Might Get a Job at Vicky's Secret...and I'm a dude . UPDATE: GOT THE JOB!

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Im Not You wrote:

Breakyaneck3000 wrote:

1. if you aren't "flamboyant" yourself, why would you care how the public see's you? gotta maintain that rep, huh?

2. the post is about working in VS, not "knocking down chicks" you want to "knock down". i would rather watch women playing with
panties on

the sales floor than myself playing with panties in the stockroom... by myself."

3. i agree, not every woman who walks in there is gonna be catalog material but they will have the basics that attract men to women. T+A and a cute face

hurts. in my opinion, it just makes the day go a little easier and from experience, jobs at the mall are usually bland. especially weekdays. when i worked

at the mall, we would anticipate for a dope girl to walk by our store. if i would have worked at VS during those days, we wouldn't have had to wait.


1. It's obvious you and I see the world differently. I'm not one of these pseudo pro-homosexual, we're all human, I'm comfortable with
sexuality so I can do this and that" individuals who exist in this fantasy Utopian society where there seems to be a very thin line between *#$! and
hetero sexuality. I still choose to recognize these things quite often. Race, gender, sexuality, etc. I take all of these factors into account and I have my
theories on them. Call it being "macho" or "close-minded", "homophobic"...whatever you want. If maintaining this
"rep" you keep referring to means being the man that the men around you bought you up to be...then yes...I am trying to hold up to that rep. I
didn't grow up in this MTV generation where everyone's in love with everyone and sexuality doesn't matter. I have a very old-school view on these
things...so let's agree to disagree here. Yes, I am very comfortable with my sexuality...that doesn't mean I'd put myself into a position that
someone could falsely perceive me as a homosexual. Just like I wouldn't drive a Caprice, Crown Vic, Impala (or any other "police car")...wear
braids/dreads...and wear my pants hanging off my %%!...because I wouldn't to be falsely perceived as being a "thug" or a "hoodlum".
Even though there's nothing wrong with any of those factors individually and doing them doesn't make you what you're perceived to be by the
masses. The thing you have to remember is, it's never what it is...it's what it looks like. You might not care what others think about you...but I
do. Reputation and integrity are very important to me.

2. Obviously...judging from the OP's comments and almost everyone who posted in here...this whole topic alludes to being a male in a setting dominated by
females and the prospect of pursuing them sexually...are you really going to try to tell me it doesnt? Watching women in a retail store play with
panties?...What exactly does that do for me as a grown man? If I'm not turned on enough to approach them and try to bed them...what exactly do I gain
from simply looking at women playing with lingerie? I don't get it.

3. Every women that walks in VS is cute and have nice T&A? Where do you live?

The fact that OP confirmed my original assumption of him being a teenager...I think I've got my point across. I understand his mindset and I'm glad
he has a job...I'm just giving the perspective of someone older.

Look man youre taking this whole grown man, Jay-Z sensitive thing too far. No one is attacking your age or your straightness. Im 26, so chill out buddy. The
simple point was, hes going to work at VS and you said it would be so horrible to work in the front. I merely pointed out some things that I think would be
cool about it, IF was to work at VS.

My statement just siad see the vision, I wasnt implying that you should personally go get a job and work at VS. The kids 18, he should be on the floor and
learn how to be an approach artist. Learn how to talk to all different types of women, even ugly ones. Its just important for life...as a grown man...which he
will no doubt be in 5 years.

I'm chill as can be...what are you talking about?

I NEVER said it would be horrible to work there. I said I wouldn't work there because the dudes who typically work into those positions are %+%#!.

Sniffing panties as a sales associate is a cool thing to do for you?

And you're 26? Now wonder why these youngin's are %!@#*% in the head these days...look at the _'s they following.

I'd punch my little brother in the chest if he told me he got a job just to play with bras and watch women try on panties and them sniff them after they leave. That's just me tho...do you homie. Peace.

