Microsoft screwed up my Xbox...Xbox Unappreciation 360s people still love many 360s do you owners have to send in before you've had enough?
My Xbox is borderline breaking down..
If some of my favorite games switches to PS3 i'd switch in a heartbeat
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by rickybadman

360 is better for any true gamer.

If you like first person shooters. I don't, they are redundant and repetitive.

This really deserve it's own topic but, as an aside: Why are there so many damm FPS out. Seriously, its getting old.
It seems like 10 years ago there was alot more variety on the market.
i know right? PC FPS > console FPS. Too many FPS. Thats why nintendo is winning.
They dont release repetitive FPS, they release real games. Unfortunately, their 3rd party is slackng

I'd probably pick an xbox over a ps3 though if xbl was free.
first-learn to spell, it's THEIR
second-its not necessarily THEIR fault, its the video game company who published the game, unless it happens to be microsoft
Originally Posted by AirThompson

When that happened to me I . . .

purchased a new 360

switched the serial numbers

returned it.

BOOM new Xbox360

same thing i did at walmart since microsoft #%%%+! me over
Some has to agree in here that finding a game in socom sucks like crap on the ps3. I dont even know what they were thinkin with all that loading.
Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

Originally Posted by Lazy B


but yo I had them send me backa 360 that literally sawed through my disc had it lookin like a gotdamn mini bagel in the middle and a bigass ring of%*@%+%@#@@##% saturn

friggin M$ I aint payin fo *+!+!
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Classic fanboys BS. PEOPLE BOUGHT XBOX 360s TO PLAY GAMES. Not watch Blu-Ray, not to make us feel better about ourselves, not on buy one game every year to admire its graphics abut fail to acknowledge it only has 8 hours of original game play and no replay value then to go back to only playing COD 4 everyday, not to hope among a wishing star that a Japanese Company who only gives a +!$@ about only itself (not fans, consumers, developers, nobody) will one day release a game that finally justifies us spending over $400 on a PS3.

this post is pretty funny seeing as how its 2009 and not 2007 anymore, what does 360 even got within the next 365 days that yall are touting? yall know whatsps3 fans are touting but im not even aware of the upcoming 360 "games" other than ODST, killzone uncharted mag gt5 gow3, etc, yeah u have good gamesbut now so do we

as for saying people buy ps3s to watch blu-rays only, see above ^, but to add on to that, did u even know that the ps3 is capable of displaying games at allthe same characteristics as a blu=ray movie? never really thought of that did u? that means its actually capable (but not yet displayed) of outputting 1080pgames at 120 hz/frames per second at 7.1 hd audio (such as dts-ma)? as someone who finds himself very intrigued by technology, this still blows my mind

yeah, theres no games at 1080p at 120fps but its certainly possible and this game right here is currently the closest thing to it, if any developer does makeit happen the developers of this game would be where id put my money first

I'll have to send my Elite in soon as well. The laser in the disc drive isn't reading my games like it should. Sometimes, I have to open/close the discdrive 5-6 times before it actually starts loading. Good thing I'm still in warranty.
This thread turned into a console war with a bunch of lames who always try to argue and say that their console is the best. This %!*! is getting old.
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

This thread turned into a console war with a bunch of lames who always try to argue and say that their console is the best. This %!*! is getting old.
yeah, ur right, but thats what these posts always turn into, no one takes these seriously anymore seeing as how the problem is always the samejust like the answer is always the same - send it in
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

This thread turned into a console war with a bunch of lames who always try to argue and say that their console is the best. This %!*! is getting old.
Shut up.

I always wondered, what are these games that the 360 has that are so great. Yeah gears and halo are cool. But what else?
Good question...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I always wondered, what are these games that the 360 has that are so great. Yeah gears and halo are cool. But what else?
Good question...

And you'll receive a good answer:


But anyway, Gears > any game series to begin with. Also, playing COD4 on 360 >> playing COD4 on PS3, fact.

If you like shooting games, there really is no debate about what console is better. I tried playing Killzone on PS3 and that controller is straight up TRASHfor shooting games like that.

PS3 fanboys always swarm like vultures whenever a thread like this is created, and some of them are created by PS3 fanboys themselves. I know a guy who boughta PS3 a couple of months ago, and he sold it after a couple of weeks.
PS3 has more exclusive FPS, and all of them combined do not touch Halo. I don't care about systems, I just care about gameplay. I don't buy a system tobrag what games come for it, I play the good ones. Every system has them.

Actually, here are some really good games on the 360 since this keeps being asked.
Halo 3
Gears 1 + 2
Forza 2
Left 4 Dead
GTA Lost and Damned
Castle Crashers
Geometry Wars 1 + 2
Project Gotham Racing 3 + 4
Lost Odyssey
Fable 2
Hexic HD (Yes, even the free game is awesome)
Ace Combat 6

Perfect Dark Zero
Scene It

Star Ocean
Ninja Gaiden II

There. There are some great games.
Originally Posted by nnarum

PS3 has more exclusive FPS, and all of them combined do not touch Halo. I don't care about systems, I just care about gameplay. I don't buy a system to brag what games come for it, I play the good ones. Every system has them.

