death via Myspace blog

When people accuse Michael of being a pedophile or a child molester, ask them to provide hard evidence. Ask them to provide an opinion rooted in fact, rather than one based on gossip, hearsay, and conjecture. Chances are, they won't be able to.
Fact: kids gave testimony to being in Mike's bed with Mike and other kids.
Fact: Mike defended that, saying that sharing a bed with someone is one of the most loving sacrifices a person can make, and that we're all sick for making it something perverted when it's something beautiful.

I mean, forget the assumptions and accusations: those two things are facts. Kids gave the testimonies they gave, and Mike offered the defense he offered.

So just run with that first fact, except replace 'Mike' with '23ska,' and replace 'kids' with 'your son.'

Now let's rephrase it with those replacements.

Fact: your son gave testimony to being in 23ska's bed with 23ska other kids.

You good with that? Like, if we were friends and your son was like 'Yeah, we played in 23ska's bed and some other kids for hours,' we'd still be friends after that, like everything was everything?
Phonte from rap group Little Brother's Reaction to MJ's Death via Myspace blog

Was Michael Jackson a weirdo? Of course he was a weirdo.

But maybe if you had been in the public eye since you were 7, had grown #!% women throwing themselves at you since you were 13, suffered physical abuse at the hands of your father, watched your father and older brothers engage in sex with groupies on tour as a child, were called "Big Nose" and "ugly" by both family members AND fans, developed a skin disease that took away the one thing you repeatedly expressed your pride for, and spent the last half of your life as the most famous person on Earth, you'd probably be a bit of a weirdo too.
So many people have plenty of excellent, perfectly understandable reasons for their deviant behaviors.
Phonte from rap group Little Brother's Reaction to MJ's Death via Myspace blog

I am not attempting to paint Michael Jackson as a saint, as no man ever lives up to such a lofty title. But to me, the phrase "no good deed goes unpunished" seems to sum up Michael Jackson's life more than ever. Why would people try to tear down a man who constantly used his power, money, and influence to help others?

Why would people express such disgust and contempt for a man who constantly sang of love and peace, and used his talent to entertain, uplift, and inspire millions?

Why? Maybe some people are still not o.k. with the issue regarding the little kids.

Look, I'm not trying to say that everyone should focus on his negatives. I am perfectly fine with people mourning his death and choosing to honor his legacy of music and his kind heart, putting aside any negatives that he may have had.

The thing that bothers me about his death is that now all of a sudden hes a saint in the eyes of so many. I've done terrible things in my life, but I would never expect those close to me to be like 'Oh, he never did anything wrong. 23ska was so perfect. What a tragedy it is that the world has lost someone who never did anything wrong.' I'd turn over in my grave in disgust and disappointment if I knew that people were saying that about me.

We don't have to focus on his negatives now that he's dead, but acting like there were no negatives is downright appalling, in my opinion. I have no problem with those who have the opinion 'Man, he really was troubled and we all know about his problems, but he sure did make AWESOME music, and I'm sorry he's gone now.' But I definitely have a problem with those saying 'The world lost a saint! He was so perfect! His only flaw was being accused of doing stuff wrong.' And it seems like a lot of people are saying that
...but you have to understand Ska.

This thread is full of new fans/defenders. Literally week old.

The herd mentality.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

We don't have to focus on his negatives now that he's dead, but acting like there were no negatives is downright appalling, in my opinion.
Again point out the negatives in his life. Sharing a bed with kids in a non sexual way is considered a negative? That's it? That's your whole argument?

You see nothing wrong with a grown man sharing a bed with children?

That argument about camping and your boy is completely absurd.
First off, the Tent is the only place to sleep when you're camping. Did MJ's mansion only have one room?

Secondly, I highly doubt your boy's intentions were to fall asleep next to your nephew.
This thread is full of new fans/defenders. Literally week old.

The herd mentality.
Nice generalization. Old and/or new fans/defenders what does it matter?