Im quite sure youre little brother will sniff some girls bra in his life and not get paid for it, but I guess thats why these youngins are *$%+#+ up in thehead these days....look at the brother's they following. I didnt even say anything about sniffing bras, youre just overlooking what Im talking about it.Its fine though. You got me. Ill do me.
Man OP was talking like he had already interviewed and everything and turns out he hasn't even turned in his app.
Son you need to realize this job isn't like what people are saying. I would say at least 80% of the chicks going into VS are either busted as hell or to large to mess with. Going in thinking you are going to be surrounded by10s all the time, you will be very disappointed. On the other hand if you like ugly chicks or fat women, by all means, dive right in. The hot chicksaren't going to hook up with a stock room boy that works there. Sorry just telling you how it is.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Man OP was talking like he had already interviewed and everything and turns out he hasn't even turned in his app.
Son you need to realize this job isn't like what people are saying. I would say at least 80% of the chicks going into VS are either busted as hell or to large to mess with. Going in thinking you are going to be surrounded by 10s all the time, you will be very disappointed. On the other hand if you like ugly chicks or fat women, by all means, dive right in. The hot chicks aren't going to hook up with a stock room boy that works there. Sorry just telling you how it is.

Man its so much negativity in the world. You would think black folks couldnt escape slavery, or women would ever be able to vote. Were just talking about 1 guysmashing another girl and thats IMPOSSIBLE
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

1. if you aren't "flamboyant" yourself, why would you care how the public see's you? gotta maintain that rep, huh?

2. the post is about working in VS, not "knocking down chicks" you want to "knock down". i would rather watch women playing with panties on the sales floor than myself playing with panties in the stockroom... by myself."

3. i agree, not every woman who walks in there is gonna be catalog material but they will have the basics that attract men to women. T+A and a cute face never hurts. in my opinion, it just makes the day go a little easier and from experience, jobs at the mall are usually bland. especially weekdays. when i worked at the mall, we would anticipate for a dope girl to walk by our store. if i would have worked at VS during those days, we wouldn't have had to wait.

1. It's obvious you and I see the world differently. I'm not one of these pseudo pro-homosexual, we're all human, I'm comfortable with sexuality so I can do this and that" individuals who exist in this fantasy Utopian society where there seems to be a very thin line between #%#$ and hetero sexuality. I still choose to recognize these things quite often. Race, gender, sexuality, etc. I take all of these factors into account and I have my theories on them. Call it being "macho" or "close-minded", "homophobic"...whatever you want. If maintaining this "rep" you keep referring to means being the man that the men around you bought you up to be...then yes...I am trying to hold up to that rep. I didn't grow up in this MTV generation where everyone's in love with everyone and sexuality doesn't matter. I have a very old-school view on these things...so let's agree to disagree here. Yes, I am very comfortable with my sexuality...that doesn't mean I'd put myself into a position that someone could falsely perceive me as a homosexual. Just like I wouldn't drive a Caprice, Crown Vic, Impala (or any other "police car")...wear braids/dreads...and wear my pants hanging off my +%!...because I wouldn't to be falsely perceived as being a "thug" or a "hoodlum". Even though there's nothing wrong with any of those factors individually and doing them doesn't make you what you're perceived to be by the masses. The thing you have to remember is, it's never what it is...it's what it looks like. You might not care what others think about you...but I do. Reputation and integrity are very important to me.

2. Obviously...judging from the OP's comments and almost everyone who posted in here...this whole topic alludes to being a male in a setting dominated by females and the prospect of pursuing them sexually...are you really going to try to tell me it doesnt? Watching women in a retail store play with panties?...What exactly does that do for me as a grown man? If I'm not turned on enough to approach them and try to bed them...what exactly do I gain from simply looking at women playing with lingerie? I don't get it.

