Michael Jordan's Prime

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

...the infamous 'switch hand' layup was wack  
Been saying this for YEARS.  I actually even made a thread about it years ago.  It is THE most overrated play in the history of sports.
honestly i get more nostalgic from Marv Alberts then jordan whenever i hear/see it.. prolly because its been ran soooo much during every nba season since
That layup was also like his 13th consecutive field goal in that game. So, to say it's shown too much? I guess. But if you saw it live, then you wouldn't say that.

I like to think of Michael Jordan like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Since young Kobe, Derek Rose is the only other to consistantly do moves like that.

not even close to the way Jordan did it...and that goes for both players.
Sigh @ People making themselves believe people had little to no help when guarding their defensive matchup. Please stop making the past out to be more than what it was. Please because it is old and tired.

old %!% MJ with no knees averaged 22 a game, in a league with prime Kobe, AI, TMac, VC. You gotta be smoking some serious crack if you think MJ with Lebron-level athleticism coupled with possibly the greatest midrange game ever would only average '22-25' in his prime
Wizards Jordan was the best. Even at his old (NBA) age, he was still showin it to the youngins. Hahaha

I hated Bulls Jordan (I was a piston fan at the time :/ )
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

His Prime was from 1984-1998...

I'm saying though. The mans career was flawless. His whole career was prime-time... 
From the Scoring/Dunking in the 80's to the finesse of the 90's. MJ was just that dude... 
Im gonna assume some of you are too young, and the older ones who throwing slander, jordan was probably busy destroying your team so you don't like him. The current league is made for players to score, so coming out of your mouth to say jordan would only average 22-25 is all lulz. Some of you show your youth or basic lack of knowledge on basketball with your comments
I see Jordan's career in 3 phases:
1)Young Jordan who could score 63 (in a loss to the Celtics) or average 37 and lose in the 1st round. A lot of individual numbers but not a great team.
2) When the Bulls got better and Jordan excelled while leading his team. The first 3 rings and what I think was his prime both offensively and defensively.
3) His last 3 rings era when he used strength in the post more. This personally was my favorite Jordan era because while his game was more grounded he was still a killer.
Originally Posted by vanexellent

I see Jordan's career in 3 phases:
1)Young Jordan who could score 63 (in a loss to the Celtics) or average 37 and lose in the 1st round. A lot of individual numbers but not a great team.
2) When the Bulls got better and Jordan excelled while leading his team. The first 3 rings and what I think was his prime both offensively and defensively.
3) His last 3 rings era when he used strength in the post more. This personally was my favorite Jordan era because while his game was more grounded he was still a killer.
this was a killer indeed. 
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