And if you want to play any kind of RPG, you do not get a PS3. 360 has the most and will have FF XIII.

And there is no Braid, Castle Crashers, or Geometry Wars on PS3...
braid is amazing
Originally Posted by nnarum

PS3 has more exclusive FPS, and all of them combined do not touch Halo. I don't care about systems, I just care about gameplay. I don't buy a system to brag what games come for it, I play the good ones. Every system has them.

Actually, here are some really good games on the 360 since this keeps being asked.
Halo 3
Gears 1 + 2
Forza 2
Left 4 Dead
GTA Lost and Damned
Castle Crashers
Geometry Wars 1 + 2
Project Gotham Racing 3 + 4
Lost Odyssey
Fable 2
Hexic HD (Yes, even the free game is awesome)
Ace Combat 6

Perfect Dark Zero
Scene It

Star Ocean
Ninja Gaiden II

There. There are some great games.
That's opinion bro. Halo is a good game but for me KZ2 is better.

OK. No high road for you though. But I always see these post as fun. I think the people who get mad either way are takingit too serious.

But my point for the question was, for every game you listed, isnt the PS3 on par or not far behind? If that's the case then why say "we have moregames"?

No high road for you still though.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by nnarum

PS3 has more exclusive FPS, and all of them combined do not touch Halo. I don't care about systems, I just care about gameplay. I don't buy a system to brag what games come for it, I play the good ones. Every system has them.

Actually, here are some really good games on the 360 since this keeps being asked.
Halo 3
Gears 1 + 2
Forza 2
Left 4 Dead
GTA Lost and Damned
Castle Crashers
Geometry Wars 1 + 2
Project Gotham Racing 3 + 4
Lost Odyssey
Fable 2
Hexic HD (Yes, even the free game is awesome)
Ace Combat 6

Perfect Dark Zero
Scene It

Star Ocean
Ninja Gaiden II

There. There are some great games.
That's opinion bro. Halo is a good game but for me KZ2 is better.

OK. No high road for you though. But I always see these post as fun. I think the people who get mad either way are taking it too serious.

But my point for the question was, for every game you listed, isnt the PS3 on par or not far behind? If that's the case then why say "we have more games"?

No high road for you still though.
Ok, now you want to change the question. You asked why you don't hear about any other great games besides Halo or Gears. I've given a listof great games you can play. I didn't say the PS3 didn't have any similar types of games. The PS3 does lack in RPGs behind 360 though. But the point ofmy list was that there is a good game in every genre on the 360. Even Kameo and Banjo are pretty good, but I left them off because I'm not into thosegames.

BTW, I still think you're cool and like your posts about religion.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Ok, now you want to change the question. You asked why you don't hear about any other great games besides Halo or Gears. I've given a list of great games you can play. I didn't say the PS3 didn't have any similar types of games. The PS3 does lack in RPGs behind 360 though. But the point of my list was that there is a good game in every genre on the 360. Even Kameo and Banjo are pretty good, but I left them off because I'm not into those games.

BTW, I still think you're cool and like your posts about religion.

There coming, cross edge releasing in a early next month, WKC, demon soul soon to be announce for NA ...valkyrie chronicle already out and its
...i own blue dragon, enternal sonata, and Lost odessey for xbox 360 they were decent ...just like the early life of xbox 360, RPG games take a bitlonger to come over ....PS3 at the stage right now, but it look like some mighty fine RPG games coming along
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by nnarum

PS3 has more exclusive FPS, and all of them combined do not touch Halo. I don't care about systems, I just care about gameplay. I don't buy a system to brag what games come for it, I play the good ones. Every system has them.

Actually, here are some really good games on the 360 since this keeps being asked.
Halo 3
Gears 1 + 2
Forza 2
Left 4 Dead
GTA Lost and Damned
Castle Crashers
Geometry Wars 1 + 2
Project Gotham Racing 3 + 4
Lost Odyssey
Fable 2
Hexic HD (Yes, even the free game is awesome)
Ace Combat 6

Perfect Dark Zero
Scene It

Star Ocean
Ninja Gaiden II

There. There are some great games.
That's opinion bro. Halo is a good game but for me KZ2 is better.

OK. No high road for you though. But I always see these post as fun. I think the people who get mad either way are taking it too serious.

But my point for the question was, for every game you listed, isnt the PS3 on par or not far behind? If that's the case then why say "we have more games"?

No high road for you still though.
Ok, now you want to change the question. You asked why you don't hear about any other great games besides Halo or Gears. I've given a list of great games you can play. I didn't say the PS3 didn't have any similar types of games. The PS3 does lack in RPGs behind 360 though. But the point of my list was that there is a good game in every genre on the 360. Even Kameo and Banjo are pretty good, but I left them off because I'm not into those games.

BTW, I still think you're cool and like your posts about religion.

That's a good list. I actually will be buying a 360 around Black Friday so hopefully they got some good deals going. But I like the 360, I just wonder whypeople throw out "we have more games" when Sony has a nice line up out or on the way. Thanks for the list though. I've only played Left4Dead,Halo and Gears so far and those are great games. I'll have to look into some of the rest.

Thank you. Your cool too.
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