3. Every women that walks in VS is cute and have nice T&A? Where do you live?

The fact that OP confirmed my original assumption of him being a teenager...I think I've got my point across. I understand his mindset and I'm glad he has a job...I'm just giving the perspective of someone older.
1. i agree, mtv is horrible and i am in my mid twenties btw. i guess i would rather live through my imagination than live by the stat-quo. whoknows if we get another shot at this after death? so i make it mine, you know? i try not to pass judgment based on appearances and attempt to get to knowpeople on real terms and not preconceived stereo-types. i see the world as a tiny place but that also depends on the experience that each individual hastraveled. but i see what where you're coming from.

2. i believe you are taking things out of context and the words i am choosing aren't translating well through the internet. when i say "playing withpanties" i mean "working the stockroom merchandise" and also "customers trying the lingerie on". i just imagine girls trying on themerchandise and having a good time with it. my first reply in this post is a reply to you saying that you would rather work in the back/stockroom if you wereto work there. and i made an argument why i would prefer to working the floor.

3. i never said that EVERY girl that walks into VS is cute. but the odds are in your favor(if you're into girls). miami, fl. and it's great. alltypes of flavors to choose from.

finally, at this point in time i wouldn't consider a job at the mall whatsoever. my point of view is from someone who has worked in the mall and wouldhave enjoyed working the floor at VS during teenage years.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.

One of the best stories I've read in awhile on NT.
Originally Posted by Anti Theft

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Working with 99 percent women is not as good as it seems...

Very true. I worked in a section that was all females at my hospital, ATTITUDES FOR YOUR #%%, MOOD SWINGS, THEM HATING EACH OTHER AND LOVING THE NEXT, THENDONT LET SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE PICKED UP OR CARRIED SOMEWHERE, you will be doing it all.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

1. if you aren't "flamboyant" yourself, why would you care how the public see's you? gotta maintain that rep, huh?

2. the post is about working in VS, not "knocking down chicks" you want to "knock down". i would rather watch women playing with panties on the sales floor than myself playing with panties in the stockroom... by myself."

3. i agree, not every woman who walks in there is gonna be catalog material but they will have the basics that attract men to women. T+A and a cute face never hurts. in my opinion, it just makes the day go a little easier and from experience, jobs at the mall are usually bland. especially weekdays. when i worked at the mall, we would anticipate for a dope girl to walk by our store. if i would have worked at VS during those days, we wouldn't have had to wait.

1. It's obvious you and I see the world differently. I'm not one of these pseudo pro-homosexual, we're all human, I'm comfortable with sexuality so I can do this and that" individuals who exist in this fantasy Utopian society where there seems to be a very thin line between #%#$ and hetero sexuality. I still choose to recognize these things quite often. Race, gender, sexuality, etc. I take all of these factors into account and I have my theories on them. Call it being "macho" or "close-minded", "homophobic"...whatever you want. If maintaining this "rep" you keep referring to means being the man that the men around you bought you up to be...then yes...I am trying to hold up to that rep. I didn't grow up in this MTV generation where everyone's in love with everyone and sexuality doesn't matter. I have a very old-school view on these things...so let's agree to disagree here. Yes, I am very comfortable with my sexuality...that doesn't mean I'd put myself into a position that someone could falsely perceive me as a homosexual. Just like I wouldn't drive a Caprice, Crown Vic, Impala (or any other "police car")...wear braids/dreads...and wear my pants hanging off my +%!...because I wouldn't to be falsely perceived as being a "thug" or a "hoodlum". Even though there's nothing wrong with any of those factors individually and doing them doesn't make you what you're perceived to be by the masses. The thing you have to remember is, it's never what it is...it's what it looks like. You might not care what others think about you...but I do. Reputation and integrity are very important to me.

2. Obviously...judging from the OP's comments and almost everyone who posted in here...this whole topic alludes to being a male in a setting dominated by females and the prospect of pursuing them sexually...are you really going to try to tell me it doesnt? Watching women in a retail store play with panties?...What exactly does that do for me as a grown man? If I'm not turned on enough to approach them and try to bed them...what exactly do I gain from simply looking at women playing with lingerie? I don't get it.