Due to his death, there are new fans and what of it? Does that bother you?

My nephews and their friends all between 8-12 knew little if any about MJ and now that he has passed, they have asked me this past weekend to burn a CD of allhis music so they can appreciate his music more and understand the reasoning why people are so emotionally connected to this man. Is that a problem to you? Herd mentality right?
The thing that bothers me about his death is that now all of a sudden hes a saint in the eyes of so many.
And what part of his life wasn't he a saint about? Because he shared a bed with kids that makes him the devil?
We don't have to focus on his negatives now that he's dead, but acting like there were no negatives is downright appalling, in my opinion.
Again point out the negatives in his life. Sharing a bed with kids in a non sexual way is considered a negative? That's it? That's your whole argument?

You good with that? Like, if we were friends and your son was like 'Yeah, we played in 23ska's bed and some other kids for hours,' we'd still be friends after that, like everything was everything?
I went camping this weekend with my nephews and half a dozen friends. I have a 12 person stand up tent and my 2 nephews, myself and one of my boys were in the tent chilling relaxing playing PSP, DS and listening to music. My boy fell asleep next to one of my nephews on his inflatable queen size bed. FACTUAL means my boy shared a bed with a kid. I thought nothing of it. Are you saying because my boy did that, he should be prosecuted as a pedophile and that is considered a big negative?

What you're doing there, I'm seeing it... even if you're not.

#1. Who said he was the devil? No point in exaggerating things.
#2. How do you know it was non-sexual? I'm not saying it is. I'm just keeping things the they are, leaving opinions and assumptions out of it. I neversaid things were sexual, because I don't know. How do you know things were non-sexual? Me personally, I wouldn't say 'non-sexual' unless I knewthey were.
#3. When you're camping, you have no option than to sleep in confined quarters, regardless of who you're with. If there's only one tent, hell,there's only one tent. Not much you can do about that. But in a mansion, you've got multiple kids in your bed for hours, like that's the norm?
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

This thread is full of new fans/defenders. Literally week old.

The herd mentality.
Nice generalization. Old and/or new fans/defenders what does it matter?

Due to his death, there are new fans and what of it? Does that bother you?

My nephews and their friends all between 8-12 knew little if any about MJ and now that he has passed, they have asked me this past weekend to burn a CD of all his music so they can appreciate his music more and understand the reasoning why people are so emotionally connected to this man. Is that a problem to you? Herd mentality right?

Herd mentality or liars. Which one?

'I'm such a big fan of MJ yet I was never really a fan.'

Nothing wrong there?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

We don't have to focus on his negatives now that he's dead, but acting like there were no negatives is downright appalling, in my opinion.
Again point out the negatives in his life. Sharing a bed with kids in a non sexual way is considered a negative? That's it? That's your whole argument?
You see nothing wrong with a grown man sharing a bed with children?

That argument about camping and your boy is completely absurd.
First off, the Tent is the only place to sleep when you're camping. Did MJ's mansion only have one room?

Secondly, I highly doubt your boy's intentions were to fall asleep next to your nephew.

No I do not see anything wrong with that. Do you know Michael Jackson personally and know the type of relationship he had with those kids? Doyou have log of all the time MJ spent with those kids?
You'remaking it sound like MJ picked up random kids from a halfway house and forced them to sleep in his bed with them.

Yes I would see something wrong if MJ didn't really know those boys or had zero relationship with them, and yes of course that would be a problem. I meanan adult stranger sharing a bed with a young child is an issue. That's basic common sense.

And NO the tent wasn't the only place where my boy could have slept. Everyone had their own tents and bed. My boy is a very close family friend and if hehad to share a bed with my nephew I don't see what the problem is. Obviously it wasn't his intention to sleep next to him but even if it was, I trustmy boy and I don't see any issue with him sharing a bed with my 11 year old nephew.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

No I do not see anything wrong with that. Do you know Michael Jackson personally and know the type of relationship he had with those kids? Do you have log of all the time MJ spent with those kids?
You're making it sound like MJ picked up random kids from a halfway house and forced them to sleep in his bed with them. Yes I would see something wrong if MJ didn't really know those boys or had zero relationship with them, and yes of course that would be a problem. I mean an adult stranger sharing a bed with a young child is an issue. That's basic common sense.

