Microsoft screwed up my Xbox...Xbox Unappreciation

OP has to be lying.

im pretty sure u got one red light with E74..because that is what people get when they do the most recent console update...but Microsoft extended E74warranties to 3 years

[h1]Description of the E74 error message warranty extension[/h1]
This article describes the extension of the warranty to three years for general hardware failures indicated by the E74 error message.
While the majority of Xbox 360 owners continue to have a great experience with their console, we are aware that a very small percentage of our customers have reported receiving an error that displays "E74" on their screen. After investigating the issue, we have determined that the E74 error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated with three flashing red lights error on the console. As a result, we have decided to cover repairs related to the E74 error message under our three-year warranty program for certain general hardware failures that was announced in July 2007. We have already made improvements to the console that will reduce the likelihood of an occurrence of this issue. Detailed information related to the Xbox 360 warranty and resources for those who require repair can

i will say this again. ps3=xbox360. i have both and psn is not as bad as a lot of people say it. there basically the same damn thing. i like ps3 better onlybecause of the controller.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

i dont get why everyone cries about paying for xbl..


you can spend hundreds on hats/clothes/shoes/GAMES/car parts but a one time fee of $50 dollars for an online service is too much?

co sign... so its only $4.16 a month.... THATS ALL.. and trust will the spare time i have with work and my kids... i can say that i do use the $4.16 a month for online gaming, movies, music.... i mean i enjoy playing other NTers on LIVE..

you know what, $50 isnt alot. but its still a ripoff. The memberships are where the ripoff is. silver and gold. there needs to be a different balance. playing games online should be allowed on SILVER too. that is my biggest gripe with XBL. move achievements, the ability to chat during games and things, and avatar to GOLD. Then you have a solid reason to charge the $50, cuz thats essentially why they charge you(netflix, etc). the $50 you pay goes toward nothing about actually playing multiplayer games, which i think makes it a ripoff. I should be able to play multiplayer games for free.
[h1]Sony Charges Publishers For Downloadable Content[/h1]
By Earnest Cavalli March 20, 2009 | 2:05:35 PMCategories: Business Matters

Have you ever wondered who covers the bandwidth costs for all those demos and add-on content gamers download from the PlayStation Network? As of October 2008, Sony has been asking gaming publishers to pick up the tab.

Dubbed the "PlayStation Network Bandwidth" fee, the rate Sony charges publishers amounts to 16 cents per Gigabyte, according to MTV's Multiplayer blog. Free content, such as game demos, only rack up charges for the first 60 days they are available, but bandwidth costs for paid downloadable content are billed to the publisher essentially forever.

Publishers seem unhappy with the added cost -- an unnamed source who spoke to MTV said "It's a new thing we have to budget. It's not cool. It sucks." -- but this does seem like an inevitability given Sony's desire to offer the PlayStation Network for free to gamers.

Given this fee and Microsoft's attempts at making every high profile release exclusive to the Xbox 360, is it any surprise that gaming firms like Rockstar and Bethesda are content offering add-on content for their big releases only on Xbox Live?
^downloadable content, has nothing to do with multiplayer gameplay. on top of that, they can add downloadable content to GOLD membership, giving it even morejustification to charge $50.
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

OP has to be lying.

im pretty sure u got one red light with E74..because that is what people get when they do the most recent console update...but Microsoft extended E74 warranties to 3 years

[h1]Description of the E74 error message warranty extension[/h1]
This article describes the extension of the warranty to three years for general hardware failures indicated by the E74 error message.
While the majority of Xbox 360 owners continue to have a great experience with their console, we are aware that a very small percentage of our customers have reported receiving an error that displays "E74" on their screen. After investigating the issue, we have determined that the E74 error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated with three flashing red lights error on the console. As a result, we have decided to cover repairs related to the E74 error message under our three-year warranty program for certain general hardware failures that was announced in July 2007. We have already made improvements to the console that will reduce the likelihood of an occurrence of this issue. Detailed information related to the Xbox 360 warranty and resources for those who require repair can


Why would he lie ?

It's just the error , no red rings .

_'s on NT are always so quick to say someone's lying .

Why lie about a broken Xbox ?
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

I've been using a Sony controller for over 10 years... believe me, it's just fine for FPS.

When I bought the 360, I've been using the 360 controller for 10 minutes after I played GOW1... And it was flawless. I'd rather believe myself, who has tried playing shooting games with the PS3 controller - it's garbage.

Gears? I'd take Resistance.

I stopped reading right after this pile of garbage of a sentence.

Honestly? What about the controller? I'll give you the triggers are nice on a 360, but I like the smaller size of the Sony. And the joystick placement.

Also, why would you stop reading after one sentence? That seems like something someone who is mad would do.

Gears has a better story, easily. It's the online hacks and cheating that ruins it for me. I heard it has been addressed... maybe I should check it outagain. But Resistance is very, very good. Not amazing, but nor is Gears, to me.

When is GT5 coming? I don't want some Prelude...
Gears is way better than Resistance. But you are entitled to your opinion.
You know how I feel about GTA IV

Project Gotham is ok, so is Burnout. Neither are very special, but PG is exclusive.
Fable 2 was ok. Too much hype.
Don't sleep on Crackdown
or Scene it

Perfect Dark was a good launch title. Obviously COD2 was better at launch, but it's still decent and an exclusive.
I'll give you GOW is better than NG...

Come on Chris... Wait 'til I get another PS3

Prolouge is honestly bigger than most stand alones. 90+ cars, over 10 tracks. My favorite thing about the game is you can build up yourmoney/garage and transfer it to GT5. And honestly, there is NO racing sim touching GT5, unless I am severely out of touch. An "Advanced Demo" was apretty cool idea and helps eleviate the wait for GT5 by giving you something to work at.

You and maybe 3 other people I know are the only ones who liked GTA IV...

Anyway.... why is this thread still open? We should just create a new thread.


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