3. Every women that walks in VS is cute and have nice T&A? Where do you live?

The fact that OP confirmed my original assumption of him being a teenager...I think I've got my point across. I understand his mindset and I'm glad he has a job...I'm just giving the perspective of someone older.

Its great that youre a man and all and you have this vision of how all straight men should act and what they should be doing.
But being the grown man that you are, your biggest problem with getting a job at victorias secret should be the pay.

Im also a grown man, and when I think of all the reasons why I wouldnt work at victorias secret, none of them are what you said. My one and only focus when Iget a job is how much will I be paid and how far up the company ladder will I move. OP is obviously a teen, let him get his little dollars however he can.Theres a lot worse things he can be doing to get money other than "playing with panties".

Dont be so quick to rain on this young man's parde.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Working with 99 percent women is not as good as it seems...

Very true. I worked in a section that was all females at my hospital, ATTITUDES FOR YOUR #%%, MOOD SWINGS, THEM HATING EACH OTHER AND LOVING THE NEXT, THEN DONT LET SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE PICKED UP OR CARRIED SOMEWHERE, you will be doing it all.
same here my dude..worked at a nursing home..straight drama
i worked at victoria's secret when i was in college for holiday seasonal processing. I got that job because i worked with a girl at another job and shehooked me up.

that job was horrible for me cause the women there are mostly older like 35ish and look even older, and the ones who are close to your age are either pregnantor married with kids.

the hours is the real problem though you cant leave until the enitre sales floor is perfect, that takes all night to fix. on a good day i left a little aftermidnight. the only advice id give you

is dont think all the girls are gonna look like selita ubanks and heidi klum that work there or shop there its the complete opposite. congrats and good luck
congratulations if you do land the job there. you'll be one of the few lucky ones.

I'm actually an stock/sales associate at a Victoria's Secret in Los Angeles, CA.

only advice I can give to you for landing this job, is to really emphasize your loyalty to customer service.
Limited Brand prides themselves for their customer service, also there isn't commission.

if you want to ask me questions OP, just pm me and I'll gladly answer them for you.

EDIT: oh yeah there's only 3 dudes in my staff and they are all straight. so it's pretty much fair game once we hit the sales floor.

Went in...beasted it. The hiring manager loves me and asked me to come in on Thursday afternoon to speak to another manager. She showed me the back room andasked me about my experience with stocking +%!#. I told her about my experience when I worked at finish line

But yeah, Valentino, youll def get a PM
Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.
My dude; you will have the upper hand in knowing what to buy girls dealing with lingerie (sp?). I wish I knew what to buy my girl for those special nights.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

OP...check this out my dude. Not quite the same but similar...I worked at Nordstom as a shoe salesman in the women's section. I figure hey I'll get my Al Bundy on, no big deal plus commission is good. Anyway the pink snapper came in like an Alaskan fishing boat, I knew it would but the magnitude was amazing.

True talk this one beautiful chick came in with her friend during their lunch break. Her girl was buying shoes and I did the professional thing and gave her friend my card (we are taught to do that at Nordies). Next thign you know ole girl was like "how come I don't get a card...and I want your personal number on it". Anyway I obliged and did so....fast foward the next weekend she took me to eat at Maggianos (she INSISTED that she pay BTW), then told me to take her to the park. I drove to a secluded section and parked thinking we was going to talk...she went for the zipper...gave me wicked cerebrum...asked if I had a condom...got my jimmy hat out the glove compartment...strapped on....and the broad rode me like a Quarter Horse until I exploded like Mt Vesuvius.

This chick was beautiful, educated and had her own home. Gotta love those independent women, lol. Any OP I said all that to say, congrats on your new job. Feel free to post your story after it happens...cause it's bound too, and at the very least your new broads will appreciate your bra and pantie knowledge.
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