Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (Reboot Announced)

The Zords were done pretty poorly. Would've rather that they did it right with an increased budget for the sequel.
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Just came from watching it

More edgy in fact, while maintaining a goofy side to it

Not expecting this to win any awards because why would it

But it's a cool movie to throw on and watch...slow buildup that pays off in the end...a lot of loose ends that leaves a lot of options open for the sequels to come
The Zords were done pretty poorly. Would've rather that they did it right with an increased budget for the sequel.

Damn, if it seems like the budget was tight how can they afford to give all these free/BOGO tickets?
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Don't remember much about the cartoon to judge this harshly. Just gonna go in and see. 
The director and actors did a bang up job. They were just limited by the budget. Just don't think the studio put up enough money behind this.
Think about it? Why would they?

This could've easily gone left. Still might.

If it goes left, it's their fault. You only get what you put in.

If the cgi and action was even lower tier mcu standards.. :wow:

The first 3/4 of the movie was done so well, and then the last 1/4 was just not up to par to modern blockbuster standards in terms of aesthetics and effects. It's just unfortunate.

I thought Fox was cheap :x but Saban must not realize that this is 2017 lol

I've seen enough that I want to see a sequel. It's just my hopes that the lesson is learned so we can enjoy the sequel much better.
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You get what you put in...

100 mil budget in this day and age is not going to cut it for big robots fighting and all that.

Just a shame.

You up the budget to the standard 180-200 mil and the writing stays exactly the same and you get a movie I'd watch 4-5x this month
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that is a lot of big risk, the theater I was in was pretty damn empty, as in I could count how many people were in there empty and they were giving away tickets just a page back
There were a few small scenes i felt should've been added for an extra umph

the scene when trini first encounters rita at her house, they should've shown a scene of her bolting down the street from her house in fear, having the camera follow behind her to give it more intensity

Also when the blue ranger came back to life he almost jumped back up as if nothing happened, he should've sold it more by kinda tumbling/crawling down the stairs he was laying by

For as long as the runtime was, i feel like the dvd will be an extra 30 minutes full of cut scenes that seem like they need to be there
You get what you put in...

100 mil budget in this day and age is not going to cut it for big robots fighting and all that.

Just a shame.

You up the budget to the standard 180-200 mil and the writing stays exactly the same and you get a movie I'd watch 4-5x this month
Power Rangers aint been hot in a minute and there are no stars attatched besides Cranston. They had to play it safe
that is a lot of big risk, the theater I was in was pretty damn empty, as in I could count how many people were in there empty and they were giving away tickets just a page back

You have a point. Which is why I made the post a half a page back about saving the Zords for another movie.

If you're going to cheap out, then don't write big action set pieces into the script.

Just concentrate on great hand to hand fighting, giving them cool weapons and making the putties look better.
You get what you put in...

100 mil budget in this day and age is not going to cut it for big robots fighting and all that.

Just a shame.

You up the budget to the standard 180-200 mil and the writing stays exactly the same and you get a movie I'd watch 4-5x this month
Power Rangers aint been hot in a minute and there are no stars attatched besides Cranston. They had to play it safe

An intellectual property like GotG was never hot with no nostalgia factor except for a niche comic fan base but marvel went and gave that movie a 180 mil budget and look what happened. The movie was good both script and visual wise and the fans rewarded them.

If all that movie had to depend on was acting and comedy but the visuals was not on point then the fans might not have rewarded them as heavily.

I know I've said it like three times on this page already...but like I said, you get what you put in..
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If you eliminate the Zords then a lot of people would be very, very disappointed and once word of mouth comes out then BO will suffer even more.

Plus they're banking on making some money back on merchandise and as crappy as the Zord is, I am sure it made a lot of money back for them.
Solid 8 for me. CGi was ok but could been better. And +1 for wanting all the nostalgic tones talked about earlier but this is a different PR and it would've been forced.

There are a few slight nostalgic lines but overall very good. Head and shoulders above dragonball and better than Ghost in the Shell.
If you eliminate the Zords then a lot of people would be very, very disappointed and once word of mouth comes out then BO will suffer even more.

Plus they're banking on making some money back on merchandise and as crappy as the Zord is, I am sure it made a lot of money back for them.

Not sure if kids will buy the toys if they don't like the movie.

Let's see.

I just hope if we get a sequel that they're not so cheap the next time around.

Just the fact that the climax requires big robots fighting demands a very high budget to meet modern standards.
Most kids won't care about the story at all, they'll like the movie for the visuals and many of them can't tell a good cgi from bad, plus parents will buy the toys because they see a big robot on the big screen and it'll shut them up.
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Gonna try to catch it Saturday morning in Austin before I hit San Antonio in the afternoon.

Just excited to see the final product.

I'll chime back in later on. Was the movie really 2 hours and 4 minutes? I feel like the screening wasn't as long as that, significantly shorter.

Also, the Ranger stuff still left a lot to be desired. But like what was mentioned before, essentially its one big first episode. We'll get a lot more in the future...hopefully, depending on how the BO depicts it.
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