And NO the tent wasn't the only place where my boy could have slept. Everyone had their own tents and bed. My boy is a very close family friend and if he had to share a bed with my nephew I don't see what the problem is. Obviously it wasn't his intention to sleep next to him but even if it was, I trust my boy and I don't see any issue with him sharing a bed with my 11 year old nephew.

If your boy intentionally slept in the same tent with your nephew then I think you have a problem.

There is no justification for a grown man sleeping in the same bed with children on numerous occasions.
You can use all the convoluted logic available but it still doesn't justify his actions.

I've been a fan of MJ's music for a long time. However, like Ska said one can't excuse some of the things that he did. Yes, he had a very toughchildhood and was then constantly made fun of when he was older but that still doesn't justify some of his actions. It makes them understandable, in thathe eventually became somewhat mentally unstable, but it can't justify them.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The thing that bothers me about his death is that now all of a sudden hes a saint in the eyes of so many.
And what part of his life wasn't he a saint about? Because he shared a bed with kids that makes him the devil?
We don't have to focus on his negatives now that he's dead, but acting like there were no negatives is downright appalling, in my opinion.
Again point out the negatives in his life. Sharing a bed with kids in a non sexual way is considered a negative? That's it? That's your whole argument?

You good with that? Like, if we were friends and your son was like 'Yeah, we played in 23ska's bed and some other kids for hours,' we'd still be friends after that, like everything was everything?
I went camping this weekend with my nephews and half a dozen friends. I have a 12 person stand up tent and my 2 nephews, myself and one of my boys were in the tent chilling relaxing playing PSP, DS and listening to music. My boy fell asleep next to one of my nephews on his inflatable queen size bed. FACTUAL means my boy shared a bed with a kid. I thought nothing of it. Are you saying because my boy did that, he should be prosecuted as a pedophile and that is considered a big negative?

What you're doing there, I'm seeing it... even if you're not.

#1. Who said he was the devil? No point in exaggerating things.
#2. How do you know it was non-sexual? I'm not saying it is. I'm just keeping things the they are, leaving opinions and assumptions out of it. I never said things were sexual, because I don't know. How do you know things were non-sexual? Me personally, I wouldn't say 'non-sexual' unless I knew they were.
#3. When you're camping, you have no option than to sleep in confined quarters, regardless of who you're with. If there's only one tent, hell, there's only one tent. Not much you can do about that. But in a mansion, you've got multiple kids in your bed for hours, like that's the norm?

1. Agreed

2. Whether it was sexual or non sexual, who knows? If this guy is a pedophile obviously there would be a ton of kids in his past that would have testified inhis trial. He was acquitted so simply based on that, the guy did nothing wrong. Therefore simple common sense would indicated the guy had a Peter Pan complexand enjoyed hanging out with kids day and/or night. Sleep overs is a very common fun activity for children.

3. Again multiple kids in his bed for hours means what exactly? An ORGY? I mean that's what you're suggesting correct? Is it normal for kids tospend time in an adult bed room.. well it depends on the type of relationship the man had with those kids. I seen a video of his bedroom and he had toys,dolls, video games all over his room including a secret room riddled with more toys. So could it be possible that the man had kids in his bedroom so theycould play like what little kids do. Hmmmm. Again no one knows the type of relationship he had with those kids. He could have been a father figure or a biguncle that those kids love. No one knows. But for people to judge him based on what the news media report is ridiculous. To say what he did was a big NO NOregardless of the type of relationship he had with those kids again is ridiculous and assuming things that may or may not be true.
forgot the word skills after comprehension. "Opinions are what shows a person's comprehension ability, and quite often it leads to the display oftheir ignorance"
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