**MLB Feet - 2010 Baseball Cleats/Gloves/Etc.**

Originally Posted by AFranklin9

Can somebody please tell me why eastbay keeps on putting up different colors of the new Nike Elite Bg's and then takes them off after a week or so?

I asked on their facebook page and this is what they said "Hi Jake! The folks in-the-know say that we will be getting those in on 1/15. Sorry for the delay!"
hey guys Adam Jones is asking for twitter people to design his BG's/cleats just letting you know since it sorta applies to the thread or if you wanna give it a shot

Here are my newest cleats guys. the black, red and white nike diamond elites:




Originally Posted by eagles137

I have a pair, I'm not sure how to get pics on here with my apple. But I'll try my best. 

In the quick reply box at the bottom, check the little box that says 'preview" on the bottom middle part of where all those shortcut menus are after writing whatever words you want (it won't be posted, it just gets you to the place you need to be to post). After you've checked the preview box, click 'quick reply.' You'll be redirected to a new page that appears to be on the first page of this thread (but it will post at the end of the thread like you want it to, don't worry), then on the top of that text box there are a bunch of buttons. Find the one that looks like mountains (near the smily face and the link button). Upload them there (you may need to have previously uploaded the pictures to your yuku account, that's how I did it, but I'm not sure).
If you have the picture online, press control-alt-i and put in the link.
Originally Posted by lucero7

do those come with white laces?

Mine didn't, so I assume most, if not all, don't. But it would be easy and cheap enough to get your own laces and put them on yourself
Originally Posted by lucero7

need help deciding which cleats to get??

Get the diamond elites. I just got them (different color, but same overall cleat) and they are very good, not to mention possibly the coolest cleats out there.
Originally Posted by nikesourceseller
only cause these are griffeys i would get them..hopefully they have a white black c.w come out aand i really am hoping for turfs..but i think those are the air max jrs that are coming out?
Hey guys another new guy to the forum, long time follower but first time I've ever posted.
Does anyone know other than E-bay where I might be able to get Nike BG's in XXL??
i like both,mid cause its easier to cover them with your pants,but also low because theyre lighter,and im a speedster,but i have trouble putting my pants over the low cleats?
Originally Posted by bEdEw24

Hey guys another new guy to the forum, long time follower but first time I've ever posted.
Does anyone know other than E-bay where I might be able to get Nike BG's in XXL??

Eastbay, baseballexp.com, baseballsavings.com, nike.com etc...
Originally Posted by lucero7

i like both,mid cause its easier to cover them with your pants,but also low because theyre lighter,and im a speedster,but i have trouble putting my pants over the low cleats?

try getting Victory pants with the "clemson cut", it has like an inner sock to keep your pants over your cleats, it looks 
 over low top cleats
Originally Posted by nikesourceseller

Originally Posted by bEdEw24

Hey guys another new guy to the forum, long time follower but first time I've ever posted.
Does anyone know other than E-bay where I might be able to get Nike BG's in XXL??

Eastbay, baseballexp.com, baseballsavings.com, nike.com etc...
Eastbay, Baseball Express and Baseball Savings don't offer Nike Batting Gloves in XXL and Nike.com used to have them then they discontinued them. Now they have one pair up there but they're Black and Orange. Just wondering if anyone new of any other sites that I might not know of, somewhere where I can get some NIKE's in XXL??
Originally Posted by bEdEw24

Originally Posted by nikesourceseller

Originally Posted by bEdEw24

Hey guys another new guy to the forum, long time follower but first time I've ever posted.
Does anyone know other than E-bay where I might be able to get Nike BG's in XXL??

Eastbay, baseballexp.com, baseballsavings.com, nike.com etc...
Eastbay, Baseball Express and Baseball Savings don't offer Nike Batting Gloves in XXL and Nike.com used to have them then they discontinued them. Now they have one pair up there but they're Black and Orange. Just wondering if anyone new of any other sites that I might not know of, somewhere where I can get some NIKE's in XXL??
Check amazon. I saw a few on there, but I'm not sure which exact one you want. Which one are you looking for? That might help people because Nike makes some bg's that are pretty ugly or poor quality.
Does anyone know where i can get custom wristbands with my name and number or just my number??
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